Просмотр полной версии : About a healthy delivery during pregnancy

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22.05.2005, 14:03
Who knows: what is necessary not necessary) to eat, if you expect addition family? Clearly, what it is necessary to eat correctly, but how?

29.05.2005, 05:00
And the organism itself does not prompt? Or it so, preliminary inquiries?

Personally I have stayed for all pregnancy on oranges which ate with a peel and if is more exact - for the sake of a peel I than them and ate, yoghurts, sunflower seeds and occasionally washed down all this have put tomato juice. And it was practically all. Anything else in me to jostle it would be simply impossible. What there "eutrophy".

01.06.2005, 22:57
By the way, the increase to the extremity or end of term has made no more than 10 kg and the child was born absolutely healthy and absolutely ignorant, that such children's diathesises.

04.06.2005, 19:21
When future mother is hungry, at greater or big breaks in reception of nutrition, the child starts to move, be pushed, and consequently is born more healthy, than at those women, which fur-trees on hours, strictly keeping all references of doctors.

Therefore very much go in cycles, eat as well as ate earlier, and with cottage cheese be not overzealous, and that at my friend the child with zarosshim a fontanel because was born, that she ate cottage cheese every day. Well that the child was small, and that she would not be delivered.

11.06.2005, 14:43
Yes, and more, I wrote about it or this earlier: eat a pumpkin and bran, and move more.

17.06.2005, 21:59
Thanks you huge! All advice or councils-shall consider. The organism almost prompts nothing, I eat as before, i.e. is not regular, but... There was a brutal appetite earlier, and now is it would be desirable, only, when longly did not eat. In general, I force to eat myself. But it would be desirable as well as ranshe-kolorijnogo and harmful. And here still these horrors with meat frighten. I try to buy only didymous meat in the market and the chicken, but in fact... Not naezdishsja.

How you think, opinions what coffee is impossible also red frukty-correct?

18.06.2005, 01:05
Hm... To force to eat, when it would not be desirable... What for?

P.S. Coffee, probably, it is not necessary is better.

22.06.2005, 01:36

Problems should not be. Avoid a fast gain of weight and constipations. In the first case to limit carbohydrates, in-second - add a fat.

As to red fruit if you do not have problems with an allergy, chew on health. Coffee to limit in last trimester of pregnancy.

23.06.2005, 05:28
And to me the doctor of coffee has forbidden instantly, unique exception - it is possible to drink a calyx or calicle and it is obligatory with milk only in the event that the head (a coffeine and so on) hurts. And more me have deprived with oranges, my liked, sladenkih and vkusnenkih, and it is a pity... And in the rest of any restrictions, well except for, certainly, fat, acute, :-), I have already reconciled, and resignedly wait when to happen hour X, and here then shall come off on full :-).

26.06.2005, 08:23
Thanks all huge! For keenness and attention!

To kRUmM: Thanks for professional advice or councils. You, as always - in jablochko. I seem to me already... Well has increased in volumes and... Good in a stomach or belly so is not present, in female places, and in general it seems to me, that I was inflated as a globule. Really even on so early terms... The Truth my size and under a suit it is not visible almost, but... If so will go further... It is terrible to think, what I shall be. And I cannot all time there is a salad and apples, etc. to Me it would be desirable a pizza, a pie, cheese, meat, solenostej and acute, nuts, at last. Well though cry. Can to me of that does not suffice?

To horror story: Well I still can understand coffee, acute, fat-too, but how without salty? And?

All: And I today on job have left. A nightmare! That since morning some trains should be passed or missed, that - in the evening. Though cry! In the second case, having passed or missed the second train, I have exposed a portfolio forward and have got into the car. Horror! And here still kompter, the copier, trips and... At job to speak it is impossible at least month three. I about what suddenly the truth and they (the personal computer and the copier) terribly spoil health to the kid? Who as left from this? podelitetes experience, please.

29.06.2005, 08:39
Dreaming, I did not get into all clothes already in the extremity or end of the second month So, can, already and was approximated

Still addition in occasion of a delivery. There comes the moment when the child holds apart all inside, the stomach decreases in volume and your portions, accordingly, too. And nutrition it is necessary more and more and more - both for you, and for the child. It also is the reason of that doctors recommend to eat on hours, often and pomalu, even if there is no famine to not finish itself to a giddiness and syncopes.

The calcium is it is necessary. Unimportantly, in cottage cheese or not. The calcium is necessary not to the child, and you. The child all the same will take the norm or rate, if it is necessary - from your bones, and you need to fill these losses.

And the liquid is, a lot of-many, litre two in day, not less.

01.07.2005, 10:44
And I ate both acute and salty - a little, I did not have edemas. The main thing if there is a predilection to edemas, that is acute and salty is not necessary.

Movements of the child in puzike - are unsafe. I have been compelled or forced to stay at lectures, the child fought from closeness, shortage of oxygen, as rabietic (my girl). I have spat upon the discipline and went to walk on streets. The child reacted very well to movements and oxygen. If is vozozhnost walk more, do or make gymnastics.

All these beats - a bad thing - she was born entangled by own cord or navel, strangled, it is very bad. At it or her predilection to anginas, bronchites. The main thing - with such child, in a shirt, with an encirclement of a cord or navel it is necessary to run at once to the immunologist (not to the pediatrist). At such babies, as a rule, the lowered immunity. Therefore inoculations are not shown, it is necessary to correct or adjust it or him, and in general all life should be constructed in another way. Not in sadik - and to the grandmother or the nurse. Inoculations in fact are not present. But I shall calm you. All this within the limits of norm or rate, all this not so is terrible as if to not know, that immunity is lowered. The medicine has now stepped far forward, and many troubles can be avoided. The main thing - to know about them the truth.

Mine Ira now - the maiden-beauty, her of 16 years, well an angina, well ORVI once a year at whom does not happen. It is clever, cheerful, capable to .178 body height. ___

04.07.2005, 05:55
Thanks all huge!

And at me again changes - I from job have left. On this Monday. And then-was ill. Now here oklemalas also has finally understood, how I on you on all missed (at us also about not VOLUME of a problem were).

Yes, in clothes already I get not into all. But... Still it would be desirable only salty, acidic and flour. However, not very much all this has put it is possible ses. I here have strongly poisoned with something... So-that was on a special diet.

But... Tell, what you think in occasion of danger of the personal computer, the TV to health of the future child?

And more. You somewhere flied in such status? And that is necessary to me flight, and I am afraid.

06.07.2005, 10:02
*amp; gt; I would like a pizza, a pie, cheese, meat, solenostej and acute, nuts, at last.

Eat everything, that you would like, but small portions. On myself I remember, that the hyperalimentation caused sharp (though also insignificant) augmentation and without that big stomach or belly. As a result after meal at me from above a stomach or belly the skin hurted or was ill;was sick. And in this place after sorts or labors I have seen the extension of a skin. I.e. if did not overeat, extensions would not be at all. But who would know... Therefore to you also I advise.

09.07.2005, 10:26
There is a good way, if there is no allergy longly-is longly to chew, and then to spit out.

Do not worry about the TV and the personal computer.

And the plane if there is no threat of problems special does not deliver.

10.07.2005, 14:41
Naroood so it is interesting - about augmentation in " female places " - speak it basically at at whom the girl. It is the next prejudice or it.. To guzzle it is not necessary rubbish everyone?:-)

12.07.2005, 08:32
And still speak if the heartburn the child shaggy to be born excruciates?, it I in occasion of prejudices, and can it the TERRIBLE TRUTH how you think?

[It is corrected: Gizara (23-04-2001).]

13.07.2005, 07:52
Oh, mummies! Oh, papochki! Thanks, that you is!!!

To Red:

About " female places " I can tell sleujushchee. Personally at me now, on 4-th month all has changed just what isn't needed. I had such toxicosis.... In general, the problem was not that is and as well as what to eat that it has survived. Has grown thin so that it is direct half has remained. Plus only two was: became almost vegetariankoj and... shtanishki narrow friends izzavidovalis since the only thing that has increased on this background so it is a breast sit so, that all. It would be ridiculous, if there would be no so sadly therefore as job should be thrown, instead of that. Now again in second half of day I eat all vpodrjad, green color from the face and sunken cheeks was already cleaned or removed. And still, pregnant women should add (if to believe translation books), 1-2 kg monthly, instead of sharply to grow thin, as I. It-is bad or it-badly. But... I never thought, that it is possible to grow thin, for example, in legs or foots while mum to me has not told, that she grew thin all time and after sorts or labors, too. But... In the beginning of pregnancy the female organism automatically accumulates Adepses, pregnancy-in fact stress for an organism. And where the woman recovers first of all? Correctly, in femurs, a waist, a stomach or belly, etc. It is normal.

As if to a floor of the kid I here remarkable read clause or article in..., if I am not mistaken May number or room of " Happy parents ", and so, there it is told or said, that researches have shown, that correct attributes consider only that at those who waits for the boy a toxicosis more strongly and that the women expecting of girls badly look or appear (the nevuses pigmentosus, the swelled up face, uvelichenye cheekbones or a nose) since girls take away female hormones which are not necessary to boys. Do or make conclusions.


Tanja With.
15.07.2005, 08:05
Dreaming, that it is necessary to do _ _ so it to have a drink vitamins for future mums. My friend worn the girl, their saw under the indicating of the doctor, and had an attractive face blossoming, a gait shustruju and in general felt excellently (we lived in a family hostel and I saw it or her daily till some hours, for the words I respond).

About oranges.. My mum all pregnancy treskala them in huge quantities or amounts also revelled in me orange juice - was such import, in tins, remember? Unique result - I ADORE oranges, neither diathesises, nor the allergy at me is not present on what, fie-fie.

Read recently in references of the doctor that it is not necessary to refuse and meat.

Health to you with the child and the easy or light;mild sanction!

Olga V.M.
16.07.2005, 14:49
Thanks, Anka, to you huge!!!

To me here too today the doctor has told or said, that it is necessary to force itself meat is (me something not so it or him it would be desirable or, sometimes, it would not be desirable absolutely), but... It is necessary, means it is necessary. And citrus (personally to me, anyway) in general help or assist to struggle with a toxicosis.

16.07.2005, 15:15
Anke and all:

Yes, I here too drink Polyvitaminums "Materna". More correctly, I try, but earlier at me the organism practically did not accept them (but I all the same sin on a strong toxicosis, instead of on them), now too accepts not always, as a result I drink them irregularly, not every day, and then, estesstvenno, myself I abuse. Here and... But today like the doctor has told or said, that no trouble, the main thing, them all the same to drink.

But can be, I not one such? Can at someone too were (or there are) problems with reception of vitamins?

By the way, Anyutas, and this your blossoming girlfriend of the boy has given birth or the girl? It I about the theory about female hormones, a cat. The girl "takes away" ostensibly (I about it or this wrote above).

16.07.2005, 17:31
Girls, help or assist! Beremena two weeks and last week (these two days) such zhor has attacked.... The Most insulting, that I before have grown thin with such work - have thrown off the whole of 7 kg! And here such...

And I precisely know, that in a week the pregnant woman should type or collect 300-400 gr. And for all pregnancy from 8 up to 10 kg. But I for two days have typed or collected the whole of 2 kg!!!!! Rescue or save me! I did not eat flour and sweet, fat and is complex or is difficult;difficultly-carbohydrate.... And I get fat... I do not wish to be the cow!

Tomorrow at me a day of limited intake of food - 0,5 cottage cheeses and 1-1,5 yogurts. Once a week like it would be possible so to eat.... Subtracted or deducted on a site whether mama.ru, roofing felts still where.

At me questions: how to eat to daily pregnant woman?! That and correctly and not so kallorijno? Subtracted or Deducted delivery KLF: in the morning two eggs, pomidorki, coffee; during the lunchtime meat or a fish, salad, fruit; a supper as a breakfast. I so ate three days and it was pleasant to me! It is possible for me so to eat yet products will not bother?

It is possible to do or make exercises on press and breeches/legs or foots without weighting? In fact it should help or assist only...... And it is then obvious not on late terms..... It is possible?

P.S. I beg to not close a branch!!! Very much it is necessary to learn or find out all.... Thanks.


17.07.2005, 05:05
Today it was weighed - two kg. As did not happen. Whether the metabolism varies, whether that...

But all the same some questions remain opened or open. If it is possible - write the menu of the pregnant woman.

17.07.2005, 12:09
Olesechka, greetings!

I congratulate on pregnancy!


But I for two days have typed or collected the whole of 2 kg!!!!!


Sometimes happens in the beginning of pregnancy, and it at all does not mean, as further you will type or collect in such rate. Most likely, the psychological equipment or installation has worked. But you will type or collect excess weight or not - in many respects depends on you.

The delivery, certainly, should be corrected or adjusted, and not only on priichine sohranija a good figure. An Eutrophy is one of composed health of your kid.

Esteem it: http: // www.sunduk.ru/emos/lectures/food01.htm http: // www.raduga-birth.spb.ru/php/menu41_stat3.html http: // birth.ft.inc.ru/http: // lib.ru/KIDS/childrens.txt


It is possible to do or make exercises on press and breeches/legs or foots without weighting?


In the first and third trimester it is not necessary, anyway it is independent. There is a special gymnastics for pregnant women. The complex includes exercises on all groups of muscles, including, on press and breeches, but in view of specificity of your position. For this purpose you need to find good courses on preparation for sorts or labors. To be engaged it is possible and it is necessary from first months of pregnancy. By the way, there will recommend also an eutrophy, in view of your individual situation.

Success and the healthy kid!

17.07.2005, 14:38
Most glavnoe-watch or keep up a drinking regimen, these two kg can be water. And an edema at pregnancy - a thing very unpleasant. At me the edema began from the eaten melon, grapes. A water-melon... Up to 10 kg of water walked. A bucket the whole! And externally did not swell almost. The pregnant woman last months was in August when all vkusnosti bahchevye mozho to absorb. Categorically the doctor has forbidden!