Просмотр полной версии : ALISA

20.07.2005, 11:29
Good afternoon! At stimulljatsii klostilbegitom ovulations were not, maks folikul only 10 mm. Though endometry on 17 d.ts. 11. B.T. And derzhitsja from 36,4 up to 36,6. Whether tell or say if to not accept in sledujushchei a cycle klostilbegit the ovulation since she in-principle at me independently came, before is possible or probable. Or ovaries are exhausted, and it is necessary to increase a dose up to 2 tab. In day what there would be a result, whether they can work independently?

20.07.2005, 17:12
Certainly vozhmozhna. And time itself came, reception of preparations only has brought down it or her. All is natural. What for them was to accept?