Просмотр полной версии : Alergija na alkogol

04.12.2004, 05:05
Ranshe nicego ne bilo, sejcas ot bokala vina, negovoria uze o krepkih napitkah, na utro i tak derzitsia 2 dnia, alergija, opuhajet lico, glaza i gubi, ceshutsia konecnosti, ocen silno, pju tavegil, mozet cto s pockami ili eto prosto reakcija na alkogol takaj iz za cego tolko ranshe ne bilo takogo? vrac skazal ne pit alkogol no ni na kakije analici neotpravil

14.12.2004, 23:54
At me the allergy on alcohol too was showed. And earlier I anything similar did not suffer. The truth is shown not so strongly. But the face any becomes covered by maculae and pimples, and then to be shelled begins. The horror is shorter All that accepts my organism is a vodka. Even some beer I can not have a drink. And the strongest reaction to wine.

24.12.2004, 04:57
The strange doctor. Go to the allergist is better, they do or make tests-analyses, something there define or determine... If something swells up is any more jokes...

And at me from alcohol the neck and a decollete become covered by red maculae, but it not an eruption, and such here a non-uniform erubescence...

The visitor
19.01.2005, 23:11
i cto vi prinimajete, s pockami vsio horosho? ili vi prosto perestali upotrebliat napitki?

13.02.2005, 02:45
i cto vi prinimajete, s pockami vsio horosho? ili vi prosto perestali upotrebliat napitki?

I have ceased to dress on parties obezhdu with deep vyrezami

At me reddening keeps nearby poluchasa. It more likely reaction of capillaries.

The coordinator
19.03.2005, 17:48
Lovely ladies!

Two reasons of allergic reaction to alcohol are possible or probable:

1. The liver should be cleaned

2. Poor-quality alcohol.

I share own opening:

Also there was an allergic reaction to alcohol, and most of all on wine and cognac, it is less on beer and vodka. Absolutely casually in the company the girlfriend-distributor Sanrajder has suggested to taste wine under action VajtaTejsta, is such grass which temporarily blocks in tongue receptors perceiving everyones podslastiteli, amplifiers of taste, etc. Also the person feels only that enters into a product natural. I had a shock: prakticheskivse beer which let out or release in Russia both Tinkoff, and Pit, both Neva, and the Hilt, Miller, etc. from natural incorporate only soda water, and all rest-it any chemistry which reproduces taste of beer. Thus have tried or tasted German poulajner-so in itself both the mash is also bread smells. Wine-is simple or wine-easier;wine-simply horror: in a basis usual dry wine, and all rest-it shifts of the technologist on mixing podslastitelej, uluchshitelej, etc.

So here-it I to that the allergy, anyway at me, has appeared not on alcohol, and on all this chemistry.

For this reason, on vodka of reaction is not present, because in it or her of less dung add. Though vodka too different happens.

But there are also good wines, the-truth they dear or expensive collection, on them I think, at anybody reactions will not be. At me so is not present.

Vobshchem, I now, under VajtaTesjstom try or taste the first wine-glass of any alcohol, and then I define or determine it is possible to drink it or not.

About travku this read under the link:

http: // www. -/index.php? page=prod*amp; id=30*view

Protect a liver and other organs.

The visitor
03.04.2005, 13:58
Spasibo bolshoje za sovet a kak mozno ocistit pecen cem? da mne toze skazali cto eto ot vsiakoj himiji, cto nekacestvennije spirtnije napitki, kakoj tam spirt navernoje dobavili, cto daze zrenije uhudshilos

The coordinator
20.07.2005, 11:53
Personally I cleaned Kalli tea, Forchenom and Evegrinom from Sunrider. It was pleasant to me. There all toxins are deduced or removed.

Look in an Internet, and here links delete that. There is a resource is called " WEB the Center Independent distiribjutorov Sunrider ". There it is a lot of what to esteem is and at the doctor free of charge to consult.