Просмотр полной версии : Vitamins

17.05.2005, 20:32
Zdrasti! At me a question in occasion of compatibility vitamin.

I drank usual vitamins duovit + vitaminki for eyes + aevit, and here to this list I have decided to add also Merts...

Question: whether it is necessary for me to stop to drink vitamins Duovit?

24.05.2005, 12:56
And what vitaminki for eyes you drink???

27.05.2005, 13:55
And what vitaminki for eyes you drink???

Well et not absolutely vitamins " the Bilberry forte "

03.06.2005, 00:38
On how much I know, in duovite the daily dose of vitamins and minerals does not contain, therefore together with it or him it is possible to drink safely and other vitamins simply to drink merts in small amounts

Though, Foksik, recently here prochla, that more the organism of vitamins will not acquire daily norm or rate, and long reception can fatally affect or fatally have an effect an organism

Be not overzealous!

ZY I have more vitamins the alphabet it is pleasant are better acquired efficiency above

Diana Valerevna
06.06.2005, 19:29
Some groups of vitamins are antagonists, and their use in common in what will not result or bring (they vitamins of group In will neutralize each other, not vsasyvaajutsja), a calcium and iron, etc.

20.07.2005, 09:19
Where that have written, that vitamins A and E vmete to accept it is not necessary, as if they what harm together bring that. Nevertheless this complex almost everywhere, even Aevitum, and to that and that to believe... I do not know...