Просмотр полной версии : OK

The visitor
17.10.2004, 12:19
Girls who nibud selected to itself contraceptive? Whether was then consequences and what you accept?

20.10.2004, 18:14
It is necessary with vrachyom to consult....

Condoms then use!

Though such as farmoteks I think it is possible, or suppositories....

02.11.2004, 21:00
The doctor to not manage

Diana Valerevna
06.11.2004, 20:32
Be simple at you contraindications to separate OK so it is better to the doctor can

The visitor
29.11.2004, 15:46
Contraceptive give without the prescription?

04.12.2004, 13:57

Diana Valerevna
18.12.2004, 03:52
Contraceptive give without the prescription?

Certainly give! Same not narcotics.

20.12.2004, 20:11
What difference if the majority of doctors, all the same do not do or make the analysis on hormones - simply from a head write out the recollected names.

30.01.2005, 04:00
What difference if the majority of doctors, all the same do not do or make the analysis on hormones - simply from a head write out the recollected names.

See a subject " who used All.... "

06.03.2005, 16:18
What difference if the majority of doctors, all the same do not do or make the analysis on hormones - simply from a head write out the recollected names.

See a subject " who used All.... "

11 pages has seen or overlooked - has not found.. She it is far there? And about what there?

19.07.2005, 04:04
See a subject " who used All.... "

11 pages has seen or overlooked - has not found.. She it is far there? And about what there? [/quote]

Saaaaamoe last report. In occasion of analyses and their expediency.