Просмотр полной версии : How the angina influences job of heart?

27.01.2005, 13:25
Here I have started the throat, and my mum in a shock, the pier it can give complication on heart, whether the truth it and what in general a consequence?

11.02.2005, 14:07
However, especially if sick tonsils.

12.02.2005, 16:20
The infection extends from a throat in other tissues - for example in sedechnuju a muscle.

13.02.2005, 06:33
Can cause or call a myocarditis

Diana Valerevna
15.02.2005, 06:50
Frequent anginas can lead to diseases of other systems: (diseases of heart, joints and nervous system), disease of a skin, kidneys.

Not the fact, that the person ill an angina will be ill also with given or data zabolevarijami

26.02.2005, 22:28
At me even at cold uchishchennoe palpitation! The Pain in temples gives = (

27.03.2005, 00:09
The angina can really give complication on heart if it or her to not treat antibiotics but if it really angina instead of is simple an exacerbation of an adenoid disease. The explanation this or thus such - an angina is caused or causes by streptococcuses which in norm or rate are present at a nasopharynx of the healthy person, and at illness or disease their quantity or amount sharply increases, the organism reacts to it the answer immunoj systems. All problem that streptococcuses have so-called "receptors" - albuminous substatsii, which very similar to those in tissues of heart and kidneys, therefore immune cells, "devouring" streptococcuses simultaneously damage or injure also the above-named tissues, so-called auto- reaction. Here therefore anginas should be treated antibiotics, preliminary having checked up your flora on sensitivity to them. I hope, I have explained intelligibly, not overloading terms.

18.07.2005, 18:17
The rights mum, the rights.

At frequent anginas at many hums in heart begin at least.

Therefore and strajutsja such patient to remove tonsils more soon!