Просмотр полной версии : Threat of an abortion. A tonus of a uterus

20.05.2005, 11:54
Dear ladies!

Who faced this problem? My sister have put in bolnichku, koljat medicines. I heard, that there are NATIONAL agents for conservation of pregnancy. Help or assist, very much I ask.

21.05.2005, 00:31
Well, I laid on conservation. Too there was a raised or an increased tonus.

Vitamin E. Rest, especially sincere.

To exclude everything, that aggravates.

Coffeine, acute, spirits, sigaretnyj a smoke.

And vitamin E are nuts, almonds, a peanut and an olive oil.

It is healthy?
16.06.2005, 08:49
I greater or big storonitsa national, natural methods of prophylaxis and treatment but if it is has reached or is cunning hospitalization it is better to listen to doctors, than to our advice or councils

28.06.2005, 22:34
Me fed with large doses Magnesia, except for another. Magnesias very much strengthens muscles. And for heart it is good. Besides at me early then shejka uteruses has opened, too here magnesias, and more after sorts or labors has helped or assisted. At me cramps were in legs or foots terrible, has started to accept, has passed or has taken place.

Health to your sister! At me yesterday the cousin was born

09.07.2005, 07:35
I two pregnancies bore or took out with the diagnosis " the Raised or Increased tonus. Threat of an abortion. " For the first time laid down on conservation, then did not become. All treatment consists in malopodvizhnosti and nyxes of a papaverine in the priest. IMHO doctors quite often put such diagnosis unfairly, for secure (in my case so was).. ksta, I detok transferred or carried both... And in fact all pregnancy with " threat of an abortion "

11.07.2005, 17:25
Find the good homeopathist, correctly picked up homeopathy works wonders.

Nata K
16.07.2005, 03:00
At the raised or increased tonus drank Nospanum and Turinalum. Well and to lay it is more, to not pull an arm or a hand upwards, to try to not strain basically.

16.07.2005, 22:49
I too transferred or carried

The matter is that to me have forbidden to accept magnesias one month prior to sorts or labors, and I have not obeyed, and accepted for 2 weeks more because there was a May, and I passion would not like to give birth or travail in May to the child supposedly " May all life to toil ". Well and here, and as a result passed to a week almost.

17.07.2005, 04:22
Prompt, and how on angliiski will be magnesias???

I know that magnesiums will be magnesium.

17.07.2005, 04:44
At a tonus of a uterus to me registered Magne-B6 on 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. It also is "magnesia" .pomogaet.

17.07.2005, 05:27
And term at it or her what?

On early terms usually Progesteronum in different forms give (nyxes or tablets), later tokolitiki (ginipral, for example). It is solved by the doctor. When a situation acute, by any national agents you will not be rescueed or saved, and when will write out - physical rest and mint tea. Hot baths to not accept, in sauna to not go, on stupenkam to not jump...

The rest - in the competence of doctors! (IMHO)

And here still - up to constipations business to not lead up, but also "relaxation" strong to not arrange - both that, and another is bad on a uterus influences.

In general common truths...