Просмотр полной версии : Disinfection of genitals.

Adult malyshka!
04.01.2005, 21:43
I go on pool and on shaping. I use public dushom.

Though I go to good club, but all the same I am afraid to pick up any infection.

Whether enough intimal soap for disinfection. To me have told or said, that else occasionally it is necessary to be washed away by a camomile, she vycheshchaet all is good.

Can eat any suppositories simply for disinfection.

Well I am afraid of funguses of everyones...

12.02.2005, 09:48
Any antibacterial pieces, it is simple so for prophylaxis, it is completely not useful, t.k kill all without discrimination: and necessary, and not necessary. Syringing frequent too washes away necessary flora. Simply do or make a smear of times in 3-6 months.

The woman-doctor
22.02.2005, 18:48
Those funguses which can be picked up in pools, it at all what you are afraid. In pool and a bath it is possible to pick up a fungus of legs or foots

And the thrush (yeast mushrooms of sort Kandida) - is not picked up. It occurs or happens at disturbance of flora in a vagina which you will earn more likely if will be in occasion of and without an occasion sprintsivatsja and to wash away all gels.

Adult malyshka!
17.07.2005, 02:56
Thanks, I shall know