Просмотр полной версии : Simply prompt please

15.07.2005, 09:34
Good morning! Please, prompt, if the sexual certificate or act without preservation was 2 days prior to an ovulation, conception and when all taki is better up to an ovulation or in day is how much probable when BT rises with 36,5 up to 37 - then and "to catch" the moment?
THANKS that answer my importunate questions.

16.07.2005, 10:24
The semen lives in your organism about 3 days.
2-3 days before and after a menses and days of a menses are rather safe for offensive or approach of pregnancy. The greatest probability of offensive or approach of pregnancy 12-16 days prior to a menses (at 28-30 day time cycle). However, the ovulation can be displaced and pregnancy can come or step in other terms.
So the middle of a cycle optimum time.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.