Просмотр полной версии : Our free-of-charge medicine

17.02.2005, 00:08
Oh, girls, I have got here before new year in hospital with podozrenie on an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis.....

Three days has lain there with trimja : on extrauterine, a small duration of gestation and dysfunction of ovaries....... Week noshpoj or on one tablet in day, and then have found nothing.... All in norm or rate.... In an extract an inflammation have left, though not lichili......

And so bandage are not present... Sal ammoniac too..... Cleanings, punctures... Do or make practically without a narcosis.... devchenki to that did or made all felt as on alive....

Where it we slide...

Though would warn... To them of money would pay in addition (not all certainly)......

20.02.2005, 11:53

Has noted item or point 3.

God forbid in hospital in general to get!

21.02.2005, 05:29
I have got somehow.... So me without a narcosis have scraped out..., and have then told or said, that was possible for money narcosis good to make... Since then I go to the good gynecologist and crying of money....

22.02.2005, 13:55
Pancake, here I can not recollect any good response our free-of-charge medicine for some reason... All relatives or friends tell only similar horrors. Any case of really gratitude to doctors is not present... But in fact there are simply wonderful cases when our doctors rescue or save;salvage lives to almost remediless people, but it probably more likely exception, than a rule.

And more... Today showed on a telebox a local report proishestvy. The granny was brought down with the machine or car. And after its or her wine. The driver has not disappeared, how it often happens, unfortunately, and has caused or called fast and cops. poslednii have arrived very quickly, and here "fast" only in an hour... The Most terrible, that the granny all this time has been compelled or forced to lay on an ice because not knowing damages it or she could not be moved. The doctor first should define or determine damages and appoint or nominate a respective way of transportation hospital. Babulja could give without ceremony the extremities or ends not from consequences of road accident, and from a frigorism. Or now in hospital any complications of type of an inflammation of lungs or etc. TTT will go.

Here also think after such how to name this "fast" help. I certainly understand, that at them there the problems but so too it is impossible...

03.03.2005, 01:56
I have got in hospital not och bad and besides there a lot of familiar works. So with me there were worn! However, for all good from people there take money, and to get there to be treated difficultly, a current if on fast you will get or on acquaintance!

03.03.2005, 06:39
Probably, we have that medicine which we deserve. Our medicine long years was financed by a residual principle since in sovkovye times the most part of the budget were eaten with a military-industrial complex. Hardly the situation in departmental medical institutions was better. Now the situation breath-taking, money for development is allocated mizer, compare 15 % of the budget on social sphere in t.ch both medicine and 40 % to power or force departments and questions will disappear all by itself. And to appeal to conscience, feeling of a duty or debt and moral responsibility of doctors practically senselessly. They alive people and they wish to live, instead of it is simply elementary to survive, and necessary to survive and many is simple ustali... Besperspektivnjak...

14.03.2005, 14:14
Item 3. C with Geremy.

But also paid medicine paid - rozn. Sometimes for money only do or make is worse, that at them further the person was treated that doctors have done

23.03.2005, 15:06
As that has gone to the "free-of-charge" gynecologist so she has looked or seen and has directed on URGENT operation on excision of a cyst, has told or said that home is impossible - she here here will burst.

Well that I have not listened to it or her, and

Has gone to paid, there was for a cyst she has accepted a loop of an intestine.

To the child too hardly a leg or foot did not cut, and it has appeared it was necessary to put or apply ointment Vishnevskogo only.

Here also go after that to an out-patient department....

The medicine cannot be free-of-charge, all the same it is necessary to give on a paw that normally to you have concerned. But in "free-of-charge" hospitals and conditions, you see, terrible, and the equipment not that.

05.04.2005, 09:07
I go free of charge and porekomndatsii. If who good and zanisyvajus on reception to it or him;them is necessary to me to any expert I learn or I find out. The blessing at us can be chosen doctors. But I the truth not in Russia live.

06.04.2005, 15:03
Probably, we have that medicine which we deserve. Our medicine long years was financed by a residual principle since in sovkovye times the most part of the budget were eaten with a military-industrial complex. Hardly the situation in departmental medical institutions was better. Now the situation breath-taking, money for development is allocated mizer, compare 15 % of the budget on social sphere in t.ch both medicine and 40 % to power or force departments and questions will disappear all by itself. And to appeal to conscience, feeling of a duty or debt and moral responsibility of doctors practically senselessly. They alive people and they wish to live, instead of it is simply elementary to survive, and necessary to survive and many is simple ustali... Besperspektivnjak...

This that all clearly budget not rubber, but purely or cleanly on chelovecheski it is possible to tell or say, for example, norkoz at us it is put weak... Want normally pay extra.... I wish to tell or say to warn the patient about an opportunity for dop to a payment or plateau to facilitate its or his sufferings....? Really it so is complex or difficult?

1 JUlka
20.04.2005, 06:13
Probably, we have that medicine which we deserve. Our medicine long years was financed by a residual principle since in sovkovye times the most part of the budget were eaten with a military-industrial complex. Hardly the situation in departmental medical institutions was better. Now the situation breath-taking, money for development is allocated mizer, compare 15 % of the budget on social sphere in t.ch both medicine and 40 % to power or force departments and questions will disappear all by itself. And to appeal to conscience, feeling of a duty or debt and moral responsibility of doctors practically senselessly. They alive people and they wish to live, instead of it is simply elementary to survive, and necessary to survive and many is simple ustali... Besperspektivnjak...

Aha! And that who cannot pay, cut will cut, and here to sew up - money have ended. I when hear conversations on poor doctors, To WHICH CONSCIENCE TO APPEAL SENSELESSLY (!!!), I wish to ask: if so it is heavy to them to work, there is nothing to drink, that they sit at this vile job and will cripple people? And will cripple practically meaningly? In otmestku, what?

If there is no money, it is necessary to change job, probably...

And here by way of assignment... Unfortunately, I a little in a course AS the finance allocated for something - up to 50 % of recoil to the heads are distributed or allocated! Therefore, can eat sense little bit less to steal to medical grades, and to study in ordinary physicians even the intestine from a cyst to distinguish, if for 6 years of training in institute it has not turned out? Or to conscience of the engineer, receiving 3 thousand rbl. at presence of not less complex or difficult higher education to appeal there is a sense, and here to conscience of the teacher of Russian, speaking it is necessary, and the doctor, unable an arm or a hand from a leg or foot to distinguish, it is senseless by virtue of that that the last a priori ORPHANS (imizhd and them such)?

P.S. Did not wish to offend really professional and diligent doctors whom, fortunately, it is a lot of!

13.05.2005, 16:12
Probably, we have that medicine which we deserve. Our medicine long years was financed by a residual principle since in sovkovye times the most part of the budget were eaten with a military-industrial complex. Hardly the situation in departmental medical institutions was better. Now the situation breath-taking, money for development is allocated mizer, compare 15 % of the budget on social sphere in t.ch both medicine and 40 % to power or force departments and questions will disappear all by itself. And to appeal to conscience, feeling of a duty or debt and moral responsibility of doctors practically senselessly. They alive people and they wish to live, instead of it is simply elementary to survive, and necessary to survive and many is simple ustali... Besperspektivnjak...

Aha! And that who cannot pay, cut will cut, and here to sew up - money have ended. I when hear conversations on poor doctors, To WHICH CONSCIENCE TO APPEAL SENSELESSLY (!!!), I wish to ask: if so it is heavy to them to work, there is nothing to drink, that they sit at this vile job and will cripple people? And will cripple practically meaningly? In otmestku, what?

If there is no money, it is necessary to change job, probably...

And here by way of assignment... Unfortunately, I a little in a course AS the finance allocated for something - up to 50 % of recoil to the heads are distributed or allocated! Therefore, can eat sense little bit less to steal to medical grades, and to study in ordinary physicians even the intestine from a cyst to distinguish, if for 6 years of training in institute it has not turned out? Or to conscience of the engineer, receiving 3 thousand rbl. at presence of not less complex or difficult higher education to appeal there is a sense, and here to conscience of the teacher of Russian, speaking it is necessary, and the doctor, unable an arm or a hand from a leg or foot to distinguish, it is senseless by virtue of that that the last a priori ORPHANS (imizhd and them such)?

P.S. Did not wish to offend really professional and diligent doctors whom, fortunately, it is a lot of!

I do not ask neither to agree with me, nor to challenge my words... I fine realize, that all the same I shall remain in minority. Even because I not " am a little in a course ", and well enough I know a situation " from a wrong side ", working in this sphere, and not on " distribution of agents " and not " on grades " on what is called " at the machine tool " i.e. the doctor at bed of the patient. Nobody in insult - to speak about medicine today it is necessary to be in her, instead of to judge under telereportings and newspaper publications. It is a life - instead of a serial "First aid".

That moves people why they sit at " this vile job ". Someone (itakih the majority) studied in medicine during Soviet times when doctors had let small, but the stable salary on kotoroju it was possible TO LIVE at the very least. They have got used, in fact a habit - the second nature and "wind" the term up to pension. When the person has exchanged fifth ten, to be arranged " not on a speciality " job not predstravljaetsja possible or probable - rabotadateljam are necessary young and vigorous, " age till 35 years " as often write. Especially if speech also goes about the ordinary doctor, instead of k.m.n, for example...

Someone was not bad arranged " on distribution of agents " and "grades" and rows money with a shovel. Someone vnagluju extends money from patients. Everyone adapts as can. All we different. And is simply so enamoured in the business that will not exchange it or him on as will keep up to the last. I from their number. The medicine is my life. To tell or say, that I did not receive from sick envelopes and gifts will be a lie. I DO NOT REFUSE them, but I ask nothing and never I shall give up to the patient if he, that is called not "podmaslit". Also I assure you, the majority of patients will leave doctors not only not having thanked financially, but not having told or said and "thanks"... Such mentality.

And as to different sentimental histories like that, kotruju you have quoted... I can tell not one ten when the person hardly did not perish on fault or wine of doctors of commercial centres while those elementary made profit purpose or appointment of unnecessary expensive researches and doubtful BADov. Absolutely recent: young the man of 27 years it was unsuccessfully surveyed and treated in occasion of progressing delicacy, pohudanija in the private or individual center. When it or him have delivered in our native free-of-charge otdelenenie our native free-of-charge hospital he perished from an acute leukosis. And we with colleagues two two months pulled out it or him from that light though, to tell the truth, thought, that he will not live also week. And personally we from it or him have not received COPECKS. Though, words of its or his father at which " its or his boy, has remained unique pleasure in a life " after destruction of the senior son and mors of the wife cost any money. And to see, how your patient who recently died, and leaves from you let grown thin and lost after a chemotherapy hair, but with a life and hope in opinion of - only for the sake of it or this it is necessary to remain on this to " vile job ".

P.S. As to a cyst and loops of an intestine - that confuse them can even skilled or experienced uzist and has put here not only in qualification, but also in preparation of the patient (razdutye loops of an intestine rather often accept for cystic educations), specific features of current of process and so forth the Human factor. ANY doctor not zastrahovan from a mistake or an error... Alas.

15.07.2005, 03:24
I go to paid, but to the checked up doctor.

Free-of-charge medicine?-not, thanks! To me once fast in general has refused to leave, when at me a stomach or belly has inflated up to ramerov eight-monthly pregnancy and the pain was such, that lost consciousness.

Me there were relatives and the paid doctor. There was a strong spastic stricture of intestines, still slightly and urgent operation would be required.