Просмотр полной версии : The address of good gynecologic clinic

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24.12.2004, 02:21
Girls, lovely, advice or council is necessary... I Shall be in Moscow, I search for the address of good gynecologic clinic or the doctor (gynecologist-endocrinologist)... Still. To me it is absolute all the same, what there interiors, important-qualification.. Perhaps, somebody will share the address?

30.12.2004, 00:22
Yes.. And in Peter who knows, prompt plizzz

30.12.2004, 04:43

Good I shall not prompt.....

And here predosterechb from bad I can!

Clinic " Narva ", God forbid!!!!!!!!!!!

Anything you like, but tolko not this clinic, will heal up to mors and money everyone will take away!

07.01.2005, 02:14

http: // www.policlinica.ru/-good clinic in Moscow...

Itself there I go, the qualified experts and it is not so dear or expensive... On a site all is...

14.01.2005, 21:41

Good I shall not prompt.....

And here predosterechb from bad I can!

Clinic " Narva ", God forbid!!!!!!!!!!!

Anything you like, but tolko not this clinic, will heal up to mors and money everyone will take away!


At us in consultation the doctor bad and where to descend or go yet I do not know

18.01.2005, 02:04

Looking what problem at you.

And in general, everyone praise the First honey, that on Petrogradke!

There both operations, and treatment.

24.01.2005, 02:34

Looking what problem at you.

And in general, everyone praise the First honey, that on Petrogradke!

There both operations, and treatment.

Yes at me recently delays for 20 days, I wish to be checked up, and to the krokodilihe to go I do not want!

The visitor
26.01.2005, 10:31

And that speaks the test?

At me here tozh the delay was, but vsee by way of!

27.01.2005, 13:00

And that speaks the test?

At me here tozh the delay was, but vsee by way of!

I am not pregnant, is simple almost every month greater or big delays

The visitor
31.01.2005, 19:38
Devochki, a kto-nibud ' byl vo 2 Med. v Moskve?

07.02.2005, 20:06
I go to the Center it or him. Semashko. www.cemashko.ru m. Frunze.

Doctor Zelinskaja Vlad Igorevna. The class aunt.

The visitor
09.02.2005, 02:52
I Go to the Center it or him. Semashko. www.cemashko.ru m. Frunze.

Doctor Zelinskaja Vlad Igorevna. The class aunt.

A oni delayut gormonalnoe obsledovanie?

14.02.2005, 17:28
I Go to the Center it or him. Semashko. www.cemashko.ru m. Frunze.

Doctor Zelinskaja Vlad Igorevna. The class aunt.

A oni delayut gormonalnoe obsledovanie?

I do not know precisely, but I think yes. Come on a site there a phone number. Call ask.

20.02.2005, 18:46
Yes.. And in Peter who knows, prompt plizzz

Out-patient department of Underground

Doctor Bystrjakova E.A.

01.03.2005, 12:26
I can advise you the center on health protection of mother and the child to Konkovo (Moscow). Very good doctors - beginning or starting from simple and finishing or stopping kandidatamiiu doctors of medical sciences accept. To drive Konkovo by 295 bus up to a stopping " the Center on health protection of mother and the child " is possible from the underground. It is the whole centre of science - it or him there know all! About the prices I do not know, but for quality it is possible for mine and it is necessary to pay, and there you receive quality

11.03.2005, 11:24

http: // www.policlinica.ru/-good clinic in Moscow...

Itself there I go, the qualified experts and it is not so dear or expensive... On a site all is...

Otvratnaja clinic

I was on M.Dmitrovke. Them across Moscow a little.

19.03.2005, 03:43
I Go to the Center it or him. Semashko. www.cemashko.ru m. Frunze.

Doctor Zelinskaja Vlad Igorevna. The class aunt.

About! And I to her go! (the truth was not for a long time... It is necessary to descend or go...)! She and the truth super!

(And -to at there now there is a reception?)

28.03.2005, 15:09
Yes.. And in Peter who knows, prompt plizzz

Out-patient department of Underground

Doctor Bystrjakova E.A.

And it where?

30.03.2005, 00:34
Medhelp - clinic - simply nightmare. A place on vybivaniju money! I do not understand, how doctors can so to behave - that only will not find, that only money have paid to them. Especially amaze arrangements to make something in a duty or debt.

04.04.2005, 02:22
Medhelp - clinic - simply nightmare. A place on vybivaniju money! I do not understand, how doctors can so to behave - that only will not find, that only money have paid to them. Especially amaze arrangements to make something in a duty or debt.

It seems to me, all paid clinics are those

11.04.2005, 06:53
Probably, already late also it is irrelevant, but I can recommend the Center planirvoanija families on the Sevastopol prospectus (m. Trade-union). It was pleasant to me, because near to the house and when descended or went - because doctors professional. The unique minus - as there is a lot of in directions, even for money it is possible to spend pair hours in turn

23.04.2005, 08:04
Who can knows good clinic in Moscow on top of a grey branch of the underground (Mendeleevskaja - Altufevo). Has learned or has found out the address Scientific and industrial honey. The center Kars on Timirjazevskoj, pozovnila-reception of the doctor costs or stands 700. It dearly or expensively or normally?

30.04.2005, 06:55
Who Can knows good clinic in Moscow on top of a grey branch of the underground (Mendeleevskaja - Altufevo). Has learned or has found out the address Scientific and industrial honey. The center Kars on Timirjazevskoj, pozovnila-reception of the doctor costs or stands 700. It dearly or expensively or normally?

Series is in Water stadium. I live on Pertovsko razumavskoj, I go there www.gabrich.ru (state) and reception of the doctor costs or stands 400 r, following reception 350 r.

18.05.2005, 07:56
Djujmovochka and I with petrovsko-Oa?O?o? and how quality of treatment in this clinic?

27.05.2005, 06:59
Djujmovochka and I with petrovsko-Oa?O?o? and how quality of treatment in this clinic?

It is pleasant to me. It is the state center and doctors there normal