Просмотр полной версии : Erosion, its or her mother ((((

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23.12.2004, 14:16

And it is possible porydat in a vest?

Tomorrow I go to cauterize, a situation not so beautiful (have found one pathological section (((().

Also has forgotten to ask the doctor how long to last operation (electro).

Mozh will tell, and...

And it is sick?

And then to lay it will be necessary in hospital?

Sorri, I am afraid...

26.12.2004, 14:18

And it is possible porydat in a vest?

Tomorrow I go to cauterize, a situation not so beautiful (have found one pathological section (((().

Also has forgotten to ask the doctor how long to last operation (electro).

Mozh will tell, and...

And it is sick?

And then to lay it will be necessary in hospital?

Sorri, I am afraid...

To lay it is not necessary anywhere! On electro certainly have in vain agreed, but it seem to know better to the doctor probably. The main thing without a panic! I cauterized krio in general sensations all over again were even pleasant, and is then similar to a nagging pain as at monthly. And then home and more often change prokladochki.

Down a feather!

27.12.2004, 19:19
Thanks, Kakashechka for support.

On krio could go, there are no problems. Yes dohtur has told or said - time a section pererozhdennaja is, it is better an electricity... It Can more travmatichno, but the effect is brighter

29.12.2004, 05:38
Right after cauterizations have put me a wad impregnated oblepihovym butter or oil. Have told or said till the morning following to not take out. Or it is possible to put home right after homings a suppository with sea-buckthorn berries and then few times to repeat. So to me the doctor advised. Has begun to live quickly. Procedure last (I do not remember precisely 8 years has passed or has taken place) it seems no more than 20 minutes. Not painfully, then only a pain as though now monthly nachnutsja.

Success to you!

29.12.2004, 11:17
Musenka be not afraid, this all is not terrible! It is sensitive pulls as at monthly, you relax, to me helps or assists with the doctor during any unpleasant procedures to talk Lasts minutes 10-15 from force, not bois!

The visitor
30.12.2004, 06:48
Deeeeeeushkiiiii, washing now idtit....

My God, kakija we women, ssykuhi

Thanks, lovely, I shall think of you....

Do not remember valiant...

30.12.2004, 22:11
Deeeeeeushkiiiii, washing now idtit....

My God, kakija we women, ssykuhi

Thanks, lovely, I shall think of you....

Do not remember valiant...

Success! I am cams! t-O-O.

04.01.2005, 05:56

To her, a silly woman I any...

Painfully, the truth was a little... But so it is fast.

I apologize for such here off.

Thanks all)))))

I you lju))))

05.01.2005, 21:28

To her, a silly woman I any...

Painfully, the truth was a little... But so it is fast.

I apologize for such here off.

Thanks all)))))

I you lju))))

We you too lju! Recover!

09.01.2005, 06:26
And it is possible voprosik

How in you have found out this potagennuju a section?

12.01.2005, 02:36
And it is possible voprosik

How in you have found out this potagennuju a section?

Lvenochek, I not musja, but shall respond. Here is how at me was: have found out in me erosion and have made a colposcopy (have taken the analysis) and this analysis shows that for type of erosion and whether there are any bad educations. Vot.

16.01.2005, 09:01
And it is possible voprosik

How in you have found out this potagennuju a section?

Lvenochek, I not musja, but shall respond. Here is how at me was: have found out in me erosion and have made a colposcopy (have taken the analysis) and this analysis shows that for type of erosion and whether there are any bad educations. Vot.

Moustache pralno!

19.01.2005, 08:05
About a cell - looked a microscope and a colposcopy))))

All of success.

23.01.2005, 02:44
And everyone at whom erosion, cauterize? I here after sorts or labors on survey have heard the reference prizhech.

26.01.2005, 18:35
And everyone at whom erosion, cauterize? I here after sorts or labors on survey have heard the reference prizhech.

If erosion is - urgently I recommend.

These are already modified cells, it or her still name a precancer.

Therefore to treat it is necessary, the oncology does not wait.

I sat 11 years after sorts or labors (((, the chicken silly. If has gone earlier - there would be no complications.

I 2 years ago already wished to write the will, but well-timed therapy has helped or assisted. But has not relieved of necessity to cauterize.

Treat, success)))

28.01.2005, 20:17
Well, thanks.

The visitor
01.02.2005, 05:54
Question too about erosion...

To me the doctor has told or said on reception - " At you small erosion but danger does not give "

Whether so it? Or nevertheless it is necessary to treat?

02.02.2005, 22:27
A question too about erosion...

To me the doctor has told or said on reception - " At you small erosion but danger does not give "

Whether so it? Or nevertheless it is necessary to treat?

Well to the doctor is more visible.

To me too spoke - while suffers or bears.

But - there is a danger and considerable, especially, if to give birth or travail be going to.

At us with the husband in plans for this autumn t t t... Conception))))).

Therefore we are treated assiduously)))))

03.02.2005, 21:01
And in dogonku that who cauterized voprosik:

Longly this liquid rubbish flows?

Me, fairly, this lymph has already got the EC.

In the morning - full trousers of sticky pleasure)))))

And the husband soon to throw will begin from nedotraha

05.02.2005, 04:27
mus, somewhere about 2-3 weeks, at me so was. By the way the first monthly after operation were rather morbid.

10.02.2005, 00:38
mus, somewhere about 2-3 weeks, at me so was. By the way the first monthly after operation were rather morbid.

Senks, ponjatnenko...

14.02.2005, 17:51
Kaoj a nightmare, me tozh to cauterize it is necessary. The doctor has told or said that better the laser or krio. The laser is more dear or expensive the truth.

And so girls you have frightened me of " sticky pleasure ".

20.02.2005, 06:17
Kaoj a nightmare, me tozh to cauterize it is necessary. The doctor has told or said that better the laser or krio. The laser is more dear or expensive the truth.

And so girls you have frightened me of " sticky pleasure ".

Oh well you will think, will pour down and will cease

The visitor
23.02.2005, 12:05
Little girls, all greetings. I here novichek, am now recorded. And I here yet did not give birth or travail, but very much I want. In the past to year was extrauterine, has lost one pipe, I do not know as we with the husband then are alive have remained, a drain of experiences was. Then the heap of troubles, has decided to grow thin,

Monthly have gone or send on 2 times to a month, and now genikolog erosion speaks, that at me, has intimidated me a cancer and draw than, has told or said we shall treat, whether here I think it is necessary or to give birth all over again...

23.02.2005, 23:09
I too did not give birth or travail, but the doctor have told or said, that it is better prizhech and I prizhgla ordinary "Solkovaginom". And all o.k., any relapses.

Though I after heard, that like as at sorts or labors shejka uteruses can not reveal as it is necessary.