Просмотр полной версии : mercilon

26.03.2005, 17:05
Tell, please, who used, how to you?

The visitor
27.03.2005, 20:15
I used - as a result have grown fat kgs on 6 Have dumped or reset then with huge work

Now again I wish OK to try or taste, doctor Jarinu advises, speaks, from it or her do not recover... Who-string tried or tasted?

30.03.2005, 02:34
Little girls I in a shock!!!!!!!!! Contraceptives are appointed or nominated by the doctor! And that after of some analyses. And only then will be though any confidence, that the agent will approach or suit you! And you suddenly will not grow fat, will not become covered by spots!

The visitor
01.04.2005, 01:41
If you have not noticed, JArinu I was advised by the doctor, and after of some analyses. It is simply curious to learn or find out, that those who to her already used will tell or say. While heard basically positive responses

02.04.2005, 01:31
I accepted Mersilon. Year 3. Has not grown stout, not potjazhelela. The breast to Me has a little increased was pleasant

04.04.2005, 22:08
If you have not noticed, JArinu I was advised by the doctor, and after of some analyses. It is simply curious to learn or find out, that those who to her already used will tell or say. While heard basically positive responses

In your post was not you have written words about analyses, that the doctor "advises"

06.04.2005, 14:28
... Doctor Jarinu advises, speaks, from it or her do not recover... Who-string tried or tasted?

That that from it or her others do not recover, it does not mean yet, that you will not recover also. I, for example, from Logesta have grown thin, but I know people who from it or him have recovered.

08.04.2005, 14:44
I drink mersilon half a year. The doctor has written out without analyses. On a question: " Why without delivery of analyses? " Has responded, that at my disease it is necessary to raise or increase -in "babskogo" a hormone, that tormoznut development of a sore.

But, it is my case.

By the way, for half a year of reception the weight has remained former.

17.04.2005, 13:53
Ask the doctor about Harmonet (France)

Barmazel '
27.04.2005, 14:36
... Doctor Jarinu advises, speaks, from it or her do not recover... Who-string tried or tasted?

That that from it or her others do not recover, it does not mean yet, that you will not recover also. I, for example, from Logesta have grown thin, but I know people who from it or him have recovered.

Structure Jariny includes any new component, do not remember, how is called, which in weight protects from an increase.

The visitor
04.05.2005, 18:54
The problem in that to me have written out "Feminet" .ja asked "JAsmin", but the doctor has told or said, that in him the same there is more than hormone, and on structure " ", "Novinet" and "Feminet"-it, only different firms, natural, as it is accepted in Israel, without any analyses. And at me and legs or foots often hurt mum a varicose phlebectasia. When I to her have told it, she has told or said, that they are not necessary to mum. I do not know what to do or make. The friend presses on me, and me very much frightens, especially I am inclined to completeness. Arguments, drink everyone also anything, me do not calm or abirritate. I have found the information, what is it can lead to thrombuses.

The visitor
12.05.2005, 04:47
The visitor it bubik

27.05.2005, 21:48
The Problem that to me have written out "Feminet" .ja asked "JAsmin", but the doctor has told or said, that in him the same there is more than hormone, and on structure " ", "Novinet" and "Feminet"-it, only different firms, natural, as it is accepted in Israel, without any analyses. And at me and legs or foots often hurt mum a varicose phlebectasia. When I to her have told it, she has told or said, that they are not necessary to mum. I do not know what to do or make. The friend presses on me, and me very much frightens, especially I am inclined to completeness. Arguments, drink everyone also anything, me do not calm or abirritate. I have found the information, what is it can lead to thrombuses.

About Mersilon.

http: // www.doktor.ru/co/sta/f_mersilon0.htm

Special safety measures

At any attributes of a clottage reception should be stopped immediately.

Smoking increases or enlarges risk of vascular diseases, also this risk increases with the years. Except for that this risk possibly above at users estrogen-containing of oral contraceptives, than at those who does not use them. Therefore to women 35 years urgently smoking if they wish to use the combined contraceptives is more senior is recommended to throw.

For the women using estrogen-containing preparations, the risk of a deep venous clottage can temporarily raise or increase during operative measures or a long immobilization.

At presence of the serious form of varicose illness or disease of veins, advantages estrogen-containing of preparations should be carefully weighed in comparison with possible or probable risk.

Women at whom was hloazma pregnant women, should avoid long stay on direct solar to light during reception of such preparations.

The visitor
12.07.2005, 06:25
Structure Jariny includes any new component, do not remember, how is called, which in weight protects from an increase.

JArina it is considered tablets of new generation, and one of differences just this here a component named drospirenon.