Просмотр полной версии : Difljukan or something of type

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Adult malyshka!
04.03.2005, 10:14
Searched for a similar subject in a forum, but has not found, therefore has decided to open itself.

Has bothered to treat a thrush under prescriptions of the doctor. In couple of days all again begins. She to me it is eternal romashechku registers, suppositories, tablets, etc. Ku chu money has spent-result is not present.

Heard about such tablets, a cat help or assist for pair or even for one day? It is the truth? Whether they are harmful? And how much approximately cost or stand?

Tell, please...

The visitor
05.03.2005, 05:00
At me passed or took place for couple of days from usual Bioyogurt. For the night on tamponchiku with yogurt. Fairly. But the thrush as I have already understood happens different. But yogurt still did not bring me. Still is in drugstores of intimas-gels of the Tea tree and such syringes of the Tea tree, the truth with such unusual sensation after them (as though burns all inside, but does not irritate mucous) to-me too helped or assisted..

The visitor
05.03.2005, 07:44
But only i?-he vostanavlivaet a microflora.. Try or Taste, should help or assist. I have read through in one magazine and too have not believed, yet have not tried or tasted.. But is worse, precisely will not make.

06.03.2005, 07:55
I tried-has helped or tried-has assisted;tasted-has helped. The n?o??a?-German preparation in my opinion, costs or stands more dearly or expensively, our analogues-, difljuzol-(the same is absolutely, as difljukan since the operating or working substance everywhere flukonazol), costs or stands more cheaply. Precisely the price I shall not tell or say, I do not remember, but it is inexpensive. Has helped or assisted from the first tablet, harm from them hardly any essential. But in any case the flora should be restored, and that to a problem will come back constantly, I did or made wads with bifidumbakterinom (like so nazyvetsja).

Kitten Gav
08.03.2005, 14:56
Diflukan will help or assist, but there is no guarantee what not zaatsepish again in some days

It would be advisable to understand the reasons of frequent display of a thrush...

Adult malyshka!
11.03.2005, 05:58
I tried-has helped or tried-has assisted;tasted-has helped. The n?o??a?-German preparation in my opinion, costs or stands more dearly or expensively, our analogues-, difljuzol-(the same is absolutely, as difljukan since the operating or working substance everywhere flukonazol), costs or stands more cheaply. Precisely the price I shall not tell or say, I do not remember, but it is inexpensive. Has helped or assisted from the first tablet, harm from them hardly any essential. But in any case the flora should be restored, and that to a problem will come back constantly, I did or made wads with bifidumbakterinom (like so nazyvetsja).

So -be ruined and buy or purchase difljukan or will save with difljuzolom? I have read through what is it the Ukrainian preparation (difljuzol). He also operates or works as well as difljukan?

To me the doctor has told or said that is necessary for me one capsule on 150 mg. Through how much there will be a result?

Adult malyshka!
12.03.2005, 04:30
Diflukan will help or assist, but there is no guarantee what not zaatsepish again in some days

It would be advisable to understand the reasons of frequent display of a thrush...

The reason in antibiotics. I their saw, though and with Nistatinum!

During sex I use a condom.

So I think I shall not hook!

Simply to me wash the doctor registered that has not helped or assisted me. When I to her have come she have told or said that I again accepted the same. If once has not helped or assisted within 12 days of treatment, I doubt, that second time would help or assist!

And in difljukan for some reason she does not believe. And I wish to try or taste!

15.03.2005, 07:40
At me such was from antibiotics and strangely enough anesthetizing having in structure of Paracetamolum.

Unfortunately so all also remains, as that I shall drink some times from tablets with Paracetamolum - the chicken-feed at once begins

But difljukan really to me helps or assists.

I turn out it or him I drink time in half a year somewhere (has drunk 4 tablets)

The otolaryngologist
16.03.2005, 19:55
And recently vsvjazi with wide and unreasonable prmeneniem flukonazola, connected, mainly, with a selftreatment appears more and more flukonazolustojchivyh strains of mushrooms of sort Candida. Here so.

18.03.2005, 23:35
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

Adult malyshka!
19.03.2005, 22:48
At me such was from antibiotics and strangely enough anesthetizing having in structure of Paracetamolum.

Unfortunately so all also remains, as that I shall drink some times from tablets with Paracetamolum - the chicken-feed at once begins

But difljukan really to me helps or assists.

I turn out it or him I drink time in half a year somewhere (has drunk 4 tablets)

I in the SHOCK!

I every month at monthly drink nurofen. He too on Paracetamolum seems. On analgetics at me a hypersensibility! And just recently were monthly and again this thrush! It is necessary to tell or say more shortly is not present obezbalivajushchim!!!!!!!!!!!

The visitor
20.03.2005, 21:42
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

In drugstores special intimal soap is on sale.

24.03.2005, 03:34
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

In drugstores special intimal soap is on sale.

Yes, I already have bought or purchased at once, after visit to the doctor.

25.03.2005, 17:58
Difljukan costs or stands in Moscow - +500 roubles 1 capsule. It is good at the first thrush. Sometimes register on 2 capsules if there were relapses. At chronic full inspection is necessary at first. And concrete treatment of a microflora of a stomach.

27.03.2005, 01:33
And that will be, if the thrush was not, and a tablet has drunk.

Well I have in view of it dangerously strongly? Curiously as she operates or works that from one capsule usually the thrush passes or takes place.

Adult malyshka!
29.03.2005, 20:38
And so:

Has bought or purchased DJUFLOZOL. As to me have explained this all same. And so this diflozol from Slovenia. There are at us approximately 5 dollars. The rest in nearby drugstores has not found. While result it is not visible

30.03.2005, 14:55
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

In drugstores special intimal soap is on sale.

And not only in drugstores-everywhere intimal soap is on sale. To wash-only with it or him (!!!), me suffices once usual toilet soap to be washed there at at once a dyscomfort.

01.04.2005, 09:12
I am now flied or treated too from a thrush. I am excruciated constantly passes or takes place again arises. Has bothered, has gone with the doctor in the rasping form to talk the Doctor simply familiar, therefore I can allow myself it. More shortly here that to me have registered: 10 days ginalgin, 10 days laktobakterin (in drugstores of these candles is not present, speak let out or release very seldom), therefore has bought or purchased analogue with bakterinom and 10 days viferon. While I at the second stage, like would help or assist. Process certainly long, but the main thing that has helped or assisted. We shall look or see.....

Adult malyshka!
02.04.2005, 20:05
Pancake! Tell or say, at you the result at once from a tablet was??????????

What to do or make, at me after a tablet in general nothing has changed. (4 days ago has drunk)

To the doctor already even to go I do not want!

Can buy or purchase difljukan. Though in fact the difference like is not present. Whether harmfully them to drink so often?

Adult malyshka!
04.04.2005, 05:29
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

Only one suppository and all???????????

The visitor
07.04.2005, 21:40
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

Only one suppository and all???????????


09.04.2005, 12:16
Oh, that I already only did not drink And Difljukan and any different preparations. She at me ceases, then after a while again appears costs or stands to me or to be fidgety strongly, to catch a cold, have a drink antibiotics. Immunity, me the doctor has told or said, to raise or increase it is necessary. Therefore I drink all time ehinatseju, vitamins and at the next attack I am syringed by broth of a camomile and passes or takes place

12.04.2005, 06:21
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

Only one suppository and all???????????


Yes, only one suppository, these suppositories also are on sale in packing on one (a dosage of 900 mg) .vrach has told or said, that if in three days will not pass or not take place to repeat, but at me has passed or has taken place for the second day.

14.04.2005, 13:48
When I had this infection, vrach has written out to me suppository Fongarex, has passed or has taken place at once. Still the doctor has explained, that it is necessary to wash there with special soap, instead of gels, which for douche (they too kill flora).

Only one suppository and all???????????


Yes, only one suppository, these suppositories also are on sale in packing on one (a dosage of 900 mg) .vrach has told or said, that if in three days will not pass or not take place to repeat, but at me has passed or has taken place for the second day.

In general it is strange, that have managed only suppositories since the thrush should be treated still and through a stomach. Therefore oral preparations are usually appointed or nominated both suppositories, and. ONLY difljukan and a hedgehog with it or him carry to the new preparations treating from within and outside.

Adult malyshka!
15.04.2005, 00:17