Просмотр полной версии : Disturbs rodinka - the oncologist is necessary?

12.09.2004, 16:18
At me large rodinka on a brachium, almost on a neck, such convex, granular structure or frame, from the grandmother has got to me, at it or her same... I always look at it or her, and here began to notice, that she has somehow brightened, whether has burnt out that, and separate grains became noticeably svetlee... Now I am afraid.... It is necessary to go to the doctor, even probably I know, to what - to the oncologist, only where.... Advise a good place!


Baba Manya
22.09.2004, 19:28
Early to you about the oncologist to think. For the beginning descend or go to the ordinariest dermotologu.

29.09.2004, 01:38
Think, the dermatologist will draw a conclusion to cleanly external attributes?

06.10.2004, 13:32
Go to the oncologist. And that at me the mother-in-law one month ago from a melanoma has died. And all because of unextracted in due time rodinki. It not jokes.

07.10.2004, 02:42
At me large rodinka on a brachium, almost on a neck, such convex, granular structure or frame, from the grandmother has got to me, at it or her same... I always look at it or her, and here began to notice, that she has somehow brightened, whether has burnt out that, and separate grains became noticeably svetlee... Now I am afraid.... It is necessary to go to the doctor, even probably I know, to what - to the oncologist, only where.... Advise a good place!


And how about the sizes?

Has not increased?

19.10.2004, 05:21
No, the sizes have not changed, only some grains have brightened... And before a steam even dropped out, it was torn off as though..

26.10.2004, 09:21
No, the sizes have not changed, only some grains have brightened... And before a steam even dropped out, it was torn off as though..

All the same in such cases to the oncologist send analyses to hand over. At least in my city delete rodinki in the center of an oncology.

03.11.2004, 11:56
And what for it is obligatory to delete

At me the grandmother has lived all life with rodinkoj - and anything

14.11.2004, 10:14
And what for it is obligatory to delete

At me the grandmother has lived all life with rodinkoj - and anything

If she disturbs you - that remote better. Certainly, it is good, that she does not grow, but that you it or her probably constantly touch those are can cause of fear and serve as an occasion for its or her liquidation!

24.11.2004, 14:26
To address where will recommend?

04.12.2004, 14:56
I, unfortunately, do not have friends onkodermatologov

Baba Manya
13.12.2004, 15:30
And what for it is obligatory to delete

At me the grandmother has lived all life with rodinkoj - and anything

If you are going to to the oncologist, means rodinka you disturbs. Our grandmothers much with what lived, and much from what died.

31.12.2004, 01:33
And what for it is obligatory to delete

At me the grandmother has lived all life with rodinkoj - and anything

If you are going to to the oncologist, means rodinka you disturbs. Our grandmothers much with what lived, and much from what died.

She does not disturb, time such is simple, that it is better perebdet, than nedobdet - here and I wish to be checked up; I simply have a girlfriend, at it or her all women in a sort die of a cancer - i.e. its or her chances too are great; and an example with the grandmother I have led to that at it or her same rodinka, but she with her has lived all life, and she did not disturb it or her...

20.01.2005, 18:36
And what for it is obligatory to delete

At me the grandmother has lived all life with rodinkoj - and anything

If you are going to to the oncologist, means rodinka you disturbs. Our grandmothers much with what lived, and much from what died.

She does not disturb, time such is simple, that it is better perebdet, than nedobdet - here and I wish to be checked up; I simply have a girlfriend, at it or her all women in a sort die of a cancer - i.e. its or her chances too are great; and an example with the grandmother I have led to that at it or her same rodinka, but she with her has lived all life, and she did not disturb it or her...

To the doctor certainly descend or go, will not prevent. Will know at least precisely. But I have now recollected transfer on the TV about rodinkah. So there spoke, that are most dangerous not what greater or big, convex, even shelled, and, just, small, imperceptible, often the bodies located on such sites which the person does not see on itself if does not consider or examine;survey specially.

And in occasion of a question where to go it depends on your orders in medicine. At us, for example, what to get to the expert, it is necessary to receive a direction from the local therapist. Otherwise it is necessary to pay for reception.


04.02.2005, 06:35
a ot ydal and * 233; nnoj rodinky problem bydet ese bolshe, ((((:::

05.02.2005, 04:25
a ot ydal and * 233; nnoj rodinky problem bydet ese bolshe, ((((:::

It is delirium. Means doctors it is realized delete rodinki that to the patient became worse??????

16.02.2005, 00:17
komy to bred, a komy to i net.... na moej pamjaty 3 tseloweka posle ydalenija rodinky... yze tam!!!! wsem wratsy i posowetowaly....:: ((((

26.02.2005, 13:01
komy to bred, a komy to i net.... na moej pamjaty 3 tseloweka posle ydalenija rodinky... yze tam!!!! wsem wratsy i posowetowaly....:: ((((

Horror stories it is direct tell, I too have removed rodinku 2 weeks ago, rodinku after excision do not throw out, and send on the special analysis, and proceeding from results undertake or not predrpinimajut the further actions. After excision 2 months not in which case to sunbathe it is impossible.

10.03.2005, 20:48
a ot ydal*amp; eacute; nnoj rodinky problem bydet ese bolshe, ((((:::

It is delirium. Means doctors it is realized delete rodinki that to the patient became worse??????

I too heard such opinion - to not touch or not tamper with better, process can "sleeps" and will sleep all life; and you will touch it or him is will start to develop...

23.03.2005, 09:07
I too heard such opinion - to not touch or not tamper with better, process can "sleeps" and will sleep all life; and you will touch it or him is will start to develop...

Rodinki happen different (type "good" and "bad" - I I do not know their medical terms) .i will define or determine a kind rodinki the doctor, them to it or this in institutes learned or taught.

07.07.2005, 23:45
My son such rodinka has also we yearly go to the doctor on the control. But not because of this rodinki that is why that at their son is a lot of on a body different. And so, that to us the doctor has told or said: rodinka which ABOVE a skin, greater or big and quaggy never pererastet in malignant. And those rodinki which INSIDE OF a skin, flat and small, here behind them it is necessary to watch or keep up. Especially if are in places " on a strain ", that is somewhere on a fold go in a place postojannono friction with clothes, etc. Dangerously - when rodinka starts to grow, hurt, change or grow, be ill, change;grow, be sick, change color in the DARK party or side, black color if at rodinki has appeared obodok if krovit is too very much not well is especially ominous.

But, to the doctor you can descend or go for own calm. Here in Germany survey passes or takes place so (I simply do not know as in Russia, it is possible or probable also) - the doctor has a feature similar to a small lamp. He from it or her shines on rodinku and simultaneously looks through this rodinku through the same feature, type as in a microscope if so is more clear. If he sees change in red color then to delete, if rodinka is shone green, that's all right. All this is not complex or difficult.

Success to you!