Просмотр полной версии : Ne xochy seksa!!! Pomogite sovetom.

26.02.2005, 15:01
Posle rodov propalo zhelanie zanimatjsya seksom. Rodila 6 mesyazev nazad. Zhelanie kak otrezalo, xotj plach, pomogite, pliz!!!!

08.03.2005, 22:31

10.03.2005, 00:32
I at all did not give birth or travail, but it can postnatal or puerperal depression? At many so happens, then passes or takes place.

12.03.2005, 04:24
And you to the doctor descend or go it that that at you in an organism has occured or happened or in a subconscious mind, to me somehow about it told, but I especially have not paid to this attention, have thought that such cases very rare

25.03.2005, 20:53
I too not given birth or not travailled, but at me was gone all desire as it seems to me on a background of reception OK!!!

Too I do not know what to do or make... The husband has absolutely tortured

Baba Manya
08.04.2005, 08:28
At me on background OK the desire not absolutely was gone but has considerably decreased, and the orgasm is given with greater or big work, and not such strong as earlier. But, the peace of mind costs or stands that.

08.04.2005, 20:07
SHakira, I, certainly, did not give birth or travail... But try to think in current of day of sex (though, probably, with the small child not before) to represent the sexual certificate or act, can esteem the book about IT, etc. At me it turned out, since after job so you exhaust, that too except for a dream it would not be desirable anything. And so I think of forthcoming evening with the husband in the afternoon, I admire at colleagues of a male

07.05.2005, 01:06
Can on a background of weariness... Care of the child, nedosypanie constant...

07.07.2005, 11:41
It can with hormonal perestroem an organism be connected. movysilos -in female hormones, and they reduce a sexual inclination, therefore at reception OK too most occurs or happens. I accepted to Diana 35, absolutely it would not be desirable sex. Has passed or has taken place 6 months after the termination or ending of reception and here only all beginning in norm or rate to come.