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15.12.2004, 10:15
Most likely here already this subject was and not once, but something I can not find, does not come across. The next attack tsystita has begun. In the childhood laid on inspection, in 4 years have put hranichesky tsystit. Treated, in an early youth like would not disturb, on how much I remember. And the last couple of years again. Constantly arises. I already and cannot understand the reasons. I put on warmly to chill and vseravno. pososvetujte who collided or faced with it or him as you were treated. National methods since tablets pt already are not present forces are welcomed. Though today it was not kept in the morning, has drunk Furadonin that though slightly szhenie has passed or has taken place.

15.12.2004, 17:28
On a thrush were checked.... ZPPP checked as it too can cause a cystitis... antibiotitki accepted.. Antibiotics cause a thrush.. She can irritate the channel and is more often from it or this it is possible to run in a toilet.. Still uroplazma causes a cystitis on how much to me it is known

15.12.2004, 21:24
On a thrush were checked.... ZPPP checked as it too can cause a cystitis... antibiotitki accepted.. Antibiotics cause a thrush.. She can irritate the channel and is more often from it or this it is possible to run in a toilet.. Still uroplazma causes a cystitis on how much to me it is known

The thrush was and often. A floor of year has deduced or removed it or her at last back.... Well I hope for it. Pravdo recently dryness any became, but on a thrush not similar. Antibiotics did not drink. And here that such ZPPP and uroplazma I do not know. It is necessary to go to the doctor, but time in general while is not present, and that the doctor, to not go to it or him;them this minute, and that hurts now....

19.12.2004, 00:41
For the beginning hand over bak.analiz urine

21.12.2004, 21:59
For the beginning hand over bak.analiz urine

I know, Foksik.... It is necessary... But for the beginning it is necessary to get rid of the next attack

22.12.2004, 05:18
For the beginning hand over bak.analiz urine

I know, Foksik.... It is necessary... But for the beginning it is necessary to get rid of the next attack

I drank 5-

23.12.2004, 15:54
On a thrush were checked.... ZPPP checked as it too can cause a cystitis... antibiotitki accepted.. Antibiotics cause a thrush.. She can irritate the channel and is more often from it or this it is possible to run in a toilet.. Still uroplazma causes a cystitis on how much to me it is known

The thrush was and often. A floor of year has deduced or removed it or her at last back.... Well I hope for it. Pravdo recently dryness any became, but on a thrush not similar. Antibiotics did not drink. And here that such ZPPP and uroplazma I do not know. It is necessary to go to the doctor, but time in general while is not present, and that the doctor, to not go to it or him;them this minute, and that hurts now....

Dryness there can also a thrush... And when you treated it or her you laktobakterin drank or saw and in the same spirit... Candles with bifidum bakterinom inserted for example.... Restored there flora vlagalitsa normal??? ZPPP-diseases passed sexual by... uroplazma into it or her enters they can as to give attacks of a cystitis... Well as though often hotsja in a toilet and at you by the way he with droplets of a blood or still while is not present????

26.12.2004, 19:11
Babushkin advice or council: a heater between legs or foots. At me heaters were not, put a bottle with hot water. To me helped or assisted.

Go to a drugstore ask any travki for putting off or taking out of signs.

Displays, in my opinion, to remove or take off simply, but all the same I would descend or go to doctors would look for the reason. The cystitis in itself as illness or disease happens seldom, basically it is a sign of any infection.

Be healthy!

28.12.2004, 20:02
http: // forum.nedug.ru/viewtopic.php? t=40691

31.12.2004, 01:46
On a thrush were checked.... ZPPP checked as it too can cause a cystitis... antibiotitki accepted.. Antibiotics cause a thrush.. She can irritate the channel and is more often from it or this it is possible to run in a toilet.. Still uroplazma causes a cystitis on how much to me it is known

The thrush was and often. A floor of year has deduced or removed it or her at last back.... Well I hope for it. Pravdo recently dryness any became, but on a thrush not similar. Antibiotics did not drink. And here that such ZPPP and uroplazma I do not know. It is necessary to go to the doctor, but time in general while is not present, and that the doctor, to not go to it or him;them this minute, and that hurts now....

Dryness there can also a thrush... And when you treated it or her you laktobakterin drank or saw and in the same spirit... Candles with bifidum bakterinom inserted for example.... Restored there flora vlagalitsa normal??? ZPPP-diseases passed sexual by... uroplazma into it or her enters they can as to give attacks of a cystitis... Well as though often hotsja in a toilet and at you by the way he with droplets of a blood or still while is not present????

Thrush treated how you opsali above. ZPPP at me is not present, on it I handed over analyses. In a toilet not always often it would be desirable. Though basically yes. But while without a blood.... Fie, fie, fie. There are very strong pains, but the blood is not present. Yesterday tazhe have told about a medicine 5-, as well as Foksik has written. Here I want poprobyvat.

31.12.2004, 02:15
rybka-! Still try or taste a medicine tsistsinal (I can be mistaken in the letter) it or him for sweet to drip it is necessary well there on a candy Saccharum there malenechko sosvsem... Really helps or assists.. So take on a note... Test.

31.12.2004, 10:24
oooo he is written to mine tsistinal... In general in a drugstore it is exact zanjut.. There is no opportunity here to learn or find out here such is not present

Still And the temperature is? An emiction boleznenoe in the extremity or end or in the beginning.? At a cystitis n aznachajut Cystenalum of 5-7 drops on Saccharum (gadast such, well you will do or make), norbaktal 400 mg 2 times for about a day (on 1 tabl 2 times day,) or furadonin, (these are antibiotics) 1 tabl 4 times day, no-shpa 1 t 3 times day, warm trays or basins. If can dostatpopejte but while do or make warm trays or basins with very weak solution of potassium permanganate, directly make in tazik and sjadte and sit there and warmly put on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. It is desirable to exclude sexual contacts

02.01.2005, 04:02
Still tsiston well helps or assists and travka - a bearberry.

02.01.2005, 08:05
*!!! If there is an opportunity, run since morning in hospital. Well with morning portion would wet, sobranoj after a careful toilet, for the general or common analysis. Will address it is necessary to the urologist, but it is possible and to the local therapist. As the pre-medical help I approve Cystenalum (better spazmotsistenal)-he will remove or take off spastic strictures and a pain, travki it is possible (the bearberry, "nefrofit") With antibiotics I advise to wait a little before inspection, t.k.esli a cystitis of the specific nature (ureoplazmy and t.d), advantage or benefit of them any. And with tsistonom is more cautious, he possesses diuretic action, and pisjat -about-.

02.01.2005, 09:02
Thanks my dear for pomosh. pochitav, I have understood, that durapolnaja. I did not know, that Furadonin an antibiotic and at the first signs drank always it or him (and at the patient a stomach and the frequent centers of a thrush). Others simply medicines did not know. As have told or said about it, so ipla it or him since helped or assisted.

Lie - a pain at an emiction on a miscellaneous byvyet. That in the beginning, in the extremity or end. But in osnavnom in the extremity or end. Temperatures are not present. Bloods at an emiction. Only after in a toilet I descend or go szhenie strong. It also ceases only in an hour at least. And since pulls in a toilet often I go all the day long with a pain. Now here, last time, in a toilet was absolutely not sick to go. But in current of day of sensation awful were. Now I drink 5- 4 day, but a smaller dosage, than it is written and like would help or assist. Whether but on long. I here have learned or have found out the deagnoz in the childhood - pilonefrit (a current it is written likely not so). Sometimes doge it seems to me, what is it at me not a cystitis, and a urethritis somehow.

Most most
06.01.2005, 02:18
There can be still an inflammation of a bladder, in sense stenok, to me the doctor such diagnosis put, tazhe a song, is called I do not remember as, and the pyelonephritis is kidneys

07.01.2005, 10:42
Here esteemed about flours or torments of the Gold small fish and all described completely corresponds or meets to my flours or torments. At me too in the childhood put the diagnosis-pyelonephritis. I remember myself of years in five when from a pot not slazila, then some times laid in hospital, like have cured. This all has renewed years in 17 when already began to live a sexual life. But I drank 5-, and tsiston, like signs would remove or take out. But here in this summer, I have decided to pass or take place serious inspection as has borrowed or occupied in planning of the baby. It was found out ureoplazma. Has cured from the first, the truth of money this "pleasure" costs or stands much. But that the most interesting signs of a cystitis have not stopped

The husband to me has found the good urologist, friends have advised. He has decided me to survey in a new fashion, zdala the analysis on a bacterium, it was found out E. coli. As it has appeared, she too provokes a cystitis. He to me has appointed or nominated antibiotics intramusculary (tseftriakson dissolved or divorced ledokainom), + Palinum, naturally Nistatinum and a fluconazole. And more I to it or him;them went five days on katetoralnoe introduction to a bladder of a solution koloidnogo silver (awfully unpleasant piece). And then still after five days entered silver it is desirable some times povvodit oblepihovoe butter or oil. Here has already passed or has already taken place 2 weeks after treatment I has handed over analyses-all purely or cleanly and fie-fie-fie while to nothing bezpokoilo. Through two cycles have decided to renew planning ljalki.

So I advise to find the good doctor, I was confident that those should in your city and ask about such treatment which I to you has described.

09.01.2005, 09:02
And more very much I ask the Woman-doctor to respond, to me as I can soon begin planning and to be assured or confident, that these antibiotics and silver will not affect or influence a fetus. Because ljalku already nevterpezh. In advance thanks.

13.01.2005, 18:43
Here esteemed about flours or torments of the Gold small fish and all described completely corresponds or meets to my flours or torments. At me too in the childhood put the diagnosis-pyelonephritis. I remember myself of years in five when from a pot not slazila, then some times laid in hospital, like have cured. This all has renewed years in 17 when already began to live a sexual life. But I drank 5-, and tsiston, like signs would remove or take out. But here in this summer, I have decided to pass or take place serious inspection as has borrowed or occupied in planning of the baby. It was found out ureoplazma. Has cured from the first, the truth of money this "pleasure" costs or stands much. But that the most interesting signs of a cystitis have not stopped

The husband to me has found the good urologist, friends have advised. He has decided me to survey in a new fashion, zdala the analysis on a bacterium, it was found out E. coli. As it has appeared, she too provokes a cystitis. He to me has appointed or nominated antibiotics intramusculary (tseftriakson dissolved or divorced ledokainom), + Palinum, naturally Nistatinum and a fluconazole. And more I to it or him;them went five days on katetoralnoe introduction to a bladder of a solution koloidnogo silver (awfully unpleasant piece). And then still after five days entered silver it is desirable some times povvodit oblepihovoe butter or oil. Here has already passed or has already taken place 2 weeks after treatment I has handed over analyses-all purely or cleanly and fie-fie-fie while to nothing bezpokoilo. Through two cycles have decided to renew planning ljalki.

So I advise to find the good doctor, I was confident that those should in your city and ask about such treatment which I to you has described.

Yes, to the doctor and pravdo it is necessary. Forces already are not present to struggle with this cystitis. Can and umenja E. coli.... Only I madly am afraid of something to enter into a bladder

17.01.2005, 16:13
The doctor good has got to me, did or made very accurately, first time was sick, and this pain minute and when at cystitis to go to a toilet the pain at all vynosimaja and would not be desirable anything at all has then got used, at least, on job to go, sex, anything, I was rescueed or saved;salvaged only garjachej by a bath or bathroom, hours laid in bathing and then though it became a little easier.

20.01.2005, 01:22
The doctor good has got to Me, did or made very accurately, first time was sick, and this pain minute and when at cystitis to go to a toilet the pain at all vynosimaja and would not be desirable anything at all has then got used, at least, on job to go, sex, anything, I was rescueed or saved;salvaged only garjachej by a bath or bathroom, hours laid in bathing and then though it became a little easier.

Speak what to heat it is impossible Though I at the nights to the husband stuck, all places He hot.... That it was easier. And here that nothing hochetsja it is exact

21.01.2005, 03:40
And I on the contrary heard, that babushkiny methods of treatment-it or -this;-thus and was warm. Laid down a heater between legs or foots and in a bucket threw rasskalennyj up to it is red a stone and had a seat on a bucket from above that the steam from a stone rose in the necessary place.

21.01.2005, 07:36
And I on the contrary heard, that babushkiny methods of treatment-it or -this;-thus and was warm. Laid down a heater between legs or foots and in a bucket threw rasskalennyj up to it is red a stone and had a seat on a bucket from above that the steam from a stone rose in the necessary place.

In, I have recollected.... Mum forced so to make me, nachtalas, has had heard much babushkinyh methods.... I byrakalas.... How naked sing on a bucket? I understand certainly, that it or him it is possible to wind something, but vseravno boezno Yes ikartna not from the best.... I here sit on verdre in the middle of a room

22.01.2005, 21:53
Too by the way mum forced so to do or make me, but as that arms or hand did not reach before, to me luchshe to type or collect waters in bathing. And that also in fact needs to be got a stone, and it or he needs to be boiled down probably, that bacteria everyones there pozdyhali. All taki the medicine goes forward, I think that already such methods are not actual.

27.01.2005, 10:03
Did not read all branch.

Antibiotics of type furadonina are better for not drinking. Will grease a clinical picture and an original cause of a cystitis. In fact a cystitis more often consequence or investigation of any disease to urine-sexual of a tract.

And at your thrush antibiotics " the best friends ".

To hand over analyses of urine, a smear, on ZPPP, to check up kidneys and a bladder, uzi, and other. To reveal, at last, the reason. If you had in the childhood a pyelonephritis, he chronic. As well as a cystitis. And your "treatments" are useless. It is necessary in a complex and to be treated consistently. Probably, not one month. A burning sensation from a thrush or even from any disease. From a sexual life the cystitis too can be provoked. And a urethritis. Especially at you a urinary tract - a sore point. Thus for a thrush to treat and the partner nuzhno.vse it is interconnected. Healing one, you will cripple another. Good inspection + competently appointed or nominated treatment is necessary to you. Otherwise and will suffer.

And the pain and not comfortable sensations heat can snimat.travki be had a drink. voobshchem, to the doctor it is necessary to you, madam. Also stop to be engaged in a selftreatment.