Просмотр полной версии : Constantly I catch a cold or I chill

10.12.2004, 04:19
Here an ill luck, as soon as I work at office (usually on business trips) constantly I catch a cold or I chill, and I one and neholodno there, and the rhinitis does not blow, but and do or make that you want. Can eat what that alergen? Or in all the conditioner is guilty? If yes, tol why at me one rhinitis?

17.12.2004, 12:29
I think, that at you immunity, probably, that you are tired is simply weakened or easied. And can be and the conditioner influences. In any case it is better to you to seem to the therapist or to have a drink immunomoduljatory (speak well helps or assists polioksidony). And here to institute of an immunology to go I do not advise, they will help or assist nothing.

09.01.2005, 05:54
Business trip - *gt; change of a climate, a situation - *gt; stress for an organism - *gt; weakening of immunity

I on business trips drink immunal and vitamins.

11.01.2005, 19:26
Has consulted to the expert, has advised to replace the conditioner, has told or said better to take Samsung with an ionizer of air.

04.02.2005, 09:04
Go in for sports. At any level, but be engaged on a regular basis. It will strengthen immunity and state of health it becomes much better.

25.02.2005, 16:34
At us in a room 15 person.

5 conditioners.

All itself feel well - and me it is constant "zhelezki" swell up.

Reaction of an organism is those.

06.03.2005, 05:38
Here an ill luck, as soon as I work at office (usually on business trips) constantly I catch a cold or I chill, and I one and neholodno there, and the rhinitis does not blow, but and do or make that you want. Can eat what that alergen? Or in all the conditioner is guilty? If yes, tol why at me one rhinitis?

Slabenky immunity, it is necessary to you to drink adaptogeny and immunomoduljatory.

I can advise to fill this test and to send me results on e-mail, I shall help or assist to orient.

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL40bd132592aec1a3d35312ad839a0216/shop/addlinks/biotest.html



05.07.2005, 15:32
I would advise to address to the expert, let he will appoint or nominate to you preparatyja. Raising or increasing immunity, if the reason in it or this. Most likely yes... Then it is possible zakalivaniem to borrow or occupy, sports.