Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist: a toxicosis

04.06.2005, 16:27
At me the toxicosis, and the further - the worse has begun. But while it is tolerant.

I work, circle only men, smoke nearby, attacks of a nausea.. In general sitautsija, for certain, to much it is familiar.

Young ladies, ladies, those who has gone through it, prompt, please, as you struggled and lived with it or this?

06.06.2005, 19:29
There is such forum - the Maternity - http: // www.materinstvo.ru/cgi-bin/i... d3fa1923c80ffff

There discuss all the questions connected with pregnancy and a toxicosis accordingly. Very much I advise. Except for, dialogue, is and the qualified experts on all questions.

10.06.2005, 00:56
When has absolutely pressed, has lain down on conservation in a hospital, there otkapali through a dropper and the nausea was removed or took off, but there too not Saccharum as you understand. And in house conditions to me helped or assisted - limonchik, in the pure state without Saccharum, tea svezhezavarennyj with mint and a melissa, very fresh air, absence of a smell of nutrition, with your case of tobacco. Try to air everything but that you not prtjanulo a draught, besides probably it is possible to ask colleagues somehow on more moderate itself to a message. At us unless any law on smoking does not operate or work. To smoke on mine it is necessary in spets. The allocated or removed places, or you it is very close to these places? Voobshchem you should solve a problem of smells and it will be little bit easier. Try or taste dolechku a lemon, should polegchat. Besides even if to reject aside a toxicosis, unless a smell of tobacco pregnant lady should breathe? What for to you oxygen starvation your small?

14.06.2005, 23:28
To my girlfriend helped or assisted suhariki from rye bread (itself did or made, i.e. not kirieshki different). I do not know as it works, but that they helped or assisted her - the fact (try or taste, will not be worse). It or she had a toxicosis in first half of pregnancy, even is plainly could not, suhariki and famine satisfy, and somehow wonderfully relieved of attacks of a nausea.

By the way, about a lemon she, apparently, too mentioned...

16.06.2005, 23:39
, Many thanks for the link!! It is very grateful

Girls, thanks!

19.06.2005, 14:25
toksi, read, that is very good from a nausea salty or usual crackers help or assist. A stomach calm or abirritate.

23.06.2005, 15:31
My mum speaks, that it is good to chew pumpkin sunflower seeds. They and useful besides. Still - from own experience - well removes or takes out nausea Borzhomi, but the doctor to me advised them to not take a great interest or be fond strongly since there it is a lot of hydrogen sulfide.

27.06.2005, 13:39
I remember, that nichegoshenki qualitative dialogue with the white friend did not help or assist Only at attacks + a delivery in the tiny portions. To fast it is impossible.

28.06.2005, 11:54
I ate lemons and a different pickles, acute, salty and acidic nutrition, the only thing that helped or assisted to not die when the nausea pursued all day and night Speak, it is good to chew dry leaves of green tea...

28.06.2005, 17:05
toksi, I congratulate on pregnancy!

At you the toxicosis is observed only at job from a smell of tobacco, or during other time too happens? How often? By the way, what duration of gestation?

30.06.2005, 11:26
And I was helped or assisted only by an occupational therapy. At home a layer laid, and at job forgot about pregnancy. At me the toxicosis last only 2 months (thought that eternity), at others happens all pregnancy, it is necessary to endure this business only.

02.07.2005, 15:47
I was helped or assisted by drink of warm water small drinks or pharynxes.

02.07.2005, 20:10
Butter or Oil of a tangerine.... Costs or stands right now, near by at me. Periodically I drop...

Like anything, and about lemons it yes, helps or assists.

03.07.2005, 16:52
There are still special injections. But you at the gynecologist ask it, I do not remember as this medicine is called. At some o'clock like helped or assisted. I had an awful toxicosis up to 4 months I only grew thin, could not eat anything practically, vyvorachivolo times 6 in day, even to recollect terribly.

04.07.2005, 17:26
At me 4 - I week of pregnancy. The toxicosis, moreover with a wild headache has begun. Me and earlier golvoa hurted or was ill;was sick during monthly, it was rescueed or saved;salvaged by analgetics. But now that it is impossible to drink tablets!

How unt a headache?

Whether it is possible to accept Citramonum? As that heard, that he harmless.

05.07.2005, 00:40
Gepaliv, dear or expensive. This magic agent has returned by a life even me which not speaking about smells even on "plahie" colors and sounds had an immediate reaction.

In particular me tore from lilac color and musical prompt to radio of Russia.

05.07.2005, 02:24
I heard, that Citramonum is forbidden in many countries. Specify better....

05.07.2005, 03:28
Morning do not come off sharply, eat something in bed, not rising, cookies, a ship's biscuit, something of such plan, have breakfast only slightly warm nutrition, not hot, do not drink hot. Buy or purchase an ethereal few or not enough;poorly tangerine, wear with itself butylochku when will feel nakat nauseas - smell. The drink of beer too recovers or resuscitates (only it is not necessary to throw in me tomatoes what is it alcohol, etc.)

That that has recollected from the honey agarics... Can still that I shall add

05.07.2005, 03:29
I had a terrible toxicosis the first 4 mesjattsa, I was rescueed or saved;salvaged soljenye krakersy and mineral water, all eto zaedalos a lemon.

05.07.2005, 03:43
Can take an interest is better at the doctor (in occasion of a goal. Pains)?