Просмотр полной версии : Whether the candidiasis can cause proctal or anal cracks?

17.03.2005, 11:26
Not the most pleasant subject, but I 6 years cannot will get rid of proctal or anal cracks, have appeared after valorous doctors have treated an angina to me 3- with courses of antibiotics and consequently only 3-rd time to me has got to something the doctor who has told or said necessarily to hand over the analysis on a susceptibility to preparations, it has appeared, that to 2-nd previous, originators of an angina were steady... Good, this lyrical digression... Doctors different, are very good and professional....

To vracham-to proctologists went, courses of treatment spent and all the same these cracks came back...

Recently has handed over the analysis on dizbakterioz, have told or said that kandidy more norms or rates... Here I also have reflected... Whether it can cause cracks??? And that they in any way do not heal... Who can knows? Thanks

20.03.2005, 08:13

21.03.2005, 03:35

Thanks. The laconic answer

When I have asked the doctor what to do or make with a candidiasis of an intestine to me have told or said itself will pass or take place, as excess small... Here I think... If mestno I can use ointment how to help or assist "interiors"???

23.03.2005, 07:39
If you are absolutely precisely assured, that a candidiasis it is possible to drink a tablet flukonazola.

From personal experience
25.03.2005, 23:05
About a candidiasis anything I can not advise, and here in occasion of cracks: itself suffered long time while my grandmother has not advised me a national way - during 2 weeks to put clysters with the urine in the morning, in general even it is not opposite... Has more shortly helped or assisted and more year I with it or this do not know problems, and in fact when was at the proctologist to me urgently recommended operation... But has managed!

30.03.2005, 11:26
If you are absolutely precisely assured, that a candidiasis it is possible to drink a tablet flukonazola.

Difljukan, Mikosist, Fljukostat, containing a fluconazole, it yet a guarantee of that you cure mushrooms. At me, for example, to a fluconazole this infection is steady. It is necessary to make the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics but only then to make a decision on that to swallow or to not swallow of this capsule. Otherwise the effect can appear short-term or in general be absent.

31.03.2005, 21:28
About a candidiasis anything I can not advise, and here in occasion of cracks: itself suffered long time while my grandmother has not advised me a national way - during 2 weeks to put clysters with the urine in the morning, in general even it is not opposite... Has more shortly helped or assisted and more year I with it or this do not know problems, and in fact when was at the proctologist to me urgently recommended operation... But has managed!

hm... Such variant sounds zamanchivee, than lotat tablets, besides I am not assured, that the reason of cracks in a candidiasis - simply I know that there kandidy are slightly raised or increased...

Here only it is interesting due to what helps or assists...

11.04.2005, 16:17
If you are absolutely precisely assured, that a candidiasis it is possible to drink a tablet flukonazola.

Difljukan, Mikosist, Fljukostat, containing a fluconazole, it yet a guarantee of that you cure mushrooms. At me, for example, to a fluconazole this infection is steady. It is necessary to make the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics but only then to make a decision on that to swallow or to not swallow of this capsule. Otherwise the effect can appear short-term or in general be absent.

Thanks if I shall sin on a candidiasis, all over again I shall hand over the analysis on sensitivity to preparations.

From personal experience
24.04.2005, 07:17
About a candidiasis anything I can not advise, and here in occasion of cracks: itself suffered long time while my grandmother has not advised me a national way - during 2 weeks to put clysters with the urine in the morning, in general even it is not opposite... Has more shortly helped or assisted and more year I with it or this do not know problems, and in fact when was at the proctologist to me urgently recommended operation... But has managed!

hm... Such variant sounds zamanchivee, than lotat tablets, besides I am not assured, that the reason of cracks in a candidiasis - simply I know that there kandidy are slightly raised or increased...

Here only it is interesting due to what helps or assists...

Yes figs it or him knows due to what, it is simple babulja has told or said, what is it the old checked up rural way, still its or her grandmother so was treated...

More shortly want try or taste, want is not present... But to me has really helped or assisted!

Only it is necessary the first morning urine!

04.05.2005, 14:51
About a candidiasis anything I can not advise, and here in occasion of cracks: itself suffered long time while my grandmother has not advised me a national way - during 2 weeks to put clysters with the urine in the morning, in general even it is not opposite... Has more shortly helped or assisted and more year I with it or this do not know problems, and in fact when was at the proctologist to me urgently recommended operation... But has managed!

hm... Such variant sounds zamanchivee, than lotat tablets, besides I am not assured, that the reason of cracks in a candidiasis - simply I know that there kandidy are slightly raised or increased...

Here only it is interesting due to what helps or assists...

Yes figs it or him knows due to what, it is simple babulja has told or said, what is it the old checked up rural way, still its or her grandmother so was treated...

More shortly want try or taste, want is not present... But to me has really helped or assisted!

Only it is necessary the first morning urine!

hm... It is good, that has told or said, I here evening the beginnings... In the morning on job...

11.05.2005, 14:51
About a candidiasis anything I can not advise, and here in occasion of cracks: itself suffered long time while my grandmother has not advised me a national way - during 2 weeks to put clysters with the urine in the morning, in general even it is not opposite... Has more shortly helped or assisted and more year I with it or this do not know problems, and in fact when was at the proctologist to me urgently recommended operation... But has managed!

hm... Such variant sounds zamanchivee, than lotat tablets, besides I am not assured, that the reason of cracks in a candidiasis - simply I know that there kandidy are slightly raised or increased...

Here only it is interesting due to what helps or assists...

Yes figs it or him knows due to what, it is simple babulja has told or said, what is it the old checked up rural way, still its or her grandmother so was treated...

More shortly want try or taste, want is not present... But to me has really helped or assisted!

Only it is necessary the first morning urine!

Basically, it is simply interesting to me what obrazos helps or assists... But if only has helped or assisted, because other output or exit - only operation, and somehow not so it would be desirable, if there are other ways.

03.07.2005, 20:48
, I here too have reflected, at me postojanye treshchny. At all I do not know because of what. To tell the truth I do not fly or I treat in any way them, pass or take place. And then again. With a chair like that's all right. But the priest that hurts And to the doctor while to go obsaljutno there is no time.

Has read through here about urine. Instead of whether harmfully 2 weeks a clyster to do or make? I heard what often to do or make it is impossible, and that the organism gets used and is then independent problematchno hodt in a toilet. Say lies?