Просмотр полной версии : Anovulation

02.07.2005, 14:23
Within 1,5 years of a regular sexual life I can not zaberemennet. The basal temperature in the second phase of a cycle keeps at a level 37,0 within 5 days, once raises or increases up to 37,2. Such situation is traced within 7 months. 3 days prior to a menses are observed bloody allocation it (is smeared). Monthly regular, a cycle of 28 days. Parity or ratio lg/o?u> 5. The weight of a body at body height 1,74 makes 45 kg. Attributes of a hirsutism are not present. After purpose or appointment of Microfollinum in the first phase of a cycle and Progesteronum in the second - nothing has changed only basal temperature in the second phase was 36,9 within 5 days. Whether correctly to me have appointed or nominated the specified preparations? Whether it is possible to assume presence giperandrogenii and what chances zaberemennet? What preparations are better for using for treatment: to Diana - 35 or androkur or to accept Dexamethazonum? Thanks.

02.07.2005, 17:08
Any treatment before statement of the exact diagnosis. There are hormonal problems and a failure of 2 phases of a cycle.
It is necessary for you to pass or take place detailed inspection in occasion of sterility or barrenness: spermogramma, a roentgen of a uterus for finding-out of permeability of pipes, hormonal inspection (full), a blood on antispermalnye antibodies, poskoitalnyj the test... After that it will be possible to reveal the reasons of sterility or barrenness and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.