Просмотр полной версии : First attributes

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24.08.2004, 16:26
Actually a question on teme-the first signs of pregnancy..

At me zaderzhka-4 days... Were protected..:

28.08.2004, 17:18
4 days...

What there attributes...

Buy or Purchase the test.

28.08.2004, 18:16
And I shall make.. Very much I am afraid... There is what a string of an agent of discontinuing, except for abortion?

01.09.2004, 09:44
Paws, than were protected?

06.09.2004, 01:01
Paws, than were protected?


I so am afraid, foks, the second child it is not necessary, and vish, holidays byli-drank that fine...

12.09.2004, 14:09
Paws, than were protected?


I so am afraid, foks, the second child it is not necessary, and vish, holidays byli-drank that fine...

Paws so there can be this or thus nervous? It is a lot of reasons for delays: change of a climate, stresses. Whether I do not know alcohol influences a delay monthly or not...

14.09.2004, 10:41
Paws, than were protected?


I so am afraid, foks, the second child it is not necessary, and vish, holidays byli-drank that fine...

Paws so there can be this or thus nervous? It is a lot of reasons for delays: change of a climate, stresses. Whether I do not know alcohol influences a delay monthly or not...

At me a breast now such bulked up, and the stomach or belly pricks below, not toshnit, all in norm or rate... Here only monthly is not present.... The last month and earlier went as on hours-cycles of exactly 28 days....

17.09.2004, 17:53
Make the test, and go is better and hand over the analysis of a blood on HGCH.

26.09.2004, 10:12
At me a breast now such bulked up, and the stomach or belly pricks below, not toshnit, all in norm or rate... Here only monthly is not present.... The last month and earlier went as on hours-cycles of exactly 28 days....

Wait and do not experience strongly. Because of the experiences you monthly can delay even more

Paws, and you do not remember first attributes during the first pregnancy?

05.10.2004, 18:12
At me a breast now such bulked up, and the stomach or belly pricks below, not toshnit, all in norm or rate... Here only monthly is not present.... The last month and earlier went as on hours-cycles of exactly 28 days....

Wait and do not experience strongly. Because of the experiences you monthly can delay even more

Paws, and you do not remember first attributes during the first pregnancy?

Pregnancy and labors have passed or have taken place vashche bezproblemno, few times problevalas and once in a syncope shmjaknulas, already somewhere on 3-rd month....

07.10.2004, 09:17
Paws, look or see here

http: // yarina.com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php? t=2484

http: // yarina.com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php? t=1625

07.10.2004, 23:09
Paws, calm down and hand over the test. Still m.b. Simply delays because of nerves il holidays rough... I too had a delay for 4 days, well niche send or have come then

17.10.2004, 07:34
Paws, calm down and hand over the test. Still m.b. Simply delays because of nerves il holidays rough... I too had a delay for 4 days, well niche send or have come then

I shall hope....

23.10.2004, 19:05
And BT tried to measure?

04.11.2004, 16:21
The paw, except for abortion is still medicamental discontinuing on very early terms. Speak, less dangerous and travmatichnoe though, from the scientific point of view, any abortion is considered abortion So this terrible word everywhere.

Still any babushkin a way - broth of a grass special to have a drink. At me the friend so two pregnancies to itself has interrupted, BUT - doctors extremely do not recommend this way, it is not enough guarantees, besides and to poison it is possible So it not advice or council, and so, for the general or common information

But you in advance be not frightened, hand over better analyses somewhat quicker

Success to you!!

Baba Manya
14.11.2004, 05:08
CHur you, these or it babushkiny broths-poisons. Better from the second floor to jump.

17.11.2004, 16:14
So I also speak, that it is not necessary to these or it;this to be engaged... I at all did not recommend it

26.11.2004, 02:19
The root of a parsley to make and drink in current of hour on a glass of 1 litre.

Very diuretic, at the same time and almost washes out.

30.11.2004, 05:08
The Paw, except for abortion is still medicamental discontinuing on very early terms. Speak, less dangerous and travmatichnoe though, from the scientific point of view, any abortion is considered abortion So this terrible word everywhere.

Medicamental it is possible to do or make even on greater term, than vacuum!!! 40 it is exact. I do not know, that there less travmatichno - to sit on a toilet bowl and to wait, while bulknet And it is dear or expensive.

03.12.2004, 22:06
Paw, fears were justified or not?

12.12.2004, 07:27
The Paw, fears were justified or not?

Too it is interesting to me, and everyone advise that also to me too it would be desirable, and whether here it is necessary, I do not know

The visitor
22.12.2004, 06:17
The Paw, except for abortion is still medicamental discontinuing on very early terms. Speak, less dangerous and travmatichnoe though, from the scientific point of view, any abortion is considered abortion So this terrible word everywhere.

Still any babushkin a way - broth of a grass special to have a drink. At me the friend so two pregnancies to itself has interrupted, BUT - doctors extremely do not recommend this way, it is not enough guarantees, besides and to poison it is possible So it not advice or council, and so, for the general or common information

But you in advance be not frightened, hand over better analyses somewhat quicker

Success to you!!

Medicamental a-chicken-feed. Hardly to the god soul then has not given. Also cleaned all.

25.12.2004, 09:29
Medicamental a-chicken-feed. Hardly to the god soul then has not given. Also cleaned all.

Here it tochnjak, the gynecologist in hospital spoke me that after medicamental abortion of more half of women go on cleaning, and percent or interests 10 after vacuum. There are small slices of a fetus in matke-everything, wait for an inflammation or is worse than that. To me for example after mini ordered to measure in the mornings week temperature, there was a suspicion that something remains. So usual abortion under the general or common narcosis in hospital in any case is better, that would not speak.

Baba Manya
05.01.2005, 11:55
And the Paw has precisely decided to not leave the child? And she can all has changed the mind?

15.01.2005, 00:32
And the Paw has precisely decided to not leave the child? And she can all has changed the mind?

So it is not clear, whether esl she, pregnancy...