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19.09.2004, 05:37
Has started to accept for the first time OK, has drunk one course (21 day), now a break I do or make 7 days (the fourth day today), and monthly all is not present. A usual cycle at me 29 days. To instructions like as it has been written, that for the first time monthly can and to not be... I Am afraid, that zaberemennela as I in time reception had problems with digestion (diarrhea was in general, but not from OK), tablets could will not be acquired... Soon it is necessary to drink again already, and in fact if I am pregnant it will damage or injure;hurt to the child! Advise, who in it or this understands more! Thanks!

21 year

21.09.2004, 06:13
And earlier monthly plentiful were or neochen?

23.09.2004, 21:05
Whether one to tell or say it can is necessary to be checked up is pregnant. And to ask the gynecologist to pick up to you other tablets. I here zhanin accepted and in half a year prema too monthly were gone. proverilas-it is not pregnant. And vrachiha to me has told or said, that so from tablets happens and has advised drugie-now I drink logest and while all ok.

08.11.2004, 13:34
I do not know, that you accept, but hardly you have become pregnant... Earlier like as starting to accept OK, it was necessary to be protected 1-2 cycles, in passing accepting tablets. Modern OK operate or work from 1 day of reception as I was notified by mine vrachiha. At me, I remember, too there were any loonies in the first cycle of reception, the delay, as at you can even. But all has managed. But, certainly, it is better to check up. Buy or purchase in a drugstore the test for pregnancy. Time at you a delay 3 days he authentically will show all of you. Success!

17.12.2004, 13:00
And, yes!! What OK??

Diana Valerevna
16.01.2005, 16:19
Has started to accept for the first time OK, has drunk one course (21 day), now a break I do or make 7 days (the fourth day today), and monthly all is not present. A usual cycle at me 29 days. To instructions like as it has been written, that for the first time monthly can and to not be... I Am afraid, that zaberemennela as I in time reception had problems with digestion (diarrhea was in general, but not from OK), tablets could will not be acquired... Soon it is necessary to drink again already, and in fact if I am pregnant it will damage or injure;hurt to the child! Advise, who in it or this understands more! Thanks!

21 year

And at you diarrhea with what has been connected? Not with a poisoning?

I think, that the part of a preparation was precisely soaked up, and you neberemenny

24.02.2005, 23:12
Thanks all for answers, monthly Thanks God this very day also have begun, so all by way of!

Diana Valerevna
30.06.2005, 20:44
a wink