Просмотр полной версии : Ovuljatsionnyj a syndrome...: (Mamadorogaja!!!

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27.03.2005, 08:09
Girls, all greetings!

Here such at me bjaka has appeared for quite some time now. In the middle of a cycle nachitaet to hurt or be ill;be sick the stomach or belly (and all over again below, and then as if from a pubis and up to ribs), arises such sensation as if the tummy is inflated or fanned, the temperature rises. Have diagnosed " ovuljatsionnyj a syndrome ". Somebody heard about such? Why he arises, what it or him provokes? How with it or this borotstsa?

27.03.2005, 20:47
Ovuljatsionnyj sindrom-it is set of the signs arising at an ovulation. Those signs which you at yourselves mark or celebrate, just from that opera. At the some people even sometimes appear at this time smearing (brown) allocation.

And from what they at you? You likely very sensitive nature, therefore test a dyscomfort during an ovulation. If you know, the majority of women does not test similar sensations. But you precisely know when at you an ovulation, and can plan time of conception So be not upset

29.03.2005, 03:19
To me at such syndrome has very much helped or assisted "Vobenzim" + "Genikohel" (homeopathy). After 1-st course I have forgotten about this phenomenon.

30.03.2005, 06:26
Felicidad, it is easy or light to tell or say, be not upset.

I have no concept, why this all has begun (thought, That can here will prompt, I something has not found the reasons in a network, basically, only the description of sufferings). And, has begun gradually enough, can a year ago, can more. First there was simply a dyscomfort, and now it has turned simply to something impossible. And I with pleasure would remain that woman who does not notice this ovulation.... Because this knowledge is given very much by big price...

Milen, thanks. To me have written out any BAD " Female comfort ", but here something I doubt. Not very much I like all these mains-operated features...

Passed by
01.04.2005, 08:14
At mine the employee podojunoe has begun after cancelling OK, kotrye she drank six years on end. IT or her have taken away with suspicion on apenditsit, and it has appeared... Type here so there is an ovulation, and all here - the doctor so has told or said.. The truth that has registered - I do not know

03.04.2005, 09:43
e-Y-, Liosik, Liosik. Very much with you I sympathize, certainly, on the one hand, and with another I envy white envy! To me so the nobility, when an ovulation! Already for a long time with detkoj would be... And that it is necessary to calculate something, to guess and on doctors to run...

05.04.2005, 03:04
The syndrome can develop, if in the anamnesis the chronic adnexitis at which there is a thickening of a wall of an ovary because of what an ovulation becomes sensitive.

07.04.2005, 08:41
The Syndrome can develop, if in the anamnesis the chronic adnexitis at which there is a thickening of a wall of an ovary because of what an ovulation becomes sensitive.

About, thanks, oin! Have put also such diagnosis! What it then turns out, if OS develops on accrueing or increasing, the adnexitis means also progressed and will progress?

Well shchaz we treat vospolenie, but OS all the same is, any improvement! It that the follicle this time leaves not a morbid ovary!!! I am simply hung up, when he leaves on the right..... It was still found out, that most likely after excision of an appendicitis the right ovary was soldered to a uterus.... So, plyoho it will be constant???

Also what to do or make??? If an adnexitis chronic he will be always.... OS means also will be always???

(A drain of questions... It because to the gynecologist I shall go yet soon, and the nobility would be desirable already)

The visitor
07.04.2005, 20:36
At me too such was. First I did not know, what is it because of an ovulation, then prochla, that such status happens at women during an ovulation. But to the doctor with it or this did not go. And couple of months back the beginnings to drink OK and these pains have passed or have taken place and PMS are not present, and monthly is shorter.

11.04.2005, 03:06
So, the hormonal component in the reasons too is???

13.04.2005, 00:50
So, the hormonal component in the reasons too is???

Yes! To me the reason it is a syndrome have named hormonal disturbance, as one of possible or probable. It is possible to guess here longly-female organism a complex or difficult piece and very mysterious.

So it is necessary to treat and all.

15.04.2005, 01:05
So, the hormonal component in the reasons too is???

Even it seems to me, that this reason one of the cores.

And in occasion of treatment, in a drugstore ask such preparation REMENS or any other of new homeopathic preparations.

Uh, you it is simple to itself do not represent as many women would like to know when at them an ovulation well better, certainly, not such by.

Success to you!

17.04.2005, 01:52
I such already have more than half a year. Went to the doctor, have put " ovuljatsionnyj a syndrome ". Have told or said, that, vprintsipe, it is possible to get rid of "pain" contraceptive tablets

20.04.2005, 12:19
I such already have more than half a year. Went to the doctor, have put " ovuljatsionnyj a syndrome ". Have told or said, that, vprintsipe, it is possible to get rid of "pain" contraceptive tablets

Too hormonal additional charging.... Hm...

Here I the doctor too spoke, that supposedly hormones to give me yet does not want, that this or thus will be more sparing most BAD " Female comfort " with grasses and other poisons. Probably, taki it is necessary to try or taste, though I so do not like, when doctors advise any medicine which is on sale mains-operated marketing...

22.04.2005, 03:47
At me this ovuljatsionnyj the syndrome takes place to be in very acute form - temperature, a sharp pain in the field of ovaries, a vomiting, a nausea, cold sweat and in general nuts, I to you shall tell or say. I drop out for a week of a life, I sit at home as go because of a pain I can not. It is weak to the god such there is not every month, and time in half a year. The gynecologist has told or said that with it or this there's nothing to be done - at whom easy there passes or there takes place an ovulation, at whom as at me.

24.04.2005, 12:05
At me this ovuljatsionnyj the syndrome takes place to be in very acute form - temperature, a sharp pain in the field of ovaries, a vomiting, a nausea, cold sweat and in general nuts, I to you shall tell or say. I drop out for a week of a life, I sit at home as go because of a pain I can not. It is weak to the god such there is not every month, and time in half a year. The gynecologist has told or said that with it or this there's nothing to be done - at whom easy there passes or there takes place an ovulation, at whom as at me.

And at me such was time in some months, and sometimes almost every month. And so could take (directly attacks hurt!), that I krjuchilas on beds and fingers on arms or hand grew dumb! Thanks God, that then did not work, and that in fact as on job to go at such picture or a month to take once the sick-list.

27.04.2005, 01:20
Sotto *!!!! ogo-!!!!!!! At me thanks God, easier, but now practically every month. And OS smoothly passes in PMS. zadolbalas. But here much all useful prochla, thanks all

And labors? After sorts or labors probably, what all will pass or take place? In fact it both hormonal changes and "mechanical"?

And more, whether the probability of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis increases or is enlarged from OS??? Very much to me somehow it is terrible from this think...

30.04.2005, 18:45
And labors? After sorts or labors probably, what all will pass or take place? In fact it both hormonal changes and "mechanical"?

And more, whether the probability of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis increases or is enlarged from OS??? Very much to me somehow it is terrible from this think...

By the way, yes. Has recollected about labors. The gynecologist such acute form basically at not given birth or not travailled so after sorts or labors should pass or take place has told or said that. We shall hope.

03.05.2005, 10:32
And more, whether the probability of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis increases or is enlarged from OS??? Very much to me somehow it is terrible from this think...

I think, no, the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis (90 %) arises because of an obstruction of uterine pipes (when the impregnated ootid cannot get in a cavity of the uterus and it is attached with a wall of a pipe and begins shares and to grow, expanding or dilating a pipe, is possible or probable break of a pipe. If voremja to not get in hospital), and the pain at an ovulation - from break of a follicle of an ovary

07.05.2005, 03:01
The Syndrome can develop, if in the anamnesis the chronic adnexitis at which there is a thickening of a wall of an ovary because of what an ovulation becomes sensitive.

About, thanks, oin! Have put also such diagnosis! What it then turns out, if OS develops on accrueing or increasing, the adnexitis means also progressed and will progress?

Well shchaz we treat vospolenie, but OS all the same is, any improvement! It that the follicle this time leaves not a morbid ovary!!! I am simply hung up, when he leaves on the right..... It was still found out, that most likely after excision of an appendicitis the right ovary was soldered to a uterus.... So, plyoho it will be constant???

Also what to do or make??? If an adnexitis chronic he will be always.... OS means also will be always???

(A drain of questions... It because to the gynecologist I shall go yet soon, and the nobility would be desirable already)

All this is treated.... (about a chronic adnexitis), difficultly, but treatment is possible or probable. Solderings - are worse, spajachnyj process can result or bring also in sterility or barrenness. Solderings the same are treated, the main thing to not start, at ljaparoskopii are exsected (as well as utolshchennye walls of an ovary, that oblagchaet an output or exit of ootids), probably same treatment and OS.

09.05.2005, 17:58
And more, whether the probability of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis increases or is enlarged from OS??? Very much to me somehow it is terrible from this think...

I think, no, the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis (90 %) arises because of an obstruction of uterine pipes (when the impregnated ootid cannot get in a cavity of the uterus and it is attached with a wall of a pipe and begins shares and to grow, expanding or dilating a pipe, is possible or probable break of a pipe. If voremja to not get in hospital), and the pain at an ovulation - from break of a follicle of an ovary

If only pipes are not involved in process, an opportunity minimal. But as there are inflammations of appendages (salpingoofarity, they adnexites, both pipes and ovaries) it increases or enlarges risk more often. As at you still is in the anamnesis and spajachnyj process from the right party or side it is necessary to be surveyed seriously.

13.05.2005, 04:15
Girls, you during this business or affairs are hurted with area, where an ovary? Only one party or side or at once two?

14.05.2005, 04:02
Girls, you during this business or affairs are hurted with area, where an ovary? Only one party or side or at once two?

At me - it depends. Sometimes all area of a bottom of a stomach or belly. Even you can not distinguish, a uterus it either appendages, or an intestine or that... And hurts sometimes from a pubis up to ribs... Therefore even kidneys to check went.... And here sometimes the ovary and from it or him irradiatsija in the parties or sides, but is precisely felt he.

Baba Manya
14.05.2005, 15:18
Girls, you during this business or affairs are hurted with area, where an ovary? Only one party or side or at once two?

Usually the ootid in one ovary and consequently hurts only on the one hand ripens.

15.05.2005, 21:46
Girls, you during this business or affairs are hurted with area, where an ovary? Only one party or side or at once two?

Usually the ootid in one ovary and consequently hurts only on the one hand ripens.

Indeed - 2 days the right party or side hurted or was ill;was sick. On time - the middle of a cycle. Now e - as an arm or a hand has removed or has taken off. Means, I too have this ovuljatsionnyj a syndrome. Well and chyo now to do or make?