Просмотр полной версии : Strong burning sensation after an emiction

27.06.2005, 16:12
The thrush HAS been diagnosed. After long treatment analyses have shown. That all is pure or clean. Through a floor of year all has repeated. The analysis on ZPPP pure or clean. Treatment has almost ended. But disturbs sensation of a strong burning sensation after the certificate or act of an emiction. The doctor makes a helpless gesture. What is it can be? The analysis on an infection pure or clean.

28.06.2005, 16:38
At you local immunity in a vagina is lowered. Therefore recurs inflammatory process in vagina and urinary system which are closely connected. Detailed inspection for finding-out of the reason is necessary. Make a colposcopy (for exception of presence of condylomas (papillomavirusnoj infections), make bacteriological crop, be surveyed in detail on virus infections and address to the gastroenterologist for exception of a dysbacteriosis of an intestine. I think after that it will be possible to put the correct diagnosis and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.