Просмотр полной версии : Whether and there was a problem????????

21.10.2004, 07:07
Not so long ago has solved provetit at itself presence-absence of the diseases passed sexual by. In increasing frequency there are ideas on pregnancy, and it would not be desirable to learn or find out about such troubles during its or her offensive or approach. With the husband we together already almost 2 years. From the moment of our acquaintance at me anybody another was not. But was afraid of consequences from last not so reasonable life....

Has come to the doctor and all has fairly told. She has directed me to hand over method PTSR a heap of analyses. Have found out chlamydias. Have already written out course of treatment. But the husband has told or said, that without analyses to be treated is not going to. I have been assured on 100 %, that at it or him too will be positive". He handed over and PTSR, and a blood from a vein. Have found out nothing!!!!!! I have cheered up and too handed over two more times with a difference in one and a half month analyses both on PTSR, and from a vein. This time in me also as well as the husband have found out nothing....... What to think - at all I do not know...... What was for the first time? I terribly am afraid, that that-string have passed or missed!!!!!!

03.11.2004, 06:15
And you be not afraid. In the first if you handed over in a paid out-patient department there can find, money that are necessary. And in the usual personal computer all mix hundred five times could. In general it is considered, that to trust it is impossible for one analysis, is better them to make three and in different med.uchrezhdenijah.

23.11.2004, 04:26
And you be not afraid. In the first if you zdavali in a paid out-patient department there can find, money that are necessary. And in the usual personal computer all mix hundred five times could. In general it is considered, that to trust it is impossible for one analysis, is better them to make three and in different med.uchrezhdenijah.

Aha, and potogm under the theory of probability calculate what probability of this or that disease.

333,33, at me it is the passed or taken place stage. I can tell or say unequivocally - in laboratory to you have made I get on or I climb, instead of analyses. As it is not sad, but now it everywhere occurs or happens. Simply in laboratories necessary conditions for carrying out of analyses are not satisfied all. In a word, a brothel or disorder-with.

30.11.2004, 01:26
I handed over analyses in two different establishments - prevyj time in the center of planning as paid analyses. Second time (2 analyses with a difference in one and a half month) handed over in enough dear or expensive clinic - here have found out nothing and have sent home with words: " we Shall meet you when will come the pregnant woman "

23.12.2004, 23:51
I handed over analyses in two different establishments - prevyj time in the center of planning as paid analyses. Second time (2 analyses with a difference in one and a half month) handed over in enough dear or expensive clinic

I can share a wide experience of delivery of analyses, by the way, on the same chlamydias, at full confidence, that at me they are not present. And dearness in clinic at all a parameter kachestvennosti analyses. You come under links

http: // forums.rusmedserv.com/forumdisplay.php? f=83

http: // www.primer.ru/cgi-bin/forum/forum_topics.asp?

- There such hundreds

22.01.2005, 17:08
Here I read all this and I think, time at me is not present complaints any can well their these analyses PTSRom before pregnancy (me too have told or said to make on vsjak a case), and that at me with the husband of other partners was not, and does not disturb anything, as a result - only money will tear off....

12.02.2005, 23:03
I handed over analyses in two different establishments - prevyj time in the center of planning as paid analyses. Second time (2 analyses with a difference in one and a half month) handed over in enough dear or expensive clinic

I can share a wide experience of delivery of analyses, by the way, on the same chlamydias, at full confidence, that at me they are not present. And dearness in clinic at all a parameter kachestvennosti analyses. You come under links

http: // forums.rusmedserv.com/forumdisplay.php? f=83

http: // www.primer.ru/cgi-bin/forum/forum_topics.asp?

- There such hundreds

If it is fair, after these references at me absolutely the head has begun to spin.... I understand, that doctors much that create. And it is terrible....

And concerning the question - I do not know what to do or make - to calm down or further to go to the third clinic? Similar, it already becomes obsession...

28.06.2005, 00:30
Here I read all this and I think, time at me is not present complaints any can well their these analyses PTSRom before pregnancy (me too have told or said to make on vsjak a case), and that at me with the husband of other partners was not, and does not disturb anything, as a result - only money will tear off....

So you will peerly hand over all of them in case of offensive or approach of pregnancy. And so it seems to me, is better something to learn or find out do-, than after-. For this reason I also was puzzled with this question.