Просмотр полной версии : About polikistozno the changed ovaries.

25.06.2005, 19:00
Question such: in five months of reception of hormonal tablets in me on uzi have found out polycystic ovaries. On how much it can be dangerous? The doctor has told or said, that it is necessary to make a break in reception of tablets for a month, and then to hand over the analysis n garmony. But on holiday to stop reception it would not be desirable. It or it Is possible-whether to postpone a break for a month? Can it is necessary to make uzi once again since the bad analysis could be consequence or investigation of a nervous status? In advance thanks.

25.06.2005, 19:21
I do not see a problem in general.
The syndrome of polycystic ovaries is very serious disease. For statement of such diagnosis hormonal inspection is necessary. Only by results of hormonal inspection it will be possible to put such diagnosis with confidence. It is not enough given US.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

26.06.2005, 01:45
That is you consider or count, what for five months of reception garmonalnyh tablets (5 months ago I did or made check on hormones and uzi by results of which to me and have registered tablets) develops this illness or disease could not on so much urgently to run to the doctor and it is possible to postpone for a month?
Then such question: at you in clinic it is possible to make the analysis on garmony with the purpose of replacement prinemaemyh tablets? Before such analyses it is necessary to not accept month them?
In advance thanks.

26.06.2005, 12:45
At us it is possible to make almost all analyses, including a full hormonal structure. ekstrennosti any is not present. Inspection is desirable for spending in 2-3 months after the termination or ending of reception OK.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

27.06.2005, 12:04
Many thanks.