Просмотр полной версии : Signs of an icterus

21.02.2005, 14:50
Prompt, who knows...

I go to a toilet... Sorry light three days.... It is more than signs any

To me have told or said, what is it first attribute of an icterus

08.03.2005, 09:49
Prompt, who knows...

I go to a toilet... Sorry light three days.... It is more than signs any

To me have told or said, what is it first attribute of an icterus

I had an icterus about color of a chair I do not remember

But at me have turned yellow fibers of eyes (at all much) and the stomach or belly hurted or was ill;was sick.

Descend or Go to the doctor a hepatitis such thing with which to joke it is not necessary

15.03.2005, 17:49
Prompt, who knows...

I go to a toilet... Sorry light three days.... It is more than signs any

To me have told or said, what is it first attribute of an icterus

The toilet is an attribute, but not necessarily icteruses. Hand over necessarily analyses - on all 3 kinds of a hepatitis and hepatic blood samples. There is, a cholecystitis, for example, influences color of a feces

06.04.2005, 20:35
Light excuse will be somewhere in a week. And at once - urine will darken, in is brown-. Will not be mistaken. Toshnit it will be terrible. Then will turn yellow particularly. And then already the feces pobeleet, in a chalk, instead of will simply brighten.

19.04.2005, 21:34
Light excuse will be somewhere in a week. And at once - urine will darken, in is brown-. Will not be mistaken. Toshnit it will be terrible. Then will turn yellow particularly. And then already the feces pobeleet, in a chalk, instead of will simply brighten.

True you speak!

26.06.2005, 19:19
Light excuse will be somewhere in a week. And at once - urine will darken, in is brown-. Will not be mistaken. Toshnit it will be terrible. Then will turn yellow particularly. And then already the feces pobeleet, in a chalk, instead of will simply brighten.

esli eto pro gepatit, to est i bivaet i bez pozeltenija!