Просмотр полной версии : Dizbakterioz

13.10.2004, 04:15
Whether at me such question longly to treat dizbakterioz??

To beam it is already hollow year, chesno it was tortured already.. The doctor speaks about one year to be treated it is necessary.. But I am am tormented with vague doubts because every two month she takes analyses and on reception to her and it is money not small.

Who can that knows. Collided or faced.

15.10.2004, 04:55
Whether At me such question longly to treat dizbakterioz??

To beam it is already hollow year, chesno it was tortured already.. The doctor speaks about one year to be treated it is necessary.. But I am am tormented with vague doubts because every two month she takes analyses and on reception to her and it is money not small.

Who can that knows. Collided or faced.

In general yes, are longly treated. Analyses take often, check on flora as kishenik it will be occupied by a normal microflora then treatment stop.

28.10.2004, 14:37
Whether At me such question longly to treat dizbakterioz??

To beam it is already hollow year, chesno it was tortured already.. The doctor speaks about one year to be treated it is necessary.. But I am am tormented with vague doubts because every two month she takes analyses and on reception to her and it is money not small.

Who can that knows. Collided or faced.

And me the Dutch doctor has told or said, that as "dysbacteriosis" in general already for a long time nobody uses such diagnosis, as he not correct.

That I considered or counted that a dysbacteriosis, he has named " a syndrome of the angry intestine ".

23.11.2004, 07:29


Dysbacteriosis - change of structure and quantitative parities or ratio of a microflora, in norm or rate occupying the hollow organs informed with an environment (for example, the top respiratory ways, an intestine), and a skin of the person.

The physiological status of an organism and status of its or his nonspecific protective forces are connected with vital activity of a microflora. The representatives of a so-called normal microflora usually living in an intestine, the top respiratory ways and on a skin of the person, owing to the expressed opposing activity protect these organs from penetration and fast duplication of pathogenic and is conditional-pathogenic microorganisms, carry out series of other functions.

Structure of intestinal flora.

Dysbacteriosis of an intestine (in the English-speaking literature the term " a syndrome of bacteriemic or bacterial growth " is accepted, bacterial overgrowth) - the greater or big and more poorly studied or investigated problem modern koloproktologii. As is known, at the newborn the gastrointestinal tract is sterile, and within several hours after a birth its or his settling by strains of streptococcuses, an intestinal rod begins, etc. In day in an intestine it is already possible to find out anaerobic laktobatsilly and enterococci, and approximately from 10-th day usilenno are made multiple copies bakteroidy, and, on the average, in a month is established or installed stable and at the same time individual microbial tsenoz. In a stomach, a proximal part of a small bowel and in a jejunum the flora is very poor, while in distal departments of an ileal intestine, especially in a zone of the ileocecal valve the structure of a microflora varies, and the quantity or amount of microbes increases sharply or is sharply enlarged. In a colon there are 17 families, 45 sorts or labors and about 500 kinds of a resident microflora. Anaerobov (bifidobakterii and bakteroidy) in this or thus microbial tsenoze almost in 10 times more than aerobes (laktobakterii, enterococci and typical strains of an intestinal rod). It makes 98 % of all intestinal flora. In a colon, thus, sharply prevail anaeroby (bakteroidy, clostridiums, laktobatsilly) which are defined or determined in the ratio to aerobes as 10000:1. The term "Dysbacteriosis", is offered to divide on " a syndrome colic disbioza " and separately " a syndrome enteric disbioza ", and it is practically important to know, that various disturbances of balance of microbial flora of an intestine can cause an exacerbation of a colitis. Thus 12 (cobalamines) develop malabsorbtsija with disturbance of an absorption of vitamin B, there is its or his deficiency in an organism at its or his overabundance in a lumen of an intestine. On the other hand, intestinal bacteria synthesize Acidum folicum so its or her maintenance or contents in Serum of a blood does not decrease, and raises or increases. It is the important criterion of a differentiation of type malabsorbtsii. One more important point - disturbance at a dysbacteriosis of function of cholic acids which in norm or rate dissolve Adepses and are soaked up in an ileal intestine. Solubility of Adepses and their absorption by an organism decreases. Besides at the strengthened proliferation of bacteria the absorption of carbohydrates is broken, decreases endoluminal rn, secretion of water and electrolytes in a lumen of an intestine increases or is enlarged and all this stimulates an intestinal motility of a small bowel in which the bacteriemic or bacterial flora becomes to similar flora of a colon.

At a dysbacteriosis some representatives of a normal microflora (bifidobakterii, lactic and intestinal rods, etc.) can disappear and to appear seldom meeting microorganisms (funguses of a sort kandida, staphilococcuses, protej, a pyocyanic rod, etc.). Thus the expressed local inflammatory processes are observed in a different degree, and at sharp weakening resistibility of an organism the form of an endogenous or endogenic infection down to a sepsis can develop generalizovannaja. The dysbacteriosis is the important part of a pathogenesis of some diseases of organs of digestion, respiratory ways and a skin, influencing on current and an outcome of the disease and often demanding special treatment.

The reasons of a dysbacteriosis.

The reasons of a dysbacteriosis can be a little; it gipo-and the achlorhydria of a stomach (especially at disturbance of evacuation from it or him), is a syndrome of a resulting or bringing loop after a resection of a stomach on -2, jejunal and duodenal diverticulums, a syndrome of a blind loop at thin-colic anastomoses the extremity or end sideways, an obstruction of an intestine, a chronic pancreatitis, immunodeficiencies, the thoughtless and uncontrolled application of antibiotics leading to ruin an appreciable part of representatives of a normal microflora, sensitive to a preparation, and duplication steady against it or him;them microfloras, including pathogenic and is conditional or conditionally-pathogenic, disturbances of a delivery, the use of alcohol, etc.

Clinical attributes of a dysbacteriosis.

The clinical syndrome of a dysbacteriosis develops of 4 basic attributes - diarrheas, a steatorrhea, loss of weight and an anemia.

Diagnostics of a dysbacteriosis.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out endoscopic or a X-ray inspection of all colon to not pass or miss polyps, polyposes or a cancer of this localization. The tumoral processes often amazing a colon, can be shown, including the abdominal pains, a unstable chair (alternating of constipations and diarrheas), abdominal distentions, loss of weight, an anemia - signs, like specifying presence of a dysbacteriosis.

Usually for diagnostics of a dysbacteriosis carry out crop of a feces on flora. Other methods can be applied to more exact diagnostics: an aspiration of contents of a jejunum; the respiratory test with Carboneum; the test with definition of a level of 5 % gidroksiindoluksusnoj acids (5 % HIAA) in urine; the glucosic hydrogen respiratory test; d- and About tests for special researches and definitions of a degree of gravity malabsorbtsii, connected with a hypoproteinemia.

The dysbacteriosis and syndrome of the angry intestine clinically proceed is similar and often are combined. In any case, research microbial tsenoza a colon at patients with a syndrome of the angry intestine necessarily, and at absence of conditions for the qualified bacteriological analysis of a feces it is necessary to spend treatment by bacteriemic or bacterial preparations (bifidumbakterin) eh juvantibus.

Treatment of a dysbacteriosis.

The dysbacteriosis often is connected with disturbances of a motility of an intestine, a syndrome of the angry intestine, psychoemotional frustration, therefore in many cases treatment of a dysbacteriosis should be complex. The important components of treatment are:

- Strict observance of a diet;

- Normalization of a motility of a digestive tube - in norm or rate a colon is reduced 1 time minute and duration of a wave of a peristalsis of 40-50 seconds, and at disturbance of this rhythm (the dyskinesia, dizritmija) is observed retardation or an acceleration of reductions that is clinically shown accordingly in constipations or diarrheas;

- Normalization of intestinal flora by bacteriemic or bacterial preparations (kolibakterin, bifidobakterin and others) and liquidations, whenever possible, an intestinal stasis. The antibioticotherapia in many cases only aggravates a dysbacteriosis though nevertheless purpose or appointment of Tetracyclinum and other antibiotics, certainly, is strict under the control of sensitivity over them of sowed flora, it is widely accepted. The termination or discontinuance of diarrheas testifies To efficiency of treatment;

- The "functional" delivery - good effect gives application spazmolitikov and preparations of osmotic action (forlaks, mukofalk), npo (bifidok, bifidumbakterin);

- Consultation of the psychotherapist - a dysbacteriosis and a syndrome of the angry intestine meets at 10-20 % of adult people and obviously its or his communication or connection with psychoemotional sphere, i.e. with features of the person proves to be true: at 75 % of patients come to light or are taped an asthenia, depression, an anorexia, a cancerophobia, etc. it is necessary to remember, that at inspection of such patients, first of all, it is necessary to exclude organic lesions of a digestive tube - to execute a proximal and distal endoscopy, it is better with a biopsy, to analyse microbial tsenoz an intestine and koprogrammu.

Prophylaxis of a dysbacteriosis.

Prophylaxis of a dysbacteriosis consists in an explanation of inadmissibility of unreasonable and uncontrolled use of any antibacterial preparations, and also application of bacteriemic or bacterial preparations during and after treatment by antibacterial preparations, obshcheukrepljajushchej therapies and a high-grade delivery for the weakened or easied faces.

02.12.2004, 20:31
Whether At me such question longly to treat dizbakterioz??

To beam it is already hollow year, chesno it was tortured already.. The doctor speaks about one year to be treated it is necessary.. But I am am tormented with vague doubts because every two month she takes analyses and on reception to her and it is money not small.

Who can that knows. Collided or faced.

And me the Dutch doctor has told or said, that as "dysbacteriosis" in general already for a long time nobody uses such diagnosis, as he not correct.

That I considered or counted that a dysbacteriosis, he has named " a syndrome of the angry intestine ".

Similarly! Only " a syndrome of the angry intestine " all functional disturbances of job of an intestine here name.

In me as a result after infinite analyses laktaznuju a failure + mass of allergies have found out, and the doctor I searched for many years.

But now, having excluded from a delivery allergens, I feel much better.

10.12.2004, 22:27
Whether At me such question longly to treat dizbakterioz??

To beam it is already hollow year, chesno it was tortured already.. The doctor speaks about one year to be treated it is necessary.. But I am am tormented with vague doubts because every two month she takes analyses and on reception to her and it is money not small.

Who can that knows. Collided or faced.

And me the Dutch doctor has told or said, that as "dysbacteriosis" in general already for a long time nobody uses such diagnosis, as he not correct.

That I considered or counted that a dysbacteriosis, he has named " a syndrome of the angry intestine ".

Have made now other insurance... Now treatment completely due to strah.kompanii.

And me the family doctor has told or said that at me dizbakterioz.. Strange.. About the angry intestine words......


30.12.2004, 15:23
ABVGDejka thanks for the information.. profilaktiruemsja.... Only eto all has occured or happened after appendetsita from for antibiotics.


20.01.2005, 08:05
Whether At me such question longly to treat dizbakterioz??

To beam it is already hollow year, chesno it was tortured already.. The doctor speaks about one year to be treated it is necessary.. But I am am tormented with vague doubts because every two month she takes analyses and on reception to her and it is money not small.

Who can that knows. Collided or faced.

In general yes, are longly treated. Analyses take often, check on flora as kishenik it will be occupied by a normal microflora then treatment stop.

And well it is clear and that.... I prizodumalas... Year... Longly.. I hope the patience will suffice.

26.06.2005, 09:36
And me the Dutch doctor has told or said, that as "dysbacteriosis" in general already for a long time nobody uses such diagnosis, as he not correct.

That I considered or counted that a dysbacteriosis, he has named " a syndrome of the angry intestine ".

Similarly. How much or As far as I have understood, the dysbacteriosis the western medicine does not admit, only " the angry intestine ". And what is it such, whence appears and as it is treated, they and plainly do not know.

At me I the doctor has found "kandidu". Treated longly and without results. Has then directed to a local star, internistu. He has made analyses and has told or said " At you anything is not present, so do not take me for a ride, go home, the girl. And signs - same " the angry intestine ". In sports be engaged, do not worry on trifles. And the doctor your girl impressionable, takes a great interest or is fond in nonconventional medicine ". And to that to believe now?