Просмотр полной версии : Consequences of an odontectomy of wisdom-it or -this;-thus for ever?

29.12.2004, 07:27
Almost 2 weeks ago I with it or him have said goodbye (on a mandible). To delete it was not sick, the doctor has made anesthetizing nyxes (two or three). Probably cut a gum or gingiva as the tooth was cut only a little. The blood did not stop approximately 20 hours, even woke up that on a pillow has leaked a blood at night. Then the cheek has swelled up, the mouth two weeks does not open, more precisely speaking opens only so to put a teaspoon.

The doctor three days ago has appointed or nominated medicines antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory.

The tumescence has passed or has taken place, but the mouth as does not open. The doctor already in a bewilderment, at it or him the first such case for all practice. Has put back the removed tooth a medicine. About this place any induration and under a jaw hurts.

From what there can be such reaction? And when my excruciatings will already terminate?

Alexander R.B
26.06.2005, 04:32
Almost 2 weeks ago I with it or him have said goodbye (on a mandible). To delete it was not sick, the doctor has made anesthetizing nyxes (two or three). Probably cut a gum or gingiva as the tooth was cut only a little. The blood did not stop approximately 20 hours, even woke up that on a pillow has leaked a blood at night. Then the cheek has swelled up, the mouth two weeks does not open, more precisely speaking opens only so to put a teaspoon.

The doctor three days ago has appointed or nominated medicines antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory.

The tumescence has passed or has taken place, but the mouth as does not open. The doctor already in a bewilderment, at it or him the first such case for all practice. Has put back the removed tooth a medicine. About this place any induration and under a jaw hurts.

From what there can be such reaction? And when my excruciatings will already terminate?

The bottom wisdom tooth most *quot; Oi?N???U*quot; in dentoalveolar system. This tooth as, a rule, has the abnormal form of a structure and often prorezyvaetsja is abnormal. Often the direction prorezyvanija - in the seven that causes pains, and also a hood mucous often inflames (perikoronarit), is injured by an occlusion, under it or him microabscesses are formed. Often by the moment prorezyvanija already has a carious cavity. Excision of this tooth almost always complex or difficult, so travmatichnoe. Here this operational trauma also causes the further pains and a contracture (a spastic stricture zhevat.myshts, restriction of opening of a mouth). Will have to have patience and trust in the doctor. All it passes or takes place without consequences, but at you, probably, fixing or lingering a case.