Просмотр полной версии : Roentgen of a uterus. A question

27.01.2005, 11:52
Dear forumchane, prompt, whether the roentgen of a uterus and if it is dangerous is dangerous than. The matter is that at me was 3 unsuccessful beremennostej and the doctor wishes to make it, has explained so, whether that wishes to look or see the form of a uterus and all there by way of. Whether It is impossible to replace such research with something another. Or all the same to make it?

27.01.2005, 15:06
Can be uzi?? For the first time I hear about a roentgen...

On uzi usually look the form and the sizes, thickness and structure of everyones there tissues.. And about a roentgen did not hear..

The woman-doctor
04.02.2005, 08:12
Roentgen = it, I think, means utero-. When enter contrast and do or make a picture. It is more often applied to check of passage of pipes. Also it will be possible to see the form of a cavity of the uterus. But too it seems to me, that on US it is possible to consider or examine very much much.

To you did or made US? And in what plan unsuccessful pregnancy? Extrauterine? Then it is clear, why a picture.


11.02.2005, 20:49
Unsuccessful, it is the first - the abortion which has been concurrent with monthly, but not full and cleaned, and 2 following - stood on term 7-8 ned. He has made US and has told or said, that has seen endometry not a continuous layer, and as though 2 islands, t.e he is afraid, that the top wall of a uterus could "prosest" (I already on Russian so translate or transport it, and he drew pictures, I am in Korea). Therefore he would like to check up, whether "provillages" a uterus and if it so, to estimate or appreciate size proniba. If strong a deflection as he has told or said, any operation is necessary. I have not agreeed yet. And here now on the Internet has found the information about MRI a method, there do not enter a contrast agent. What will advise?

18.02.2005, 15:35
And more after a question and when it is possible to plan following pregnancy? The matter is that he speaks, do not wait, here we shall find out the reason, all we shall check up and give. But the matter is that cleaning last did or made in the extremity or end of December, i.e. has passed or has taken place only 3 months. What Russian medicine on it or this poyodu speaks?

25.02.2005, 05:39
At us doctors recommend to not become pregnant a minimum half a year, it is better to wait year - that the organism has gone through all and was restored. I believe them. I wait for 10 more months.

03.03.2005, 12:21
Sweet, to you the reason have defined or determined?

08.03.2005, 06:33
For the reason while search.

Considering that uzi some months prior to conception showed about a uterus all these layers and tissues in norm or rate, the doctor has told or said that principal causes three:

1. Genetic deviations or rejections

2. Developmental anomalies

3. Infections

From me at once have taken a fetus on the genetic analysis which has shown, that all was in norm or rate, developmental anomalies were not. Remains only 3, schas I hand over all analyses (but infections like would not be).. In general it from all everything can be, I so think, both from nerves, and from our bionomics.... While I wait for results of analyses..

Elvira, and to you did or made the genetic analysis??

15.03.2005, 22:10
And me the pathologist which did or made a histology, has told or said, that hormones. Has and more told or said, that in general at stood the first suspicion always on hormones goes, and then already infections. And here the genetic analysis to me did not do or make (((

And nevertheless to me does not give rest purpose or appointment for a roentgen. He/she is the doctor it is reinsured or really there is a necessity? Please, who competent, respond, I in fact do not give soglaste, and suddenly it is necessary?

20.03.2005, 08:40
You know, I would make, if it is recommended by the doctor, as a situation uneasy...

And about hormones I did not know, znach and on them I shall be checked..

28.03.2005, 05:41
The form of a cavity of the uterus really cannot be seen on US. The roentgen can be dangerous, only if at you an allergy on an iodine. About MRI I nothing heard uteruses, but basically MRI - safe, but very dear or expensive research.

It is strange, what at repeating abortions the genetic analysis of a fetus And in family at you has been never made or your husband was not repeating abortions or hereditary diseases?

The woman-doctor
28.03.2005, 19:29
Once again hello.

First, I wish to tell or say, that stood pregnancy in the first trimester happen at any genetic mutations or deviations or rejections more often.

Infections cause late abortions is more often.

It so, for the information.

About to become pregnant, I too consider or count, that it is necessary to wait a minimum half a year. Especially, if there were some cleanings, and now endometry non-uniform.

I think what to make a picture, probably, it is necessary, though I have not so understood, that for " islands endometrija " - and at what here a deflection. Most likely, it is simple endometry it was not restored after cleaning..

I think what now to hurry up with pregnancy it is not necessary, necessary to find out all in the beginning.. To prepare a uterus.. And then already to become pregnant.

About what operation there is a speech?

How at you with a cycle menstrual, in general?

The woman-doctor
03.04.2005, 11:08
LenaSH, that's just the point, that on US it is possible to make out both the form, and deformation of a cavity of the uterus and thickness of all layers from different directions, and the roentgen in that case will be, as additional research..

07.04.2005, 20:50
LenaSH, that's just the point, that on US it is possible to make out both the form, and deformation of a cavity of the uterus and thickness of all layers from different directions, and the roentgen in that case will be, as additional research..

Thickness of layers - yes. And here the form of a cavity In fact as those is not present a cavity - walls adjoin and only if to fill a cavity with a liquid it or her it is possible to see. Unless not so?

The woman-doctor
16.04.2005, 13:39
Lena, actually, if endometry non-uniform is it is visible.. Especially, if he partially and if there any sites or polyps, therefore all to understand it is possible. But the triangle, certainly, can be seen on a roentgen.

22.04.2005, 00:16
Yes, to sozhalenju, the genetic analysis did not do or make and moreover, at all have not offered (((and I and did not know about such. Well it for doctors, I that, should not only the trade the nobility, but also medicine? And now somehow it is impossible to make it? Still we with the husband on chromosomes shall soon do or make the analysis, it not the same?

In occasion of a cycle, he at me regular as hours - 27 days, but rise of temperature comes only for 16-17 days and break between temperatures 2, a maximum of 3 divisions, and never rose above 37. Can, therefore the result of a histology and has shown a hormonal failure?

In occasion of operation I shall not speak now since probably, has not absolutely understood, that he meant, today I go on reception and I shall ask again.

22.04.2005, 21:47
Yes, to sozhalenju, the genetic analysis did not do or make and moreover, at all have not offered (((and I and did not know about such. Well it for doctors, I that, should not only the trade the nobility, but also medicine? And now somehow it is impossible to make it? Still we with the husband on chromosomes shall soon do or make the analysis, it not the same?

It was necessary to do or make the analysis of a fetus. Presence of deviations or rejections if those are available for one of you can show chromosomal your analysis and the husband. But the matter is that chromosomal disturbances of a fetus are not necessarily passed from parents.

The woman-doctor
28.04.2005, 20:56
Elvira, be not upset so, please.

Simply in the different countries variously to it or this approach or suit.

I here know, that in England too start to be guarded, if only three abortions was at the woman successively and in general, consider or count, that the abortion early on the first pregnancy is almost norm or rate. It Russia will understand (if to get to good experts) earlier.. At doctors of the different countries different experience and different approaches.

LenaSH to you has already told or said, that the genetic analysis it was necessary to look at a fetus, but, probably, they have not considered necessary.

At you chromosomes will look.

However, can be, will make analysis HLA of system on compatibility.. That too can give any ideas.

Will tell, that the doctor to you today after reception has told or said.


06.05.2005, 20:49
[quote = "Woman-doctor"] Elvira, be not upset so, please.

Simply in the different countries variously to it or this approach or suit.

That's just the point, that all this in Russia was, in very quite good clinic (((

At you chromosomes will look.

And what this analysis will show?

However, can be, will make analysis HLA of system on compatibility..

The doctor has told or said, what is it very dear or expensive analysis here, he yet does not see necessity it to do or make. And results of a blood not all are ready (for example, the analysis on a habitual abortion). And today on reception again spoke, that it would be necessary to make a roentgen (probably, it it is necessary). I have asked again, whether correctly I have understood about deflections, yes is correct. He has drawn a triangle the basis up and has told or said, that happens so, that the top wall of a uterus "caves in" downwards and the roentgen will show it. And if it so spend operation a hysteroscopy. Here now a following question, and this operation it is dangerous? There are complications? And more, that actually excites me, it or him for some reason not so, is hormones. Has offered only 2 hormones: Progesteronum also it (is not assured) Oestradiolum. Whether it is necessary to me to insist on analyses on all hormones or since I am not pregnant it is enough of it or this?

The woman-doctor
23.06.2005, 13:30
Elvira, the hysteroscopy is when under a narcosis enter into a cavity of the uterus a tube with the chamber on the extremity or end - thus the image is displayed - so it is possible to consider or examine the reasons.

Do not worry, I think, it is necessary to listen to advice or councils of your doctor.

Success to you!