
Просмотр полной версии : Has passed or missed reception OK

30.11.2004, 10:52
So it has turned out, that has passed or missed one tablet, and has found out it only next day when accepted following. To instructions it is written, that it is necessary to accept in this case 2 tablets at once, that I and have made. In general for five years during which I accepted OK, it is the first case. Can, therefore I so experience, I am afraid, that I can become pregnant. Who knows, prompt, please, contraceptive reliability OK how much or as far as decreases if to pass or miss one? Besides it was the seventh day of a cycle What to do or make, a place to myself I do not find!!!

03.12.2004, 04:59
Yes nothing will be, for reliability use a condom the nearest 5 days.

09.12.2004, 17:10
Thanks, DeLux. Directly as the mountain from brachiums has fallen down. From you just also looked forward to hearing first of all.

17.12.2004, 22:52
Y menya poslednee vremya tozce slychalos chto zabivala. Tozce vipivala cherez neskolko chasov odny, potom drygyu.... Ny vot do sih por nichego ne proizoshlo! "!!!!!! Dymayu volnovatysa ne stoit!

Kstati, y menya srazy otvetniy vopros. Ya tozce pyu tabletki yzce dolgo - 6 let..... Ti delala kakie-to pererivi voobshe v prieme???

22.12.2004, 16:01
Did or Made only one break on couple of months. And more once changed tablets for others. Here and now I think, that it would be necessary to replace them. I am not assured, but I from doctors heard, that no trouble in long (without breaks) reception OK was not present. But it is better at DeLux for asking.

28.12.2004, 02:44
It is possible to make a break of times in one and a half two year on 3 cycles. And to change a preparation without complaints to side effects it is not necessary.

29.12.2004, 04:20
DeLux the matter is that I accept to Diana 35 all this time. But, nachitavshis forums, has come to conclusion, that something is better another. Therefore also I think to change, for example, on ZHanin. And in general me to Diana arranges, never was any by-effects. What do you think in occasion of Diana, whether there is a sense to change?

About breaks... You write, that it is possible to make them on 3 cycles of times in 1,5-2 years. And whether here it is necessary? Or basically it is completely not obligatory? Explain, pls

01.01.2005, 08:00
Kstati, y menya srazy otvetniy vopros. Ya tozce pyu tabletki yzce dolgo - 6 let.....

Long application OK can is without interruption adverse affect or have an effect function of ovaries, therefore it is necessary periodically (once a year) to visit or attend the gynecologist and to pass or take place corresponding or meeting inspections.

02.01.2005, 00:44
I consider or count, that it is necessary to do or make a break - is more useless to an organism constantly to be lazy. At constant suppression of function, it or her it is possible and seryozno "zanat" in an angle so all is better taki to allow to work.

About Diana-35, 35 is not simply tsiferka, and actually specifies age in which more desirably to accept this preparation. Yes he really has contraceptive effekt, but originally he is created as a preparation overwhelming development or manufacture of androgens and treatment of illnesses or diseases, with it or this connected. So contraception - actually a by-effect given by these tablets. It is better to replace.

09.01.2005, 10:55
Kstati, y menya srazy otvetniy vopros. Ya tozce pyu tabletki yzce dolgo - 6 let.....

Long application OK can is without interruption adverse affect or have an effect function of ovaries, therefore it is necessary periodically (once a year) to visit or attend the gynecologist and to pass or take place corresponding or meeting inspections.

Tak ya poseshayu - yzce etih gollandskih vrashey zadolbala! oni y menya yzce tam i analizi 2 raza v god beryt - govoruyt chto vse v norme..... YA yzce ochen ' somnevayus v ihnem ymenii....

16.01.2005, 22:35
A fig to myself, me generally 22 also I drink to Diana with 18. Started them to accept also for clearing a skin, has then changed, but has again returned to them. Never would think, that to me them early. Thanks, DeLux, that have prompted. Now I shall precisely change also a break I shall necessarily make. I hope, that to me long reception to Diana has not done much harm

24.01.2005, 03:00
Whether I would like to ask it is necessary to be protected in addition if I have made a break in reception OK for 2 weeks? If yes, how long?

01.02.2005, 11:26
7 days are necessary will be protected.

03.02.2005, 19:54
I wish to make a break for 3 months. DeLux, prompt, in this case what is the time then it will be necessary to be protected in addition?

06.02.2005, 01:25
Protective action OK appears from the first tablet if it is single-phase OK (Marvelon, Femode, Cilest, Logest i dr.) and you have accepted the first tablet in the first day of a menses.

09.02.2005, 06:16
Can, somebody will prompt me? I drink novinet, a year without interruption, and at me the first time do not send or have come monthly, is small allocation, practically is not present absolutely. What is it can be? To continue to drink tablets?

23.02.2005, 17:35
DeLux the matter is that I accept to Diana 35 all this time. But, nachitavshis forums, has come to conclusion, that something is better another. Therefore also I think to change, for example, on ZHanin. And in general me to Diana arranges, never was any by-effects. What do you think in occasion of Diana, whether there is a sense to change?

About breaks... You write, that it is possible to make them on 3 cycles of times in 1,5-2 years. And whether here it is necessary? Or basically it is completely not obligatory? Explain, pls

First my doctor has told or said, that selection of contraceptives it very individually, and secondly, I learned or found out about ZHanin, and he has told or said, that he very rigid and has told or said. That the individual approach is necessary besides at its or his reception particularly

26.02.2005, 21:10
And I, on the contrary, heard, that ZHanin - not the strong preparation and has no serious by-effects. Yes, so much different opinions... What to do or make? Health one!

12.03.2005, 03:54
Can, somebody will prompt me? I drink novinet, a year without interruption, and at me the first time do not send or have come monthly, is small allocation, practically is not present absolutely. What is it can be? To continue to drink tablets?

Continue, probably the small failure caused or called by stress, illness or disease. If second time will repeat, will better address to the doctor.

28.03.2005, 04:45
And I, on the contrary, heard, that ZHanin - not the strong preparation and has no serious by-effects. Yes, so much different opinions... What to do or make? Health one!

ZHanin contains slightly more estrogens, therefore all let will look or see you vrach to appoint or nominate something concrete.

10.04.2005, 19:47
DeLux, and you what tablets could recommend?

16.04.2005, 16:33
Hmmmm... Well how much or as far as I understand, to you 22.

I can tell or say only on a choice from which to you the doctor - Harmonet will define or determine, Logest, Cilest, Jeanine, Marvelon.

23.04.2005, 04:56
Dorogaya DeLux, mozcet ti slishala chto-to i pro Microgynon 30???

Chto-to ya seychas (cherez 7 let) zadumalas nad etoy zcifroy v konzce.....

22.06.2005, 02:07
Zdes' cifra na vozrast ne ukazyvaet. Preparat s takom zhe sostavom, kak Marvelon.