Просмотр полной версии : Constipation a pancake

06.05.2005, 20:59
Here a whole month I am excruciated!!!! A boiled beet with prunes, neither bifidoki and bifilajfy, nor aktivii do not help or assist. According to from the newspaper tried or tasted such prescription: through a meat grinder to pass or miss a fig, prunes and dried apricots, all to mix. To burst on neskolku spoons in day (in total depends on "scale" of a constipation). Jacobs the author of the letter after a pie with such nochinkoj for 2 days has lodged in a toilet. I have eaten a full bowl of this medicine and though henna!!! Tried or tasted Regulaks (laxative), just fights in a stomach or belly every morning, well sometimes, parlon, panos. By the evening such gravity in a bottom of a stomach or belly, by the morning like passes or takes place. Well here...

11.05.2005, 08:51
At me happens often, I take a century plant usual (aloe) a leaflet and I eat with honey! For the morning all OK! Speak besides is useful.))

The otolaryngologist
17.05.2005, 02:49
porobujte such method - to drink a glass of cold water in the morning. Water should be the most usual, not mineral, but filtered or before proboiled, since evening it or she needs to be cooled in a refrigeration cabinet and to gulp in the morning, almost a volley. The most important - to drink it or her it is necessary before reception of nutrition, cleaning of a teeth and even any gargle of a mouth, because action of such technique - reflex property and and at non-observance of the set forth above conditions simply not podejchtvuet. And if after rugulaksa diarrhea, means, he dejchtvuet all the same? Can you accept or accepted any medicines of a problem with this chair are caused? In general, well the gastroenterologist to visit or attend for an irritable colon, chronic eneterita or a colitis.

The girl with peaches
22.05.2005, 23:29
If it is necessary, instead of can - in drugstores mini-clysters, for example, Norgalaks now are on sale. Such tube, there gram 10 these gels, has inserted behind, has pressed, and forward!!! (it is Literally at once). But it is first aid, and it is better to descend or go to the doctor.

25.05.2005, 07:37
Certainly it is necessary to the doctor,

I understand you. Itself I suffer it or this very much for a long time. At me the reason - the operation transferred or carried by the childhood on an intestine.

To drink regulaks, senadeksin and other - I do not advise - very much irritates mucous an intestine.

I recently pristrastilas to production Vitalajna (I live in Moscow).

Particularly - super Klinz (Colon Care). Certainly action of such preparations individually, but poprobyvat probably costs or stands. Except for weakening or relaxing ingradientov - there there are alive bacteria which help or assist to earn an intestine as it is necessary.

In the afternoon I shall drink a capsule (to me one suffices instead of 2-6 capsules only) - in the morning simply chair, soft and painless. A dose has adjusted itself under the organism.

Esteem about preparations can on a site:http: // www.vitaline.hl.ru

25.05.2005, 22:31
Poprobyite " QUAKER instant FLAVOR " - amerikanskaia gerkylesovaia kasha bistrogo prigotovlenia, bez dobavok. Tol'ko ne varite, a zaleite kipiatkom i daite razbyhnyt '. Posolite po vkysy.

Ytrom, kak vstali, vipeite pary stakanov vodi komnatnoi temperatyri.

slabitel'nie vseh vidov - krainii i nezhelatel'nii sposob

21.06.2005, 16:24
I suffered this history too about a month, could not go at all to a toilet for 4 days, mum to me vyzhymala juice of a beet and so forced it or him is. Also has helped or assisted, though also nasty treatment, but good effect.