Просмотр полной версии : Blood after the sexual certificate or act..

13.03.2005, 03:22
After the sexual certificate or act were allocation with a small amount of a blood, what is it can be???!!!

13.03.2005, 14:38
The infection (it is necessary to the doctor) can, can sosudik has bursted (it is not necessary to the doctor), can... Yes all that ugodnoj can be, that to guess... Now there is nothing?

15.03.2005, 06:26
There can be an erosion - at me so was.

Lena, simply Lena
22.03.2005, 04:43
From a cyst too can krovit.

02.04.2005, 12:40
idite k vrachy. Togda tochno uznaete. Nichem horoshim eto byt ' ne mozhet.

Baba Manya
13.04.2005, 06:05
And painful sensations are observed?

19.04.2005, 18:38
Can monthly on the approach? Or erosion podkrovila, yes much that can be If there will be repetitions it is better to address to the doctor.

27.04.2005, 11:35
[quote = " Baba Manya "] And painful sensations are observed? [/quote

Stomach or Belly pulled as before monthly, but domesjachnyh even a week with superfluous a little

Baba Manya
11.05.2005, 06:03

Baba Manya

And painful sensations are observed? [/quote

Stomach or Belly pulled as before monthly, but domesjachnyh even a week with superfluous a little

The problem in a uterus means. It can an endometriosis?

13.05.2005, 10:11
If you broke some times a cycle of reception OK such it is quite possible or probable (that is have forgotten to drink in time a tablet, and in 10-12 hours swallowed two).

21.06.2005, 14:44
After the sexual certificate or act were allocation with a small amount of a blood, what is it can be???!!!

It at you was the first sexual certificate or act?