Просмотр полной версии : Terribly already horror... Support or maintain

01.03.2005, 07:07
On this Friday the scleroplasty is necessary, something is terrible to me... Brrr.. Who through IT passed or took place? Share impressions...

01.03.2005, 08:29
On this Friday the scleroplasty is necessary, something is terrible to me... Brrr.. Who through IT passed or took place? Share impressions...

And chyo this or thus such???

01.03.2005, 16:37
On this Friday the scleroplasty is necessary, something is terrible to me... Brrr.. Who through IT passed or took place? Share impressions...

And chyo this or thus such???

Well how much or as far as me have educated, such operation on eyes where something will undercut that vision did not fall any more

06.03.2005, 07:09
To me did or made, for a long time, in the childhood. Operation - no trouble, but here only she has not helped or assisted

08.03.2005, 19:18
To Me did or made, for a long time, in the childhood. Operation - no trouble, but here only she has not helped or assisted

Oh, to me too on such operation have directed.... It will be necessary to make.... And that I look, that the name familiar..... Why she can not help or assist? Only in the certain cases... Or quite often such happens? At us she like free-of-charge....

10.03.2005, 08:05
Well here has not helped or assisted me. Since then (it was about 16 years ago) the minus became much more Though I do not know, can be if there was no operation would be even worse you do not experience, girls, it can at me a case such zapushchenyj, and can now began do or make in another way, more effectively.

12.03.2005, 23:09
nachitalas here on the Internet about a scleroplasty: any inconsistent opinions on this bill. But operation is considered simple, do or make cuts by something there fill in also all.

17.03.2005, 12:42
Do not experience, all will pass or take place well At you strongly vision falls?

And that to me something is not clear - the scleroplasty should stop completely falling or suspend? If the first - that my operation was useless, and if the second, quite yes.

22.03.2005, 07:49
Do not experience, all will pass or take place well At you strongly vision falls?

And that to me something is not clear - the scleroplasty should stop completely falling or suspend? If the first - that my operation was useless, and if the second, quite yes.

If on the average that falls on 1 diopter in a year... Have told or said that operation to stop deterioration of vision. Not to all helps or assists, but in any case process will be slowed down... It to me my doctor has told or said.

25.03.2005, 22:19
To my girlfriend have performed such operation of years in 18 it seems.

Have stopped on a minus of five. And lives.

Like does not fall yet more.

Besides lna likes to joke, hundred without glasses or spots all people such beautiful, especially men

The visitor
28.03.2005, 21:31
Did or Made to me such operation, already two times, at first on both eyes, then on one, it's OK, to be afraid there is nothing

29.03.2005, 10:54
I in 17 years did or made it or her, many years back. Operation painless, othodnjak little bit serious. Such sensation, that in eyes filled sand. But, I naglatalas anesthetizing and somnolent also have overslept some hours successively, it was then easier (medicines the surgeon have written out). And in a year-one and a half through scleroplasties I already did or made the laser.

30.03.2005, 14:28
All many thanks! Operation has passed or has taken place painlessly and quickly enough, (ttt) To live it is possible

03.04.2005, 02:26
It is class, it you already in couple of days after operation behind a computer tusuetes?

And I remember, in due time somewhere week in hospital laid, couple of days with zavjazanymi eyes And operation was under the general or common narcosis. Horrors of our small town

It is glad for you

04.04.2005, 15:42
It is class, it you already in couple of days after operation behind a computer tusuetes?

And I remember, in due time somewhere week in hospital laid, couple of days with zavjazanymi eyes And operation was under the general or common narcosis. Horrors of our small town

It is glad for you

Anything to itself... And me from an operating table at once have home released or have home let off, and eyes could be opened at once, did not hurt or be ill;be sick at all almost, it is sensitive at night ponyli and all....

Today here was at the doctor on survey, have allowed to come to work, the truth longly to sit at a computer is impossible, gymnastics to do or make nadobno, droplets to drip...

I feel more than (ttt)

11.04.2005, 20:57
Yes... It is visible medicine has promoted forward and it pleases, and at me, it is terrible to tell or say, even seams on eyes were But as I was fine this all somehow is easy or light has transferred or carried.

It is strange, that on job at once, could allow to have a rest to the person (to eyes in fact too to have a rest it is necessary)

The visitor
14.04.2005, 05:29
I even am glad that on job, have bothered already at home to sit and nothing to do or make...

Brr, you you also tell, seams there everyones

Any seams, and operation under a local narcosis - droplets in eyes have dripped also all. All operation with the surgeon stirred or chattered about that, about this - fine distracts...

Interestingly what operations will in the future, is simple palchikom will stroke on an eye and all?

The visitor
21.04.2005, 15:58
I even am glad that on job, have bothered already at home to sit and nothing to do or make...

Brr, you you also tell, seams there everyones

Any seams, and operation under a local narcosis - droplets in eyes have dripped also all. All operation with the surgeon stirred or chattered about that, about this - fine distracts...

Interestingly what operations will in the future, is simple palchikom will stroke on an eye and all?

23.04.2005, 12:22
I even am glad that on job, have bothered already at home to sit and nothing to do or make...

Brr, you you also tell, seams there everyones

Any seams, and operation under a local narcosis - droplets in eyes have dripped also all. All operation with the surgeon stirred or chattered about that, about this - fine distracts...

Interestingly what operations will in the future, is simple palchikom will stroke on an eye and all?

Fie, it I was...

Well I have piled " you you " Have gone to look that at me in the certificate on ruskomu to tongue

24.04.2005, 06:21
To me such operation did or made in 5 and 6 classes by turns on each eye.

However, a little than has helped or assisted... Though it is not known, how would be, if did or made... And terrible anything is not present..

Though to me did or made under the general or common narcosis...

30.04.2005, 20:37
Tigrenochek, not bois, I too such shall do or make, we shall be together nebojatsja!


03.05.2005, 15:48
Tigrenochek, not bois, I too such shall do or make, we shall be together nebojatsja!


Thanks, mus, now I for you shall not be afraid, actually really no trouble was not present, the medicine all taki forward walks seven-mile steps...

The visitor
13.05.2005, 04:13

Excuse, I a little bit not on a subject... Simply it is very urgent. I 4 months accepted contraceptive Three-?NO??, then have decided on mesjatsok to make a break. Vobshchem has drunk up last packing, t.o. Has finished reception on February, 3rd. A question! Whether it is possible already in the beginning of March (with arrival of the first day monthly to begin reception)? To summaries it is written, that if the last month you do not accept, then it is possible monthly to begin in the first day ostensibly. The girlfriend speaks nafig to the doctor to go, month has passed or has taken place-accept, yes I and that to the doctor because of it or this do not wish to go... Simply I doubt something, whether it is not enough that. Prompt, please. Whether there was at whom a similar situation, only tell more in detail, and that this business such, time and MUM ahead of time...

And more a question! I heard, that after the sexual certificate or act it is impossible to go at once to a bathroom (well if a condom you use, instead of tablets). Jacobs on kolenku even if water will get, and there semens chastichka, it is possible to fly in 2 bills. Though I so few times did or made, like not mum still... It is the friend the doctor has told or said!!! Believe? How think, whether the truth it?

20.06.2005, 14:55
Greetings Tigercat! How your eye sights or eyes? When you from tjumeni have seen that, nearly have not begun to jump up to a ceiling. It was possible to think that has found the relative. I too therefrom, the truth schas live in nj. But as it was pleasant to see you here.