Просмотр полной версии : protivozochatochnye

29.03.2005, 20:18
I have stopped to drink them. Now me very much excites that will be with my organism? I their saw 2,5 years without breaks.. I not raspolneju???

07.04.2005, 10:46
I have stopped to drink them. Now me very much excites that will be with my organism? I their saw 2,5 years without breaks.. I not raspolneju???

I 3 years a saw - and not raspolnela. The truth I in tennis played och.aktivno, during refusal from OK... But here now there is no time for trainings, and kilogrammchiki so are not typed or collected... And in general it, probably, and from predisposition depends. The some people type or collect a little, others it is a lot of... Nevertheless hormones... They such "mysterious" Sdedite first time behind a delivery also I think, that all will be normul!

09.04.2005, 08:56
Thanks for the answer, all the same is very very terrible

18.04.2005, 13:55
Well that them now all life to drink and to children to not give birth or not travail? You it is direct so worry, as though to you there will be any irreversible changes even if will type or collect pair in kg - all can be dumped or reset!

06.05.2005, 08:27
I tried to drink contraceptive, but to me so it was bad from them, a nausea, a vomiting... Has now put a spiral and more questions do not arise in occasion of preservation

20.06.2005, 02:39
I tried to drink contraceptive, but to me so it was bad from them, a nausea, a vomiting... Has now put a spiral and more questions do not arise in occasion of preservation

And I with a spiral have become pregnant. Validity of a spiral was 5 years, has passed or has taken place 4,5 and has not worked. A spiral have removed, pregnancy have saved. Now about what I do not regret! Children at me remarkable!