Просмотр полной версии : Contraceptive tablets

21.02.2005, 01:17
Prompt please, what contraceptive tablets are better for using.

05.03.2005, 13:03
You at the gynecologist were?

19.03.2005, 15:57
You should descend or go to the gynecologist, he to you will appoint or nominate.

I when have come, the doctor to me have appointed or nominated Three-. Has told or said for very young girls these or it will well go.

12.04.2005, 17:08
Oh, Girls, at all do not advise her anything.... Well chesn the word - is necessary to the doctor and a point!

19.06.2005, 11:30
You risk health, trying to pick up tablktki is independent, really it is not terrible to swallow of pills not knowing to what it will result or bring? And of the gynecologist to be afraid or hesitate it is not necessary (I so I understand in it or this a problem). Yes, not the most pleasant piece naked... Sing to shine before the another's person, but all through it pass or take place on a regular basis-are alive, are healthy.