Просмотр полной версии : U podrugi v poslednie dni naprayjennauy grud.... chto eto?

02.11.2004, 05:00
U nee v poslednie dni naprayjennauy grud, govorit poroy prikosnutsay ne vozmojno, a poroy proxodit. Kak dumaete, chto eto takoe? Pomogite pojaluysta sovetom, ona silno perejivaet...

16.11.2004, 04:51
U nee v poslednie dni naprayjennauy grud, govorit poroy prikosnutsay ne vozmojno, a poroy proxodit. Kak dumaete, chto eto takoe? Pomogite pojaluysta sovetom, ona silno perejivaet...

It is called a mastopathy

05.12.2004, 06:41
U nee v poslednie dni naprayjennauy grud, govorit poroy prikosnutsay ne vozmojno, a poroy proxodit. Kak dumaete, chto eto takoe? Pomogite pojaluysta sovetom, ona silno perejivaet...

It is called a mastopathy

Chto eto takoe? Pochemu ona voznikaet? V chem prichina? I za nee ochen perejivauy........

Brooklyn Girl
16.12.2004, 11:03
Can beat from for stresses, ostroi nutrition

The doctor has told or said, that it is necessary to exclude a coffeine

10.01.2005, 12:53
Can beat from for stresses, ostroi nutrition

The doctor has told or said, that it is necessary to exclude a coffeine

And can before critical days under influence of hormones female

24.01.2005, 22:02
And she is not pregnant?

08.02.2005, 01:50
Of it or this do not joke, it is necessary in bolnichku urgently!

26.02.2005, 00:53
Chto s ney I poka ne znauy. Mecaychnie u nee doljni bit 14, I toje ey posovetovala sdelat test na beremennost '. Sdelala ona ego segdonay ili net poka eshe ne znauy, zavtra budu znat '. Nadeus s ney nichego strashnogo, esli test na beremennost ' nichego ne pokajet, to konechno je srazu k vrachu.

01.04.2005, 11:33
The test can still anything and not show, in fact still even the delay is not present. The doctor, by the way, on such small term too hardly something can tell or say. But it is necessary to go to the doctor in a any way, with a view of prophylaxis.

18.06.2005, 06:22
Segodnay s ney razgovarivala, ona bila u vracha ginekologa. On ey skazal, chto opredelit beremmenost ' eshe rano (u nee menstraciay nachnetsay 14 tolko), ona proverila ee grud na opuxoli. Podruga nachala jit polovuy jizniy tolko v etom godu, do zamujetstva i vrach vse zaklucheniay svel k tomu, chto eto skoree vsego iz-za hormonalnix perestroek v organizme i vse. Chto vi dumaete?