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06.04.2005, 17:28
How precisely nobility what there was an abortion? What signs? Also what to do or make if he taki has happened?

07.04.2005, 14:02
I think that at once clearly when happens vykidysh. And what to do or make - to the doctor to go...

08.04.2005, 16:59
I Think that at once clearly when happens vykidysh. And what to do or make - to the doctor to go...

And when the doctor has told or said, that an abortion. It or him ask what to do or make, and he speaks: " Anything. We shall wait till Monday, and it will be visible ", then that further???

For other doctor to search?

09.04.2005, 05:15
I Think that at once clearly when happens vykidysh. And what to do or make - to the doctor to go...

And when the doctor has told or said, that an abortion. It or him ask what to do or make, and he speaks: " Anything. We shall wait till Monday, and it will be visible ", then that further???

For other doctor to search?

I to another on consultation would descend or go

10.04.2005, 05:38
I Think that at once clearly when happens vykidysh. And what to do or make - to the doctor to go...

And when the doctor has told or said, that an abortion. It or him ask what to do or make, and he speaks: " Anything. We shall wait till Monday, and it will be visible ", then that further???

For other doctor to search?

Naturally, and that doctor pridurok. It is necessary to speak at once what to do or make in such cases. It is necessary to do or make cleaning, it is desirable for an extreme measure, that nebylo inflammations, etc. It not jokes.

Baba Manya
10.04.2005, 18:09
Tell more about that what's happened. At you pregnancy has been confirmed? You had a bleeding? Pains? On what term it has begun?

12.04.2005, 12:42
Tell more about that what's happened. At you pregnancy has been confirmed? You had a bleeding? Pains? On what term it has begun?

I have written all in a subject about extrauterine

The visitor
13.04.2005, 10:22
Tell more about that what's happened. At you pregnancy has been confirmed? You had a bleeding? Pains? On what term it has begun?

Pregnancy has been confirmed, term of month an one and a half, the bleeding all over again has begun, then laid on conservation. Though it not conservation, and mockery natural when you lay in one chamber with those to that abotry do or make, and you at the same time at all do not wish to lose the child. A bleeding have stopped. Next day after an extract again a bleeding, in a week have fixed or recorded not developing pregnancy, then a fetus itself has left. It was very-very sick, type of mini-fight. Did or made cleaning in hospital, that for me as not done or made never vakuumov and abortions was the hardest trauma. Have then established or installed the reason of an abortion.

More shortly if he at you was, is or budt, you will understand it and will experience.

Baba Manya
13.04.2005, 20:41
Tell more about that what's happened. At you pregnancy has been confirmed? You had a bleeding? Pains? On what term it has begun?

Pregnancy has been confirmed, term of month an one and a half, the bleeding all over again has begun, then laid on conservation. Though it not conservation, and mockery natural when you lay in one chamber with those to that abotry do or make, and you at the same time at all do not wish to lose the child. A bleeding have stopped. Next day after an extract again a bleeding, in a week have fixed or recorded not developing pregnancy, then a fetus itself has left. It was very-very sick, type of mini-fight. Did or made cleaning in hospital, that for me as not done or made never vakuumov and abortions was the hardest trauma. Have then established or installed the reason of an abortion.

More shortly if he at you was, is or budt, you will understand it and will experience.

I sympathize. Know, I generally against conservation on early terms. I believe that if on 6-7 week the fetus is torn away, he means impractical, and no conservation will rescue or save it or him. And if to lay, it is better to lay at home than in one chamber with those who did or made abortion. I had 2 abortions, but I did not do or make cleaning, because local doctors do not consider or count are necessary to interfere on early term in a uterus.

14.04.2005, 16:39
How precisely nobility what there was an abortion? What signs? Also what to do or make if he taki has happened?

I tozh such questions in a head twisted before he has happened. Therefore as when from you not only the blood flows, but also it is literally besformlennye pieces throw out - here any more will not mix. But I had a term - 12 ned., i.e. not so such small...

If term absolutely small - 5-7 weeks - deumaju will be simple a bleeding as at monthly.

It is possible the link to a subject where you described a situation? I have not found it or her

Baba Manya
16.04.2005, 13:04
How precisely nobility what there was an abortion? What signs? Also what to do or make if he taki has happened?

I tozh such questions in a head twisted before he has happened. Therefore as when from you not only the blood flows, but also it is literally besformlennye pieces throw out - here any more will not mix. But I had a term - 12 ned., i.e. not so such small...

If term absolutely small - 5-7 weeks - deumaju will be simple a bleeding as at monthly.

It is possible the link to a subject where you described a situation? I have not found it or her

If pieces dropped out of you, so what for to you then did or made cleaning? I consider or count that if all leaves what for once again to climb with a scalpel? IMHO, cleaning it is necessary to do or make if disclosing incomplete if not all to a tissue send or have left.

16.04.2005, 15:02
How precisely nobility what there was an abortion? What signs? Also what to do or make if he taki has happened?

I tozh such questions in a head twisted before he has happened. Therefore as when from you not only the blood flows, but also it is literally besformlennye pieces throw out - here any more will not mix. But I had a term - 12 ned., i.e. not so such small...

If term absolutely small - 5-7 weeks - deumaju will be simple a bleeding as at monthly.

It is possible the link to a subject where you described a situation? I have not found it or her

If pieces dropped out of you, so what for to you then did or made cleaning? I consider or count that if all leaves what for once again to climb with a scalpel? IMHO, cleaning it is necessary to do or make if disclosing incomplete if not all to a tissue send or have left.

Man so they not all send or have left... You Know, skoka the US to me have altered? Have told or said that if progress will be, will not do or make.

Progress was not... TTT, all ok.

Pains, nichegone was. Also will not be!

Baba Manya
17.04.2005, 19:47
How precisely nobility what there was an abortion? What signs? Also what to do or make if he taki has happened?

I tozh such questions in a head twisted before he has happened. Therefore as when from you not only the blood flows, but also it is literally besformlennye pieces throw out - here any more will not mix. But I had a term - 12 ned., i.e. not so such small...

If term absolutely small - 5-7 weeks - deumaju will be simple a bleeding as at monthly.

It is possible the link to a subject where you described a situation? I have not found it or her

If pieces dropped out of you, so what for to you then did or made cleaning? I consider or count that if all leaves what for once again to climb with a scalpel? IMHO, cleaning it is necessary to do or make if disclosing incomplete if not all to a tissue send or have left.

Man so they not all send or have left... You Know, skoka the US to me have altered? Have told or said that if progress will be, will not do or make.

Progress was not... TTT, all ok.

Pains, nichegone was. Also will not be!

Whether and there are no such preparations which open a uterus and promote a casting-off?

18.04.2005, 19:32
Girls and because of what actually abortions occur or happen? At me too was recently. The truth I know the reason And whether it is possible to avoid somehow it or this in the future?

Baba Manya
19.04.2005, 09:01
Girls and because of what actually abortions occur or happen? At me too was recently. The truth I know the reason And whether it is possible to avoid somehow it or this in the future?

It looking what reason was. Basically abortions happen from chromosomal mistakes or errors. Here already you will help or assist nothing. Still inflammatory processes everyones. At me last time the abortion was because of complications after cold. Usual years or summer ORVi has passed in a pneumonia.

20.04.2005, 09:21
Sadly all it

22.04.2005, 17:57
And whether there are no such preparations which open a uterus and promote a casting-off?

Is, pricked, has not helped or assisted

23.04.2005, 22:23
Know, I generally against conservation on early terms. I believe that if on 6-7 week the fetus is torn away, he means impractical, and no conservation will rescue or save it or him. And if to lay, it is better to lay at home than in one chamber with those who did or made abortion. I had 2 abortions, but I did not do or make cleaning, because local doctors do not consider or count are necessary to interfere on early term in a uterus.

And I shall deny your belief. At me in 6 weeks has begun a bleeding, one silly woman (doctor) has told or said, that urgently did or made abortion! I have gone to other doctor. As a result: a bleeding have stopped, the child have saved, the kid was born the robust fellow 4400, developed fine, was moderately active in infancy. Mental development and physical perfect. On now 2 and 4 months! I not naradujus the kid! And if there was an abortion if I have listened to that dibilnuju????

Baba Manya
24.04.2005, 15:20
Know, I generally against conservation on early terms. I believe that if on 6-7 week the fetus is torn away, he means impractical, and no conservation will rescue or save it or him. And if to lay, it is better to lay at home than in one chamber with those who did or made abortion. I had 2 abortions, but I did not do or make cleaning, because local doctors do not consider or count are necessary to interfere on early term in a uterus.

And I shall deny your belief. At me in 6 weeks has begun a bleeding, one silly woman (doctor) has told or said, that urgently did or made abortion! I have gone to other doctor. As a result: a bleeding have stopped, the child have saved, the kid was born the robust fellow 4400, developed fine, was moderately active in infancy. Mental development and physical perfect. On now 2 and 4 months! I not naradujus the kid! And if there was an abortion if I have listened to that dibilnuju????

On abortion in 6 weeks it is valid the moron can send only. On such term in general it is better to do or make nothing. That that to you the merit of doctors and will Divine have saved the child it not. The child could live. It was visible that the bleeding is caused or called not patalogiej a fetus and its or his introduction in walls of a uterus. Sometimes sosudiki burst, and it is a little krovit. On 6 weeks it is impossible to establish or install viability. Viability considers presence of palpitation on the screen. Before 7-8 weeks it practically is not listened. The only thing that remains to do or make it to wait and observe of a status of mother and a fetus.

And when doctors start to stuff patient Mange and noshpoj, not knowing even the fetus is alive or not, it is a madhouse. protivospazmoticheskie preparations far are not harmless. Sometimes the woman stuff with any mucks "just in case", and the fetus all peerly dead and leaves.

In the USA on early terms do not save, and correctly do or make. Even if at the woman krovit, to her simply advise to not be loaded strongly. If pregnancy normal the bleeding itself will pass or take place.

Baba Manya
25.04.2005, 17:09
And whether there are no such preparations which open a uterus and promote a casting-off?

Is, pricked, has not helped or assisted

Well, mlin, at you and experience was...

Baba Manya
26.04.2005, 19:46
Sadly all it

Yes do not experience you so strongly. There will be at you still a healthy child. The wife of the employee had 6 late abortions, in the second trimester. And she the physician, could not find the reason. Perished on 16-18 weeks. There were then that at it or her problems with -endocrine system, that the organism snatched on germs as on alien or foreign bodies. Here such lazha. She all taki has given birth to the boy.

27.04.2005, 03:15
And whether there are no such preparations which open a uterus and promote a casting-off?

Is, pricked, has not helped or assisted

Well, mlin, at you and experience was...

And to that it is easy or light?

In a trace. Time very well will be, I know

But if last time I considered or counted that pregnancy - esstestvennoe a status for the woman, i.e. the organism itself protects a fetus now I know, any is important a little, all influences - even a low waist at jeans

Also I shall save now myself as I can

29.04.2005, 03:40
I sympathize. Know, I generally against conservation on early terms. I believe that if on 6-7 week the fetus is torn away, he means impractical, and no conservation will rescue or save it or him. And if to lay, it is better to lay at home than in one chamber with those who did or made abortion. I had 2 abortions, but I did not do or make cleaning, because local doctors do not consider or count are necessary to interfere on early term in a uterus.

As my new doctor to whom I have gone at once has acted or arrived also after to me have told or said, that " we shall wait till Monday, and there we shall look or see ". He did not do or make cleaning, all has left (t-O-)

30.04.2005, 05:17
I tozh such questions in a head twisted before he has happened. Therefore as when from you not only the blood flows, but also it is literally besformlennye pieces throw out - here any more will not mix. But I had a term - 12 ned., i.e. not so such small...

If term absolutely small - 5-7 weeks - deumaju will be simple a bleeding as at monthly.

It is possible the link to a subject where you described a situation? I have not found it or her

Be mistaken. At me the abortion has happened on 6 week, but taaaakie pieces left, that was simply terribly and painfully. All also last about 10 days

Baba Manya
01.05.2005, 11:58
And whether there are no such preparations which open a uterus and promote a casting-off?

Is, pricked, has not helped or assisted

Well, mlin, at you and experience was...

And to that it is easy or light?

In a trace. Time very well will be, I know

But if last time I considered or counted that pregnancy - esstestvennoe a status for the woman, i.e. the organism itself protects a fetus now I know, any is important a little, all influences - even a low waist at jeans

Also I shall save now myself as I can

Pregnancy a natural status, but also an abortion too a natural status. The nature will protect a healthy fetus, and the patient will reject. The mother the nature is severe with ailing and objectionable to her. But against the mother of the nature you will not trample, even at presence of the most qualified doctors.

Well if jeans so press, they in general for health are insalubrious, even in a nonpregnant status.