Просмотр полной версии : Menstrual pains than to remove or take off

Tarantula has not entered
22.05.2005, 22:38
Than it is possible to remove or take off menstrual pains?

Earlier used Bellalginum, but he has disappeared from sale, and monthly on a nose. Burdens-Pa on me does not operate or work.

Interest tabletochki that it was possible to take with itself.

23.05.2005, 23:39
Ibuprofen 400mg

24.05.2005, 16:29
If used Bellalginum do not take iboprufen better, mozhen to not help or assist. You can To- try or taste. And is even better ask in a drugstore what-string tablets with Analginum (that he was a part of tablets)

25.05.2005, 01:04
If used Bellalginum do not take iboprufen better, mozhen to not help or assist. You can To- try or taste. And is even better ask in a drugstore what-string tablets with Analginum (that he was a part of tablets)

Analginum increases or enlarges a bleeding.

25.05.2005, 11:47
Analginum has ceased to help or assist me, has passed on spazmalgon or analogues +.

25.05.2005, 23:46
I am am helped or assisted by suppositories Indomethacinum and tablets ketanov (and ketarol)

26.05.2005, 04:23
Than it is possible to remove or take off menstrual pains?

Earlier used Bellalginum, but he has disappeared from sale, and monthly on a nose. Burdens-Pa on me does not operate or work.

Interest tabletochki that it was possible to take with itself.

I too considered or counted, that burdens-Pa on me does not operate or work, while to me have not told or said, that it is necessary to accept at once 2 tablets of burdens- and 1 tablet of Analginum. Has helped or assisted.

26.05.2005, 19:15
And I am am helped or assisted N.Ili's by Pentalginum hot douche though speak, what is it strengthens a bleeding, but after such douche it becomes sometimes much easier.

27.05.2005, 06:41
And I always nurofen drink

28.05.2005, 01:15
If used Bellalginum do not take iboprufen better, mozhen to not help or assist. You can To- try or taste. And is even better ask in a drugstore what-string tablets with Analginum (that he was a part of tablets)

Analginum increases or enlarges a bleeding.

And I thought Aspirinum

28.05.2005, 23:01
If used Bellalginum do not take iboprufen better, mozhen to not help or assist. You can To- try or taste. And is even better ask in a drugstore what-string tablets with Analginum (that he was a part of tablets)

Analginum increases or enlarges a bleeding.

And I thought Aspirinum

Analngin too it is harmful, but in greater or big doses to structure of a blood, too something breaks!

Now with OK it is rare that disturbs, and so usually drank or Pentalginum, or solpadein

29.05.2005, 00:05
If used Bellalginum do not take iboprufen better, mozhen to not help or assist. You can To- try or taste. And is even better ask in a drugstore what-string tablets with Analginum (that he was a part of tablets)

Analginum increases or enlarges a bleeding.

And I thought Aspirinum

Analngin too it is harmful, but in greater or big doses to structure of a blood, too something breaks!

Now with OK it is rare that disturbs, and so usually drank or Pentalginum, or solpadein

And who it or him is going to in greater or big doses to drink?

Question ritorich.

30.05.2005, 03:16
I am am helped or assisted by suppositories Indomethacinum and tablets ketanov (and ketarol)

Ketanov - I it or him accepted very powerful or potent agent after operation.

At monthly something is better than type tempalgina for example, eslm cannot find belalgin.

31.05.2005, 23:47
I accept a preparation "SIGAN", very much helps or assists, I drink only one tablet in the first day monthly

At my girlfriend very morbid - so she accepts two tablets.

And gud - the pain as an arm or a hand removes or takes out all.

01.06.2005, 01:18
To me helps or assists ketanov. One tablet - and is not present a pain up to the extremity or end of day.

02.06.2005, 15:39
I am am helped or assisted by suppositories Indomethacinum and tablets ketanov (and ketarol)

Ketanov - I it or him accepted very powerful or potent agent after operation.

At monthly something is better than type tempalgina for example, eslm cannot find belalgin.

And to me ketanov has not helped or assisted! tempalgin it is impossible to accept at abdominal pains!!! Though I earlier always accepted, but when have got in hospital on suspicions on an appendix at me before all the day awfully the stomach or belly hurted or was ill;was sick, the same day have begun monthly, I thought because of them and hurts, a saw tempalgin all the day long - effect the zero and when at night to hospital has gone also the doctor was asked what obezbalivajushchie by me drank, I have responded, that tempalgin and he has told or said, that at abdominal pains it or him to drink is impossible and is not necessary, will not help or assist.

To me To- helped or assisted somehow when I zaginalas simply, Bellalginum too helps or assists... All rest is not present!!!!

And more I somewhere subtracted or deducted, that if for dn up to monthly in sex to be engaged, the pain will be less... I do not know, I specially was engaged always - and the pain strong was with monthly, and once hurted or was ill;was sick, sat at home and accordingly no sex existed also monthly have passed or have taken place without pains in general!!! The Woman the doctor, what you will tell or say on the bill of sex perd monthly?

03.06.2005, 03:23
Girls, here like nobody has mentioned Midol (Midol) to Me helps or assists if to take it or him before that that pains have begun when only to smear the beginning. And if when already hurts, anything though on a wall climb. And in general, in such cases of a hot bathroom I am rescueed or saved;salvaged, though also many against it or this, and I even have less vydelenj like becomes, when the stomach or belly does not hurt.

05.06.2005, 16:16
The best way-it tabletk and Aspirinum. He very well helps or assists.

07.06.2005, 15:58
And still valerjanka helps or assists, but it not at strong attacks and so press it is necessary to swing or pump, ososbenno before monthly then also pains will not be in general.

16.06.2005, 17:46
To me very much pomagaet spazgan or ketanov is all anesthetizing agents.