Просмотр полной версии : Small uterus

06.05.2005, 19:59
Girls, at me such problem! All has begun that I have grown thin! Mesechnye at me always went on a regular basis, but 3-4 days are not long! Then suddenly in the summer they went 2 days and after that and voovse did not begin any more! Has addressed to genekologu, she to me has appointed or nominated UZI.Rezultat US has shown, that at me very small uterus ((to Me have appointed or nominated course of treatment of vitamins, 2 weeks vitamin A, E glutaminovaja the acid and to drink a sage-brush 3 times a day! In 2 weeks a sage three times day, vitamin C, Acidum folicum! (!! But mesechnyh there is no a third month!! (I am afraid that to me will register garmonalnye ((At whom a similar problem? Advise what to do or make

07.05.2005, 01:47
And how old are you? And whether you sat on a diet last time?

Why you have grown thin?

If you exhausted yourselves with diets absence monthly is quite explainable.

I in 17 years aspired to grow thin and sat on different diets. I have achieved result, but at me were gone monthly on the whole a floor of year.

Then all was restored.

08.05.2005, 08:19
Girls, at me such problem! All has begun that I have grown thin! Mesechnye at me always went on a regular basis, but 3-4 days are not long! Then suddenly in the summer they went 2 days and after that and voovse did not begin any more! Has addressed to genekologu, she to me has appointed or nominated UZI.Rezultat US has shown, that at me very small uterus ((to Me have appointed or nominated course of treatment of vitamins, 2 weeks vitamin A, E glutaminovaja the acid and to drink a sage-brush 3 times a day! In 2 weeks a sage three times day, vitamin C, Acidum folicum! (!! But mesechnyh there is no a third month!! (I am afraid that to me will register garmonalnye ((At whom a similar problem? Advise what to do or make

Well to me at once hormones have registered, monthly have gone or send for 9 day, it is not necessary to be afraid of them, hormones not always badly if the doctor registers them, and then if at you a hypoplasia what degree, in fact hormones a uterus it is possible podrastit so my doctor speaks me so if will suggest hormones to have a drink, have a drink, success

09.05.2005, 00:44
I limited myself in meal, ate fruit in a plenty, sejchaspitajus is normal, very much even it is good!

Then all was restored.

It was restored in itself? Or you were on the account at the doctor?

Garmony I am afraid to drink, from-, that me have frightened, that carries as a flank after them and that hair start to grow, sweat horror..

10.05.2005, 16:44
I limited myself in meal, ate fruit in a plenty, sejchaspitajus is normal, very much even it is good!

Then all was restored.

It was restored in itself? Or you were on the account at the doctor?

Garmony I am afraid to drink, from-, that me have frightened, that carries as a flank after them and that hair start to grow, sweat horror..

It was restored itself became pitatmja normally, but not at once. In occasion of hormones-th and them I am afraid (girlfriends to myself organisms have fairly impaired a little, though it or him doctors registered).

If you still in podroskovom vozraste-do not get on a a diet! The organism is not generated yet completely and more grows.

When monthly at me were gone to-me the doctor has told or said to measure basal temperature in current of 4 months and to make the schedule. On it or him;them then the doctor sees, that at you there occurs or happens also what measures it is necessary to accept. Hormones-it or -this;-thus the last.

12.05.2005, 01:14
P.S On how much you have grown thin? And whether longly limited itself in meal?

14.05.2005, 17:46
At me a small uterus. And monthly always were poor or scanty, but me it especially did not disturb. Would be worse, if the blood flew the river and with pains. In the past to year on physical examination the gynecologist it has found out and has told or said, that I need to drink to Diana-35 vmest Three- which I drank before. Now I drink, though it seems to me, that in 24 years already it is necessary to drink other tablets. I slightly was frightened, have told to mum, and she has told or said, that it or she too had " a small uterus ", but she has given birth to two children without any complications so to worry to me there is nothing.

15.05.2005, 08:08
Garmony I am afraid to drink, from-, that me have frightened, that carries as a flank after them and that hair start to grow, sweat horror.. [/color]

Ahuet. 21 centuries or blepharons on a court yard

And from an onanism hair on arms or hand grow. You did not hear about it or this?

16.05.2005, 12:26
Garmony I am afraid to drink, from-, that me have frightened, that carries as a flank after them and that hair start to grow, sweat horror.. [/color]

Ahuet. 21 centuries or blepharons on a court yard

And from an onanism hair on arms or hand grow. You did not hear about it or this?

From wrong podobranyh hormones strongly grow stout, esteem ento it is useful sometimes... Or you did not hear about it or this?

18.05.2005, 11:30
Garmony I am afraid to drink, from-, that me have frightened, that carries as a flank after them and that hair start to grow, sweat horror.. [/color]

Ahuet. 21 centuries or blepharons on a court yard

And from an onanism hair on arms or hand grow. You did not hear about it or this?

From wrong podobranyh hormones strongly grow stout, esteem ento it is useful sometimes... Or you did not hear about it or this?

To you do not suggest to itself to choose ok

20.05.2005, 19:08
You so piously believe in our medicine and in our doctors??

Here recently temku about a negligence of doctors it seems have opened, do not wish to esteem? At me the girlfriend after these worthless hormones on 14 kg has recovered. Doctors by the way selected, instead of she! Legs or foots at it or her now swell up and is serious to her to move, and before reception of hormones harmonous there was a girl. And result the main thing zero, anything at it or her in the best party or side has not changed from them, only problems now has piled about the car.

Also it is not known how now to correct, that with her hormones have made.

22.05.2005, 19:14
You so piously believe in our medicine and in our doctors??

Here recently temku about a negligence of doctors it seems have opened, do not wish to esteem? At me the girlfriend after these worthless hormones on 14 kg has recovered. Doctors by the way selected, instead of she! Legs or foots at it or her now swell up and is serious to her to move, and before reception of hormones harmonous there was a girl. And result the main thing zero, anything at it or her in the best party or side has not changed from them, only problems now has piled about the car.

Also it is not known how now to correct, that with her hormones have made.

I too tend to this opinion! It is good when the weight can be dumped or reset, but is zhetakie cases when prosle reception -type and not sbrashivaesh weight! = (

24.05.2005, 11:59
At me too a similar problem: first in 18 years have solved, that a uterus malenkja, then some years like all would be in norm or rate. But the cycle always was irregular (or monthly were tightened or delayed for 14-21 day or on the contrary there were delays for 3-4 months). Vrchai have advised hormonal. Considering, that before their reception I as a result of illness or disease have grown thin for 5 kg from the usual weight, then kept in this weight during reception of hormones. As soon as has thrown at once began to grow stout. If and earlier there were differences in weight now they became more appreciable. Now I have very strongly recovered (for a year on 15 kg) and constant delays monthly have begun. Vrchai again skazli that a uterus very much malenkaja and ovaries in bad condition. After the situation was pierced by hormones was leveled on 2 months and again a delay for 3 months. Already with other doctor again I drink hormonal contraceptive. I do not recover yet and I do not grow thin. To restore a cycle to me have ordered to grow thin for 10 kg as Adepses cause dysfunction of ovaries

25.05.2005, 16:04
At me too a similar problem: first in 18 years have solved, that a uterus malenkja, then some years like all would be in norm or rate. But the cycle always was irregular (or monthly were tightened or delayed for 14-21 day or on the contrary there were delays for 3-4 months). Vrchai have advised hormonal. Considering, that before their reception I as a result of illness or disease have grown thin for 5 kg from the usual weight, then kept in this weight during reception of hormones. As soon as has thrown at once began to grow stout. If and earlier there were differences in weight now they became more appreciable. Now I have very strongly recovered (for a year on 15 kg) and constant delays monthly have begun. Vrchai again skazli that a uterus very much malenkaja and ovaries in bad condition. After the situation was pierced by hormones was leveled on 2 months and again a delay for 3 months. Already with other doctor again I drink hormonal contraceptive. I do not recover yet and I do not grow thin. To restore a cycle to me have ordered to grow thin for 10 kg as Adepses cause dysfunction of ovaries

Here those on... I speak our doctors one treat another will cripple! = (and to you that at once and appointed or nominated garmony? To Me in the beginning a course of vitamins, then progorevanie, gameopaticheskie everyones.. It was strange in fact mono in the beginning poprobyvattak to treat.. Hardly to grow thin after garmonalnyh?

28.05.2005, 17:14
[quote = " Zelka

Here those on... I speak our doctors one treat another will cripple! = (and to you that at once and appointed or nominated garmony?

If the uterus is not ready itself promenstruirovat that at once appoint or nominate hormones. In a different kind: or nyxes, or OK. Vitamins too have appointed or nominated.

To me in the beginning a course of vitamins, then progorevanie, gameopaticheskie everyones.. It was strange in fact mono in the beginning poprobyvattak to treat.. Hardly to grow thin after garmonalnyh? [/color]

To me in general hardly to grow thin Lazy very much

28.05.2005, 19:53
At me too a similar problem: first in 18 years have solved, that a uterus malenkja, then some years like all would be in norm or rate. But the cycle always was irregular (or monthly were tightened or delayed for 14-21 day or on the contrary there were delays for 3-4 months). Vrchai have advised hormonal. Considering, that before their reception I as a result of illness or disease have grown thin for 5 kg from the usual weight, then kept in this weight during reception of hormones. As soon as has thrown at once began to grow stout. If and earlier there were differences in weight now they became more appreciable. Now I have very strongly recovered (for a year on 15 kg) and constant delays monthly have begun. Vrchai again skazli that a uterus very much malenkaja and ovaries in bad condition. After the situation was pierced by hormones was leveled on 2 months and again a delay for 3 months. Already with other doctor again I drink hormonal contraceptive. I do not recover yet and I do not grow thin. To restore a cycle to me have ordered to grow thin for 10 kg as Adepses cause dysfunction of ovaries

Here those on... I speak our doctors one treat another will cripple! = (and to you that at once and appointed or nominated garmony? To Me in the beginning a course of vitamins, then progorevanie, gameopaticheskie everyones.. It was strange in fact mono in the beginning poprobyvattak to treat.. Hardly to grow thin after garmonalnyh?

Doctors at us do not treat - and ekspirimentirujut on us various preparations. And if result unsatisfactory they try or taste other medicines. At random!

Thus the patient has a heap of new illnesses or diseases, and doctors with the double enthusiasm continue the experiments while the person invalidoi will not make!

01.06.2005, 14:02
To me in the beginning a course of vitamins, then progorevanie, gameopaticheskie everyones.. It was strange in fact mono in the beginning poprobyvattak to treat.. Hardly to grow thin after garmonalnyh? [/color]

To me in general hardly to grow thin Lazy very much [/quote] Zelka, start to grow thin is better... What for to you superfluous problems, drink a sage-brush, shishki hop.. If the menses they will not begin can attribute still any muck!:shock:

16.06.2005, 09:01
To me in the beginning a course of vitamins, then progorevanie, gameopaticheskie everyones.. It was strange in fact mono in the beginning poprobyvattak to treat.. Hardly to grow thin after garmonalnyh? [/color]

To me in general hardly to grow thin Lazy very much

Zelka, start to grow thin is better... What for to you superfluous problems, drink a sage-brush, shishki hop.. If the menses they will not begin can attribute still any muck!:shock: [/quote]

After hormonal they in any case will go. A question in how to establish or install a cycle so that after refusal of hormones monthly again were not gone. All the same and the child still to give birth it would be desirable