Просмотр полной версии : And how to you have registered OK?

15.03.2005, 11:36
I the gynecologist has simply offered me, whether a pier I wish to be protected OK. Give I to you I shall write out any. Without analyses on hormones, without anything. I have refused, as she writes out to very strong hormonal my relative, and it seems to me, what exactly from them at it or her hair and she terribly irritable drop out. Whether took from you analyses any before writing out OK?

17.03.2005, 03:29

19.03.2005, 17:12

22.03.2005, 15:19

Baba Manya
24.03.2005, 15:40
If there is no history of a cyst or female tumours do not take analyses.

24.03.2005, 23:59
Yes, I handed over analyses on hormones.

And in general in occasion of analyses esteem here

http: // yarina.com.ua/ru/doctor_advise/19-article88.html

29.03.2005, 01:05
I too did not hand over any analyses.... Then has made abortion, and the doctor has registered simply in medical agents "Mersilon"..... And then, when I have come and have asked to register to me, something is cheaper, she has told or said "Novinet"..... Voobshchem, I think they oreintirujutsja, on vozrost, and the woman gave birth or travailled or not.... To Me these two times registered OK with smaller kol- garmonov (as for the young, not given birth or not travailled girl)

01.04.2005, 09:58
Did not take.

05.04.2005, 20:23
Took, certainly. Smoteril a hormonal background. Serious excess of Prolactinum has come to light, have written out Logest. In 3 years already without analyses the doctor has suggested to replace on Mersilon that the organism did not get used.

06.04.2005, 03:21
If there is no history of a cyst or female tumours do not take analyses.

And I have a history, and the doctor knows about it or this.

08.04.2005, 11:20
Took, certainly. Smoteril a hormonal background. Serious excess of Prolactinum has come to light, have written out Logest. In 3 years already without analyses the doctor has suggested to replace on Mersilon that the organism did not get used.

What is this a word?

14.04.2005, 18:25
SUGAH, the link as I understand, YOU did not read, and in vain

It is very important to pick up, suitable you, a contraceptive. One of myths which surround hormonal preparations are what correctly to pick up an oral contraceptive it is possible only after carrying out of complex or difficult and expensive hormonal analyses.

However I can tell or say, that in most cases they are not necessary (if speech certainly does not go about serious cases of a hirsutism). Correctly to pick up a hormonal preparation the doctor should study or investigate carefully all data of survey of the patient, ask it or her on family diseases, estimate or appreciate a status of milk or dairy, thyroid glands, an emotional tonus, feature of a skin, etc.

19.04.2005, 11:42
SUGAH, the link as I understand, YOU did not read, and in vain

It is very important to pick up, suitable you, a contraceptive. One of myths which surround hormonal preparations are what correctly to pick up an oral contraceptive it is possible only after carrying out of complex or difficult and expensive hormonal analyses.

However I can tell or say, that in most cases they are not necessary (if speech certainly does not go about serious cases of a hirsutism). Correctly to pick up a hormonal preparation the doctor should study or investigate carefully all data of survey of the patient, ask it or her on family diseases, estimate or appreciate a status of milk or dairy, thyroid glands, an emotional tonus, feature of a skin, etc.

For the present was not in time, Foksi, not serchajte! I at job of Many thanks! And more, my analyses are covered by the insurance, I for them do not cry or pay.

21.04.2005, 10:57
As I lady balzakovskogo age the doctor appointed or nominated to me analyses to sexual hormones + inspection of a breast (mamografiju) - after that have written out OK.

21.04.2005, 18:14
The analysis on hormones did not hand over, and on coagulability of a blood - handed over before the beginning of reception OK.

White tigress
24.04.2005, 13:15
I have come to the doctor and have asked me to appoint or nominate contraceptive tablets. She has advised me on a choice some pieces, different at the price of and I have chosen Logest. Everyone a floor of year I hand over analyses - the general or common analysis of a blood, and any two of a vein (I do not remember names any strongly odd).

Brooklyn Girl
29.04.2005, 19:40
I have come to the doctor and I speak - I want an adhesive tape, he to me - want, here take!

And any analyses

02.05.2005, 10:15
At me it was similar. I used Ok have solved that mene tablets have bothered.. I want that-string another. A cash the information about plastryjah for contraception.. Has gone in konsutatsiju. Rasskazla that I wish to pass on more sovsremennoe an agent. It is possible or not? Is protivopakazanija? She has asked me on diseases, heredities still a heap different voprosav has set, as a result has told or said: " It is possible! If there will be problems come! ".

6 months use evroj and is happy or enough problems are not present

The visitor
14.05.2005, 12:58
To me houses the doctor after interview has appointed or nominated Diana. After crossing or moving to Germany the doctor only asked about my illnesses or diseases and relatives and whether well I transfer or carry Diana. Surveyed only on an armchair. The analysis of hormones did not do or make.

14.06.2005, 16:04
If there is no history of a cyst or female tumours do not take analyses.

And I had a cyst (have removed together with an appendix, for the company) and no analyses were taken, can because of the brought down cycle!? Only later 4 months has handed over analyses on hormones. To me have written out to Diana 35, it something of type OK, a cat. Also treats hormonal failure