Просмотр полной версии : To the woman to the Doctor!

01.11.2004, 23:21
At me problemka has appeared... Very strong white vydilenija and periodically strong itch in district klitera, sometimes simply intolerable itch. At mine MCH, on a head, have appeared red fine tochechki and a little vospolenna a bridle. It seems to us, what is it I have infected it or him... What is it can be? Also what with it or this to do or make?

04.12.2004, 12:57
At me problemka has appeared... Very strong white vydilenija and periodically strong itch in district klitera, sometimes simply intolerable itch. At mine MCH, on a head, have appeared red fine tochechki and a little vospolenna a bridle. It seems to us, what is it I have infected it or him... What is it can be? Also what with it or this to do or make?

Excuse, I not the Woman-doctor, but your problem, most likely - the THRUSH.

To stay for a while
29.12.2004, 04:29
Mine to you advice or council (I have already burnt...) - it is urgent to the doctor.. To you will appoint or nominate correct treatment and you will be healthy... And that I too bumala, that mine of allocation am molochnitsai pushed different suppositories - and it has appeared trihomoniaz... Now from by-effects at the nights I do not sleep. Do not pull, I ask you, anything critical and shameful in it or this is not present, doctors such every day viljat, are treated.

02.01.2005, 05:32
Thanks, for advice or councils! To the doctor I shall go, but hardly later... At me now monthly

Probably and a thrush... Earlier she at me was.. But there was no itch, only allocation... And now a dreadful itch simply

And what then with my guy? At it or him the thrush so is shown?

12.01.2005, 02:33
I too had thrush and an itch awful, but it has passed or has taken place after Clotrimazolum and travinogo the collecting - Brusnever. Though it is better to the doctor, whether it is not enough that...

The woman-doctor
13.06.2005, 00:35
Similar on mololchnitsu, but it is necessary to the doctor. To hand over a smear. If the thrush will prove to be true, to you will appoint or nominate treatment. To your friend, most likely, ointment Clotrimazolum.