Просмотр полной версии : Question on a bacterial vaginosis?

22.11.2004, 21:13
Have solved I, and my girl to be checked up on any infections. At me all is pure or clean. And girlfriends have found a bacterial vaginosis.

On how much I know at this infection takes place to be has begun to smell a rotten fish from a vagina. At it or her such smell is not present. And in general complaints in this occasion too are not present. But in the analysis a bacterial vaginosis have found. Though, its or his other "name" vaginalzyj a dysbacteriosis...

It or She had a course of treatment (Trichopolum, vobenzim, immunal, suppositories kleon-n, vitamins). But the repeated analysis has again shown presence of an infection

At whom was such? On how much really to get rid of it or this?

04.12.2004, 12:17
You were treated together? Esle is not present, then, I congratulate, most likely you too have already caught. Terrible anything is not present. Most likely you portnershe did not accept this scheme or plan of treatment. Try to address in dr. Clinic.

At me 2 years ago, have found such bouquet, ttttt, now all OK. I drank antibiotics, then vostanavlivala flora, vitamins too prinemala. Course of treatment has borrowed or occupied month an one and a half, during treatment sex to exclude, even with prezikom, but then very well, "were knowingly excruciated"

Success to you.

05.12.2004, 03:50
At my girlfriend was after casual sexual contact... Has recovered quickly enough (well, for a month somewhere) a complex of medicines, did not penetrate precisely what, I remember, any suppositories with an iodine, syringings. The piece unpleasant, certainly, but not the worst, that can be.

18.12.2004, 16:19
Have solved I, and my girl to be checked up on any infections. At me all is pure or clean. And girlfriends have found a bacterial vaginosis.

On how much I know at this infection takes place to be has begun to smell a rotten fish from a vagina. At it or her such smell is not present. And in general complaints in this occasion too are not present. But in the analysis a bacterial vaginosis have found. Though, its or his other "name" vaginalzyj a dysbacteriosis...

It or She had a course of treatment (Trichopolum, vobenzim, immunal, suppositories kleon-n, vitamins). But the repeated analysis has again shown presence of an infection

At whom was such? On how much really to get rid of it or this?

Really, as from any other dysbacteriosis. It or this ZPPP the man cannot hurt or be ill;be sick basically, in a man's organism gardnerella does not live, and to infect to her it is possible only if not having washed one partnershi to pass at once to another.

Bacterial vaginosis - a dysbacteriosis of a vagina, and at men, excuse, the vagina is not present. Rising of immunity by various agents, keeping of a regimen of work and rest, vitamins, absence provoking depression of immunity of factors - that's all treatment.

26.12.2004, 14:54
You were treated together? Esle is not present, then, I congratulate, most likely you too have already caught. Terrible anything is not present.

You closely or attentively read my report?!?

I have written. We TOGETHER handed over analyses, in one day. At it or her have found, and at me have found nothing. As well as than and from whom I could catch?

Most likely you portnershe did not accept this scheme or plan of treatment. Try to address in dr. Clinic.

Most likely indeed

02.01.2005, 10:11
All ZPPP such lechatsja not one course.

http: // www.souz.co.il/clubs/read.html? article=1351*amp; Club_ID=18

11.01.2005, 13:59


You closely or attentively read my report?!?

I have written. We TOGETHER handed over analyses, in one day. At it or her have found, and at me have found nothing. As well as than and from whom I could catch?

To hand over analyses together, and to pass or take place course of treatment different things.

Here it has been written, that men of this bjakoj are not ill or sick, well, mozh to be at you such situevina!

I when was treated, my husband too drank tablets, as well as I. However, he did not hand over analyses, simply when in me have found out, have written out the scheme or plan of treatment for me and the husband (in absentia, so to say). Together handed over after treatment.

Try to address to dr. To the doctor, will not be worse.

Success to you and your girl!

30.01.2005, 06:45


You closely or attentively read my report?!?

I have written. We TOGETHER handed over analyses, in one day. At it or her have found, and at me have found nothing. As well as than and from whom I could catch?

To hand over analyses together, and to pass or take place course of treatment different things.

Here it has been written, that men of this bjakoj are not ill or sick, well, mozh to be at you such situevina!

I when was treated, my husband too drank tablets, as well as I. However, he did not hand over analyses, simply when in me have found out, have written out the scheme or plan of treatment for me and the husband (in absentia, so to say). Together handed over after treatment.

If you were treated by the gynecologist other variant and could not be.

And if both of you have walked in KVD the qualified -venereologist (and it is far not the same, that the gynecologist) whether would explain to you it is necessary to poison or persecute the man with tablets. And it is necessary to the woman too not in a mouth, and on the other hand medicines at a bacterial vaginosis.

Diana Valerevna
10.02.2005, 09:37
The bacterial vaginosis can develop for the various reasons, it is not obligatory at sexual : hormonal disbalanse, at disturbance of a microflora of an intestine, at application of antibiotics, etc.

More often for lecheni tablets are used vaginalnye suppositories,

16.02.2005, 04:00
At me too such was. Treated different preparations, has passed or has taken place not at once, but has passed or has taken place. The husband did not treat, the doctor has told or said, that is not necessary. While all ok, ttt. Whence has appeared - not clearly.

The visitor
10.03.2005, 04:59
It is strange, how at my husband have found gardenelly, whether he the girl that???

04.04.2005, 12:02
If you were treated by the gynecologist other variant and could not be.

And if both of you have walked in KVD the qualified -venereologist (and it is far not the same, that the gynecologist) whether would explain to you it is necessary to poison or persecute the man with tablets. And it is necessary to the woman too not in a mouth, and on the other hand medicines at a bacterial vaginosis.

And I also did not write that prinemala a tablet EXCLUSIVELY to a mouth!!!!

There there was all both suppositories, and tablets, after antibiotics vostanovlenie florae-faunae (everywhere, not only in a stomach and an intestine), for a raising of immunity that drank that, a course there was dliiinyj month an one and a half.

And in general how much doctors. It is so much and schemes or plans of treatment

Knowingly speak: two doctors three diagnoses.

And about the husband-girl, tozh explain, it is painfully interesting.

If men are not ill or sick gardennelami, whence????

Lisonka has not entered
12.06.2005, 21:50
If you were treated by the gynecologist other variant and could not be.

And if both of you have walked in KVD the qualified -venereologist (and it is far not the same, that the gynecologist) whether would explain to you it is necessary to poison or persecute the man with tablets. And it is necessary to the woman too not in a mouth, and on the other hand medicines at a bacterial vaginosis.

And I also did not write that prinemala a tablet EXCLUSIVELY to a mouth!!!!

There there was all both suppositories, and tablets, after antibiotics vostanovlenie florae-faunae (everywhere, not only in a stomach and an intestine), for a raising of immunity that drank that, a course there was dliiinyj month an one and a half.

And in general how much doctors. It is so much and schemes or plans of treatment

Knowingly speak: two doctors three diagnoses.

And about the husband-girl, tozh explain, it is painfully interesting.

If men are not ill or sick gardennelami, whence????

1) in a mouth at a bacterial vaginosis in general accept nothing from antibiotics and protivoprotozojnyh.

2) any deviations or rejections of sexual sphere concerning or touching infections and viruses kvalifitsirovanno diagnostirut also are treated only by -venereologists, and in any way gynecologists.

3) about the husband-girl it was necessary to ask the doctor of the -venereologist and if them have found in private or individual clinic it is strange that have not found still that another up to a heap. Are treated and surveyed in KVD, misters! There will not find anything superfluous. And in private or individual to you will find and that is, and that never was. Otherwise no trouble money from you to swing or pump.