Просмотр полной версии : problemka...

!!! Tata!!!
14.02.2005, 21:54
At me from 17 years on a stomach or belly and around of papillas hair have started to grow. Did not address anywhere, pulled out a forceps from what hair became more. Now to me 20 years, I continue to pull out, but them is all more and more. Already it is a lot of nachitalas about this problem, but all taki something I wish to ask here again. Here I know that this problem arises that a level of man's hormones in an organism exceeds a level of female hormones. It as though a principal cause. And I think that at me because of it or this hair grow. For this purpose suggest to pass or take place inspection at the gynecologist-endocrinologist. And whether necessarily to go to the gynecologist, in fact I do not have problems with monthly, I still the virgin, in general healthy as I think. Whether the endocrinologist can check up only me? And here one more. He will register probably hormonal tablets, they oral contraceptives. Instead of whether harmfully to accept them when to me not what for will be protected.... In general I have got confused strongly. Prompt as inspection and treatment passes or takes place in such cases as at me. I wish to make an appointment with the doctor, but I do not know what yes as, has decided to visit or attend your forum in hope to receive answers to the questions. Thanks!

12.06.2005, 17:11
At me too on a breast grow (or grew) voloski. I too deleted them a forceps earlier. Problems with monthly was not. But years so through 5 these problems have appeared. It has appeared, that at me the raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum. Have registered, the truth, Diana-35 (OK). But voloskov any more was not!!! And Diana I any more do not drink. And have sent me vsetaki to the gynecologist-endocrinologist.