Просмотр полной версии : Short cycle

10.06.2005, 15:49
Tell or Say, please, how much days from the beginning prior to the beginning of a cycle are considered norm or rate. I, certainly, understand, that all very individually, but here, for example, if duration of a cycle - 17 days. It as? On what it is necessary to pay attention? What analyses to hand over?

10.06.2005, 16:11
Book norm or rate from 1 day till 1 day - 21-35 days. Individual norms or rates can be wider. The main attribute "normalnosti" a cycle - presence in itself of an ovulation and precise two phases.

10.06.2005, 16:44
Whether and it is correct, what terms of an ovulation it is possible to define or determine measurement bazaltnoj temperatures? And more, the request, is hardly more detailed about two phases what meant?

11.06.2005, 17:03
About basal temperature - the truth.
Look or See in clause or article Definition of an ovulation.
Phases - that also are phases of basal temperature
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