Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy: that is possible and that it is impossible

14.10.2004, 04:52
Yesterday went to the doctor...

Has frightened: it appears it is possible to breathe only and water distilirovannuju to drink

The computer - is impossible, hair to paint it is impossible (and I on Saturday have already entered the name), in a sun deck tozha am impossible.... About alcohol I also do not speak...

And so 9 months!!!!

Who through it has passed or has taken place - share pliz

07.12.2004, 17:49
I do not know, whether will help or assist, but a site good http: // www.yamama.ru/

07.01.2005, 08:49
Vitalka, I have not passed or have not taken place, but something I know. The computer is impossible Aha, go the cleaner is better work. It EKOLOGICHNEE. Relax. Work, as it is usual. Only rise more often, slightly to be kneaded that. The computer, and sitting behind it or him since the blood flow is broken is harmful not. And at pregnant women and so with it or this of a problem. Hair to paint it is impossible, if a paint with ammonia. Consider, it not only can work on a fetus, but also color can turn out any, only not expected, hormonal background varies strongly.

The sun deck and alcohol - well, is impossible. By the way, it is possible to test nonalcoholic production. And from a sun deck nevuses pigmentosus can appear, I think. So it is not necessary for you now.

02.02.2005, 11:41
The sun deck is not necessary certainly, alcohol if fairly I afford ochenno seldom red wine, semisweet... Well very much it would be desirable, hair painted, but the paint does not contain some ammonia, before New year again I shall go, and how New year to meet - lohudroj? I Work as well as worked, behind a computer, yes, rights Organza, it is necessary to move more. Peshochkom it is more.

Well though to breathe have resolved, already well, and about structure of air which it is possible to consume spoke nothing???

Live as lived! Well and without a sun deck it is possible to live very much even easily, speak still it is impossible to go on manicure and a pedicure, but it in general seems to me a disgrace full, therefore too I go. The main thing to not feel pugalom, your good mood, sootvetsvenno is projected on the child!

Success to you!

16.02.2005, 17:14

And on the south it is impossible to sunbathe too?????

Tanja Century
09.03.2005, 21:11
I here thought too without a sun deck I shall not live. An is not present, has bought or purchased to itself -autosunburn and I do not suffer it is more

And pozagorala I on the sun in August at the sea. Pregnant and chocolate (not black) - krasotishcha

13.03.2005, 17:58
Vitalka, I not kosha, but besides shall get. To sunbathe especially do not recommend. To be on the sun it is not harmful approximately hours till 10-11 mornings and after 17 evenings, how much or as far as I know. Then, if very hotly in the south - it is better to not go. Having overheated besides to a fetus it is harmful. It is very useful to float here, so here a stick about two extremities or ends. So if you can sustain and not go in the afternoon on a beach it is possible. Plus there should be a pregnancy without complications. By the way the excellent or different protective agent, besides, is necessary, and that pigmental or pigmentary maculae without ceremony will appear.

) A link (
15.04.2005, 02:32
And how to be without a paint?

I melirovanie did or made up to pregnancy, what now it is impossible absolutely?

Ponomarev A.V.
03.05.2005, 06:47
It wished beremnnaja to be painted, and to me the hairdresser or barber has told or said, that at pregnant women it is not known, how the paint will lay down. I do not know, whether the truth. Nevertheless changes in an organism.

By the way, at me during pregnancy hair very dense were, did not fall absolutely, and month through three after sorts or labors as have got (all became as up to sorts or labors).

05.05.2005, 04:16
I here up to 8 months worked behind a computer. Not that that itself so was burned with-job was such. Tried to go more on foot and to breathe-on opportunities, certainly, for 2-3 hours per day it was impossible, as doctors advised, but which that. Charging or charge did or made without fail. Drank vitamins, a saw in litres water-so it would be desirable, and hair the-chemistry did not paint all taki, was afraid to do much harm. And alcohol nini!

06.05.2005, 21:16
About to sunbathe.

On the fifth month, been going to in the Crimean sanatorium, has asked two doctors, good and before me treated, whether it is possible. Answers has received the following:

1. It is not necessary, the sun in reasonable limits is harmless, and here to go in a train dangerously.

2. It is not necessary, to go in a train it is harmless, and here the sun is dangerous.

Has thought and has gone the Conclusion - at all doctors the zamorochki, alas. If the doctor speaks, as what exactly HE considers or counts harmful that and that, without proofs of a harmfulness of it or this is include or switch on the common sense is better.

And alcohol is impossible, yes, you that - it hear first time?

13.05.2005, 15:30
Strange... And why it is impossible to paint hair? And a make up it is possible?

By the way, I during pregnancy used only shadows and friable powder. Everything, that "is smeared", did not use. But it when was! Do not live So much

" Babushkin advice or council " which to me was remembered for all life: it is impossible to hang out linen and to hang up-remove or hang up-take out curtains. If you cost or stand in transport, do not keep for the top crossbeam.

Easier speaking, it is impossible to last upwards. But it already in second half of pregnancy. There is a risk of that the cord or navel will be wound around shejki the kid.

And why from set babushkinyh advice or councils it was remembered - because two my girlfriends poimeli such trouble. Thanks God, in both cases all has managed, but happens, as does not manage.

And still I remember, that doctors do not advise there are oranges and chocolate - is fraught with an allergy at the baby.

20.05.2005, 10:48
On mama.ru it has been written that it is impossible to be sheared too - who knows why?

And komputer it is possible - but no more than six hours per day and every 45 minutes it is necessary to do or make a break small

31.05.2005, 05:15
" Babushkin advice or council " which to me was remembered for all life: it is impossible to hang out linen and to hang up-remove or hang up-take out curtains. If you cost or stand in transport, do not keep for the top crossbeam.

To me this interdiction too was most remembered. Simply ran into memory.

And from own experience: to not gorge on. Personally at me if I strongly gorged on, all stomach or belly started to increase or be enlarged directly on eyes, and in its or his top part the skin very or very much stretched. That's it in this place I still had extensions. If not naedelas, extensions would not be..........

03.06.2005, 06:13
" Babushkin advice or council " which to me was remembered for all life: it is impossible to hang out linen and to hang up-remove or hang up-take out curtains. If you cost or stand in transport, do not keep for the top crossbeam "

mamanka I too most has advised me. In my opinion, nonsense full. How that the fact, that you lift highly arms or hand, I influence the baby, not prosekaju. A cord or navel around of a throat frequent enough phenomenon, and at the normal obstetrix or obstetrics/doctor, it should not become the big problem (sometimes becomes, but it any more you will not predict or forecast). I think, that so to last it is impossible that is simply sick - the tendons supporting or maintaining a uterus, all time are stretched or dragged out and hurt. Not rekommenduetsja it is too much to stretch and do or make sharp movements. To me it is sometimes sick when in the morning after a dream I stretch.

Yes, and I eat chocolate and oranges. Chocolate do not advise because of a coffeine, and oranges are always good and useful. As the hairstyle of hair can affect or influence a fetus I too I do not catch up, and here to paint do not advise, in-core or -basic;-basically because it is not known, that will leave. Voobshchem, do not strain, and live as lived. Only on a coffeine, alcohol and cigarettes on naljagajte especially.

08.06.2005, 07:36

Aha, about an encirclement of a cord or navel I too did not hear, but told as one girl before sorts or labors have decided to hang up curtains and have torn a belly-button to myself).

And so, arms or hand to not lift and a leg or foot to not cross (something with blood supply) and to not sit on unitazike in a pose of an eagle (gemoroj will acquire) are doctors advise.

And also gripom to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick, a tablet to not drink, with a parachute to not jump and on horses to not skip. Slavery voobshchem.

And here what to be sheared it is impossible up to sorts or labors is a national superstition, as well as that it is impossible pridanoe for the child to buy ahead of time. I though consider or count it as nonsense, but just in case I am not sheared yet and I do not buy. Fie-fie.

09.06.2005, 21:58
Girls, on the same mame.ru were analysis of these superstitions. About a raising of arms or hand and about hair. This superstition, a cord or navel not from a raising of arms or hand is reeled up, and, for example, from a disadvantage of oxygen at the child, he thus restless very much. But it is not connected with a raising of arms or hand in any way. Just as hair of mum with extremities of the child. But, certainly, if there are not enough interdictions on painting of hair, sunburn, alcohol, active sports and other it is possible also arm or hand to not lift and to not be sheared, and more to get a grasp of other signs and too to carry out them Hozjain-the barin. If the pregnant woman so is quieter, let goes nestrizhennoj.

About cosmetics as I understand, if use qualitative whenever possible gipoallergennoj it is quite possible to use. And manicure to do or make too

Oranges and chocolate too do not recommend on the certain term. When at a fetus the system is formed imunnaja. Precisely term I do not remember. Something about 16 weeks. But this information can be found at desire.

09.06.2005, 22:07
Vitalka - on the south.... Can it is not necessary so sharp differences, we here too planned to jerk to Turkey, but something have changed the mind, we shall go to have a rest in the same climate, it is not necessary (IMHO) all impossible to risk, sunbathe too, simply is on the sun, to walk, ferment, but to sunbathe it is impossible, I cannot precisely tell or say, but there am connected by something with a placenta and the child.

To be sheared and it is painted, too not absolutely to me it is clear, krasilaspoltora month back, being on 3 month, and in December I plan, the only thing that a paint without ammonia and other mucks... Well and how to meet New year lohudroj...?!

Manicure, pedicure I do or make, too it is necessary, since job with people, and pregnancy not the reason to look or appear zamuhryshkoj...

Train, too I do not know, I when was pregnant the second child, on the eighth month pridprinjala small cruise over Baltic, Moskva-Riga-JUrmala-Venspils-Pjarnu-Tallin-na the ferry in Helsinki-?ONO-Moscow. By the machine or car. But it besides individually... IMHO

The train it is better than the plane, is not present vsyotaki such overloads.

Now again we plan to go across Baltic, for New year...

The god, as they say will give....

Artemev J.K.
09.06.2005, 22:09
Yes, arms or hand upwards really it is impossible - the tonus of a uterus can raise or increase... Gravities cannot be dragged... To watch or keep up it is necessary behind a status of kidneys (under analyses of urine - that fiber in urine has not appeared) - doctors to be afraid on late terms of edemas and gestoza... Therefore it is necessary correctly to eat and try to not type or collect weight quickly... Walk more, eat vitamins... About! Still it is impossible a roentgenophotography (rengen) and the narcosis, and here some kinds of anesthesia at stomatologists sobershenno are not dangerous - therefore do not forget to go to the stomatologist (for pregnancy to make it few times better, then the exact times will not be)... Still that I shall recollect - I shall write to All of success!