Просмотр полной версии : Voros about a menses for doctors and all who collided or faced

17.11.2004, 13:43
At me here such problem.

To me 23 years. Monthly have begun in 13 years and till 18 years I did not complain on what. And here, within last 5 years, the quantity or amount of an allocated blood is constantly reduced (for 1-st year reduced strongly, already reduced on slightly, but reduced). Excuse for details, but earlier vydedlenija on a consistence bloods were similar, now they look or appear as sopli with small addition of a blood. Often there are clots.

For this time to me have made mass of analyses and have found nothing - organs of a small basin in norm or rate (structure or frame and the size), hormones of 1-st and 2-nd phase too in norm or rate, a turkish saddle of a normal form, an ovulation occurs or happens, I feel also criteria BT - the schedule precisely biphase, did or made the cytologic analysis, too by way of. ZPPP was not and is not present. To children did not give birth or travail, abortions did not do or make. A cycle of regular, 27-28 days. Endometry thick, i.e. the menses should be plentiful, but as a cat naplakal - 2 days are a little of it or her "soplej" and then on 3-rd only smears. I the doctor makes a helpless gesture and cannot assume anything any more.

Appointed or Nominated to me and Djufaston, and Oestradiolum in 1-st phase, Progesteronum in 2-nd - as dead poultices. And hormones that at me all in norm or rate.

Come out, please, with your assumptions.

Thankful in advance.

P.S. " Well, so sometimes happens, no trouble ", certainly, too the answer, but with the outlined tendency, my monthly in couple of years in general will stop, and the amenorrhea at genesial age is not too normal.

The woman-doctor
21.11.2004, 05:14

Interestingly, what assumptions you wait on the Internet from your words if doctors who carried out all researches, make a helpless gesture. In absentia to tell or say even more difficultly..

I would advise to check up system of a hemostasis (coagulability of a blood) and to look or see the cervical channel (whether there are no obstacles for an output or exit of a blood). If still something I shall think up, I shall write.


26.11.2004, 15:17
I have not understood something, you are disturbed only with scarcity vydeleny or the US shows, what the uterus after monthly is not cleared completely?

The visitor
06.12.2004, 20:24

Interestingly, what assumptions you wait on the Internet from your words if doctors who carried out all researches, make a helpless gesture. In absentia to tell or say even more difficultly..

I would advise to check up system of a hemostasis (coagulability of a blood) and to look or see the cervical channel (whether there are no obstacles for an output or exit of a blood). If still something I shall think up, I shall write.


Thanks big for your prompt reply.

Yes, I also wait for such assumptions on the Internet. I the doctor never with such collided or faced also I cannot check up also its or her competence as the doctor I am not. Here many different people, can who will tell or say that acceptable.

She me treats all time hormonal, I hope it will not affect or influence my initially normal hormonal background. But these hormones yet have not brought any positive shifts. Here, I shall suggest her to direct me to check coagulability of a blood.

Forgive or Excuse, and how check shejku uteruses on presence of obstacles?

12.12.2004, 01:11
I have not understood something, you are disturbed only with scarcity vydeleny or the US shows, what the uterus after monthly is not cleared completely?

Yes, I am am disturbed with quantity or amount and a consistence vydeleny. Whether On US did not check the uterus completely after monthly is cleared. And it is necessary?

17.12.2004, 19:08
In my opinion you need to replace the doctor. Did not try to address to other doctor?

The woman-doctor
17.12.2004, 20:25
First, if hormones in norm or rate the sense in treatment of hormones is not present.

Secondly, it agree with LenaSH, the US should be made during the different periods of a cycle - right after a menses, in the middle of a cycle and before a menses.

Hormones handed over all?

Permeability of the channel is checked simply - a colposcopy (shejka it is looked in mirrors in such apparatus similar to a microscope) and if there are doubts - it is passed or is taken place thin zondikom.

And, really, if all this time were only at one doctor already for a long time it would be time to go to another for the second opinion.


22.12.2004, 14:09
Imho, to you to try or taste zaberemenit.....

24.12.2004, 20:45

And at me the same situation.

At me too most ((

Too it disturbs me. The truth I did not go with it or this to the doctor

27.12.2004, 08:53
First, if hormones in norm or rate the sense in treatment of hormones is not present.

Secondly, it agree with LenaSH, the US should be made during the different periods of a cycle - right after a menses, in the middle of a cycle and before a menses.

Hormones handed over all?

Permeability of the channel is checked simply - a colposcopy (shejka it is looked in mirrors in such apparatus similar to a microscope) and if there are doubts - it is passed or is taken place thin zondikom.

And, really, if all this time were only at one doctor already for a long time it would be time to go to another for the second opinion.


The US to me did or made many times and not only before a menses unless only it is immediate after monthly did not do or make. Anything especial there have not found out. First endometry thin, then to become more thickly.

Hormones handed over much everyones, me even specially to the endocrinologist sent, which having received nedumenno on me has looked or seen results " What for you here such healthy in general has come? "

At other doctor somehow was, she to me ukolchiki for stimulation of job of ovaries has written out. " And you can so have fallen in love, has suffered prolonged anxiety, and they began to work incorrectly ". In general, "ukolchiki" I to do or make did not become.

I do not know as normally, therefore I compare that was earlier. Tell or say, please, " red sopli " is a variant of norm or rate? It seems to me, that the necessary quantity or amount mucous is diluted with too small quantity or amount of a blood. Though when I shall cut a finger, the blood flows as usually....

28.12.2004, 02:20
Imho, to you to try or taste zaberemenit.....

Thanks big for advice or council, I too thought also to me spoke, that an erypsipelas - is normalized... Only here beremennet it would be desirable not with the purpose of a regulation monthly, and for other reasons which while are not present.....

04.01.2005, 04:38

And at me the same situation.

At me too most ((

Too it disturbs me. The truth I did not go with it or this to the doctor

Well, if you to the doctor did not go yet then quite probably, that you will have an obvious reason (hormones, organs, etc.) instead of as at me when me and to believe that do not want, that linings are changed by virtue of a habit, instead of as required. Necessarily descend or go, if it disturbs you.

07.01.2005, 03:31
Imho, to you to try or taste zaberemenit.....

Thanks big for advice or council, I too thought also to me spoke, that an erypsipelas - is normalized... Only here beremennet it would be desirable not with the purpose of a regulation monthly, and for other reasons which while are not present.....

Yes it is clear that simply so it would not be desirable, but if you give birth though will calm down by way of that you already order to yourselves an early climacterium a little!

I hope, that soon reason zaberemenit will appear

16.01.2005, 11:44
Know, JAsha, I on your place so did not worry also hormones to accept would not become. If endocrinology at you by way of, the cycle is not broken or disturbed, endometry has normal thickness at different stages of a cycle, vrjadle you are threatened with an amenorrhea or an early climacterium. Clots are quite normally and monthly within three days - too within the limits of norm or rate.

And here advice or council of the Woman-doctor about check of coagulability of a blood, in my opinion, very efficient. I do not know, where do you live, but at us, for example, the gynecologist cannot direct on such analyses, but can give a direction to a hematologist which in turn appoints or nominates all necessary analyses in such cases. By the way, if a problem in coagulability it is desirable to define or determine it up to pregnancy.

I wish good luck! Write about results.

26.01.2005, 00:33
At me recently too allocation menstrual became poor or scanty! Whether there can be it result of using wads? I always used linings, but somewhere year already I use wads, and have noticed in due course, that the menses is diminished gradually, almost for a day comes to an end, and other days so-so, a droplet... Now again linings I use, but allocation on former poor or scanty!

29.01.2005, 06:20
Girls with poor or scanty monthly, what delivery at you, diets? It can influence very strongly...

31.01.2005, 11:33
I badly eat, at me something with appetite!

08.02.2005, 18:00
I shall not go into details, but at a poor or scanty delivery monthly can stop in general. There is also other opinion: http: // www.syroedenie.com/index.php? module=pagemaster*amp; PAGE_user_op=view_page*amp; PAGE_id=65

04.03.2005, 05:19
http: // www.syroedenie.com/index.php? module=pagemaster*amp; PAGE_user_op=view_page*amp; PAGE_id=65

It would be very interesting to learn or find out opinion of the Woman-doctor concerning stated on this page.

The woman-doctor
04.04.2005, 04:05
LenaSH, I shall necessarily read through one of these days..

09.06.2005, 16:52
LenaSH, I shall necessarily read through one of these days..

Thanks, I shall wait for opinion of the expert since some things have seemed to me, to put it mildly, strange.