Просмотр полной версии : Mastopathy - what is it?

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16.01.2005, 13:16
Who knows?

19.01.2005, 07:58
Mastopathy - dishormonal good-quality disease of mammary glands. It is shown in pathological augmentation of its or her tissues, thus in iron or gland there is a growth of a connecting and glandular tissue to formation of inspissations and cysts. Other name of disease - fibro a-cystic disease, a fibrosing adenosis or fibroadenomatosis. Amazes from 60 up to 80 percent or interests of women of genital age.

Principal cause of occurrence of disease - hormonal disbalans (first of all sexual hormones) in an organism of the woman. Often it is marked or celebrated on a background of stresses, diseases of a thyroid gland, adnexites, diseases of a liver (the liver is responsible for recycling sexual hormones). A paramount risk factor is the hereditary factor (presence of disease at relatives on a maternal line).

It is accepted to allocate two basic forms of disease - diffusive or diffuse and nodal, each of which, in turn, has some subtypes.

Some forms of the disease, accompanied the expressed cell fission, can be a background for development of a cancer of a mammary gland. If the doctor has diagnosed a mastopathy, it is necessary to be under its or his observation and to spend effective treatment of this disease.

22.01.2005, 14:00
Who knows?

Eni, the idea probably was in the air!

I since morning came here to look or see, if something at it a subject, have then got on sites, here that have found:

http: // www.mastopatia.ru/diagnostics.html

So the item or point about risk factors is especially interesting:

If someone is assured or confident, that is not included into group of risk - read through once again and be convinced, what is it not so.

I just in this occasion had a question:

Irregular sexual life and as consequence or investigation disturbance of hormonal balance is one of risk factors. And so at me an irregular sexual life because mine mol.chel. Studies abroad and we see it or him 2 times a year (in the summer 3 months and in the winter during a vacation - weeks 2)

How to be?

The visitor
22.01.2005, 22:45
Who knows?

Eni, the idea probably was in the air!

I since morning came here to look or see, if something at it a subject, have then got on sites, here that have found:

http: // www.mastopatia.ru/diagnostics.html

So the item or point about risk factors is especially interesting:

If someone is assured or confident, that is not included into group of risk - read through once again and be convinced, what is it not so.

I just in this occasion had a question:

Irregular sexual life and as consequence or investigation disturbance of hormonal balance is one of risk factors. And so at me an irregular sexual life because mine mol.chel. Studies abroad and we see it or him 2 times a year (in the summer 3 months and in the winter during a vacation - weeks 2)

How to be?

Here in occasion of an irregular sexual life... We are protected by condoms and therefore man's hormones do not suffice me, so to me the doctor has told or said. What to do or make? I do not wish to become pregnant

26.01.2005, 11:17
I do not wish to become pregnant

And hormonal tablets do not wish to start to accept

26.01.2005, 18:39
[quote = "Foxy_k"] the Mastopathy - dishormonal good-quality disease of mammary glands. It is shown in pathological augmentation of its or her tissues, thus in iron or gland there is a growth of a connecting and glandular tissue to formation of inspissations and cysts. Other name of disease - fibro a-cystic disease, a fibrosing adenosis or fibroadenomatosis. Amazes from 60 up to 80 percent or interests of women of genital age.

Principal cause of occurrence of disease - hormonal disbalans (first of all sexual hormones) in an organism of the woman.

The Mastopathy and Fibroadenoma are connected among themselves?

In what their difference?

The visitor
29.01.2005, 20:19
I do not wish to become pregnant

And hormonal tablets do not wish to start to accept

Frightens while

The visitor
02.02.2005, 02:19
I do not wish to become pregnant

And hormonal tablets do not wish to start to accept

Frightens while

That you so frightens

Brooklyn Girl
04.02.2005, 16:28
The mastopathy has started to disturb me about 4 years ago, accepted "Mastodinon", to me has very much helped or assisted, earlier a pain were strong, and now about-about-about-very or -very much rare when that kolnet, so this medicine at me always in the first-aid set

04.02.2005, 20:06
The mastopathy has started to disturb me about 4 years ago, accepted "Mastodinon", to me has very much helped or assisted, earlier a pain were strong, and now about-about-about-very or -very much rare when that kolnet, so this medicine at me always in the first-aid set

And at me nothing pricks, simply a dyscomfort I feel, well the breast one, and besides during monthly one hardly hurts more... It too a mastopathy? To me the doctor the mastopathy has told or said that, and I heard that at a mastopathy a colitis something

06.02.2005, 16:57
The mastopathy has started to disturb me about 4 years ago, accepted "Mastodinon", to me has very much helped or assisted, earlier a pain were strong, and now about-about-about-very or -very much rare when that kolnet, so this medicine at me always in the first-aid set

And at me nothing pricks, simply a dyscomfort I feel, well the breast one, and besides during monthly one hardly hurts more... It too a mastopathy? To me the doctor the mastopathy has told or said that, and I heard that at a mastopathy a colitis something

I feel more likely feeling of the dyscomfort, one time at me developed sensation, that the breast doing not wash, at walking uzhastno hurted or was ill;was sick. The gynecologist has felt my breast and has told or said poprinimat Mastodinon, only I constantly forget

And in general nachitavshis the Internet to become terribly, especially the phrase about a cancer

Mine the doctor speaks correctly me: it is necessary less internetovsik to read clauses or articles

10.02.2005, 00:44
At me too a mastopathy. However, pains practically are not present. So, kolnet sometimes and all. But the breast as though silikonovaja became. The doctor has told or said to accept BADy "biozin" and " Brest to the Penalty ". I drink a month, at all has not helped or assisted.. And cost or stand greater or big money. There is here somebody who too so was treated?

Can indeed Mastodion poprinimat?..

12.02.2005, 10:31
Can indeed Mastodion poprinimat?..

propobujte, also costs or stands cheaply

13.02.2005, 09:21
3 years ago accepted "mamoliptin". If memory does not change, went to Russia and there has got. At us it or him is not present

Brooklyn Girl
16.02.2005, 01:44
Can indeed Mastodion poprinimat?..

propobujte, also costs or stands cheaply

Also improvement helps or assists practically at once comes

17.02.2005, 14:05
3 years ago accepted "mamoliptin". If memory does not change, went to Russia and there has got. At us it or him is not present

Kogdaja the doctor about this medicine has asked, she pokrivilas and has told or said, that it " has not justified itself ", but Brest to the Penalty and biozin - super- effective.. However, I already for a long time not up to the extremity or end trust doctors.. The Place where I got medicines advised by her or it, has very much reminded base of diffusion as mains-operated marketing. As though she from our trouble too has something..

And Mastodinon poprorbuju all the same! Time speaks people, that is effective, means, really effectively.

18.02.2005, 05:00
3 years ago accepted "mamoliptin". If memory does not change, went to Russia and there has got. At us it or him is not present

Kogdaja the doctor about this medicine has asked, she pokrivilas and has told or said, that it " has not justified itself ", but Brest to the Penalty and biozin - super- effective.. However, I already for a long time not up to the extremity or end trust doctors.. The Place where I got medicines advised by her or it, has very much reminded base of diffusion as mains-operated marketing. As though she from our trouble too has something..

And Mastodinon poprorbuju all the same! Time speaks people, that is effective, means, really effectively.

Well so when it was. Today, certainly, there are new preparations, but to me has helped or assisted

21.02.2005, 16:29
At me too a mastopathy. However, pains practically are not present. So, kolnet sometimes and all. But the breast as though silikonovaja became. The doctor has told or said to accept BADy "biozin" and " Brest to the Penalty ". I drink a month, at all has not helped or assisted.. And cost or stand greater or big money. There is here somebody who too so was treated?

Can indeed Mastodion poprinimat?..

At me too a breast as though doing not wash, whether as that grows dumb that. To me have written out -127, Aevitum and novopassit

23.02.2005, 21:48
The mastopathy has started to disturb me about 4 years ago, accepted "Mastodinon", to me has very much helped or assisted, earlier a pain were strong, and now about-about-about-very or -very much rare when that kolnet, so this medicine at me always in the first-aid set

And at me nothing pricks, simply a dyscomfort I feel, well the breast one, and besides during monthly one hardly hurts more... It too a mastopathy? To me the doctor the mastopathy has told or said that, and I heard that at a mastopathy a colitis something

I feel more likely feeling of the dyscomfort, one time at me developed sensation, that the breast doing not wash, at walking uzhastno hurted or was ill;was sick. The gynecologist has felt my breast and has told or said poprinimat Mastodinon, only I constantly forget

And in general nachitavshis the Internet to become terribly, especially the phrase about a cancer

Mine the doctor speaks correctly me: it is necessary less internetovsik to read clauses or articles

I accepted mastodinon some years. Special improvement has not noticed. Read a heap of clauses or articles, went on doctors, was afraid-experienced, has then hammered, began OK to drink, all was normal, has now ceased to drink - a breast the same as and earlier, before monthly increases or is enlarged, serious becomes and hurts terribly. I smear with gel prozhestozhel, it becomes easier.

25.02.2005, 11:11
Kogdaja the doctor about this medicine has asked, she pokrivilas and has told or said, that it " has not justified itself ", but Brest to the Penalty and biozin - super- effective.. However, I already for a long time not up to the extremity or end trust doctors.. The Place where I got medicines advised by her or it, has very much reminded base of diffusion as mains-operated marketing. As though she from our trouble too has something..

They from it or this certainly have. Doctors can be understood, at them salaries small, but we to recover we want! I usually at once speak on such - write out to me only that is on sale in usual drugstores, anywhere specially I shall not go and neizvvestno that, any additives, I shall not is.

So they at once are inflated or distended and not so especially wish me to treat. Here so. It is necessary to change the doctor.

27.02.2005, 03:40
I too advise Mastodinon...... Pains excruciated awful and when it or him you start to drink, very quickly there comes simplification. Then repeated still few times........ But here year as me nothing disturbs two..... The truth to accept it is necessary really longly and to not pass or miss.

27.02.2005, 20:46
When chuvstuju a dyscomfort - I force itself there is a pomegranate (or juice garnet), red calf (1 jar usually suffices) and sea kale. I act so many years and consequently for me these products as a medicine.. " In a peace time " I do not eat them. (about once a quarter or less often I eat usilenno these products)

The visitor
03.03.2005, 23:01
And with skolki years she can appear???

The visitor
04.03.2005, 06:58
And with skolki years she can appear???

Yes early can

The visitor
07.03.2005, 23:26
Early it with skolki with 20 or still and earlier??