Просмотр полной версии : Question to the Woman to the-doctor (prolaktenemija)

09.06.2005, 06:27
Kind time of the day, the dear Woman the-doctor!

Once I already asked to you the questions on planning pregnancy and have received your answer and references, for what huge to you thanks.

If it is possible, respond please and to these questions

It is impossible bebi! (((((

Has handed over a blood on hormones the analysis has shown the raised or increased maintenance or contents of Prolactinum. Have now directed me on a roentgen of a turkish saddle (I wait for the turn). Uzi organs of a small basin and with ZPPP all ok.

Would like to learn or find out from you the following:

Whether 1. there is at me a chance to become pregnant in general?

It to be treated???? Why so occurs or happens? Stresses or, probably, gipofizarnaja an adenoma? (the roentgen will show probably) It would be desirable to learn or find out about it or this more in detail if it is possible.

2. Schedule BT at me too strange is a little. In the first phase the temperature almost always 36,9, then goes down a little. And in the second phase it is no more 37,3. Probably it too because of Prolactinum? Or it is necessary to pay on something special attention?

And also I would like to learn or find out, WHETHER TIME of measurement of temperature is important??? Because I measured it or her duly, BUT hours per 9-10 mornings (I sleep much). It is important to measure always in one both too time and early in the morning?

3 to you many thanks for attention.

With impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you or to your reply.

Yours faithfully,